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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

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I am even more amazed about people saying Sony would be a better partner for Nintendo.... The company that tried their best to kill Nintendo would be a better partner for them...Yep i can see how that would work out...

For instance i know if Ms partnered with Nin they would allow them to keep their branding and do their own thing since the Nin brand is much much more than the MS one or Xbox etc. Sony would be like fuck that your now the PS brand and thats it. Sony is the ones who entered this game before MS with lots of money way way richer than Sega or Nintendo and used that to push Sega out and tried their best to do the same with Nintedno but they are now the best partners for them in some Sony fans eyes. WTF is wrong with you is all i say....

I just want Bayonetta 2 and 3 officially on Steam, is that so much to ask for

TheTitaniumNub said:

I just want Bayonetta 2 and 3 officially on Steam, is that so much to ask for

Nintendo could indeed accept a legitimate port to PC if Sega prolly bought them back the development cost and exclusive licensing of these 2 games.

But hey, just be happy these 2 games exist to begin with thanks to Ninty money and good relationship with Platinum Games.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Kneetos said:

Say it with me

I don't know why these posts are liked and tolerated by so many people.🤔

If someone posted an image like Xbox doomed, no one would laugh, on the contrary, they would probably get a warning from the moderators.

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Microsoft leak reveals what Phil Spencer really thinks of the PS5: "We have a better product than Sony does, not just on hardware"

"proud of our team. We have a better product than Sony does, not just on hardware but equally important on the software platform and services on top of the hardware. We have the ingredients of a winning plan."

Oh no arrogant Sony Microsoft is back!

The PS5 and Xbox Series released within days of each other, and the sales ratio is nearly 2:1 in favor of PS and growing. Having confidence in your team and your product is one thing, but outright arrogance and delusion is another. So much winning!

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

Now he is threatening MS will quit the gaming industry

lol the real Phil is finally out there. Has said sorry for a decade. Failed to bring the brand back up. Just wants a monopoly. Fails at managing studios. A bunch of crazy talk.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Signalstar said:

Microsoft leak reveals what Phil Spencer really thinks of the PS5: "We have a better product than Sony does, not just on hardware"

"proud of our team. We have a better product than Sony does, not just on hardware but equally important on the software platform and services on top of the hardware. We have the ingredients of a winning plan."

Oh no arrogant Sony Microsoft is back!

The PS5 and Xbox Series released within days of each other, and the sales ratio is nearly 2:1 in favor of PS and growing. Having confidence in your team and your product is one thing, but outright arrogance and delusion is another. So much winning!

MS doesn't have console exclusives like Last, Uncharted, God, Horizon, spider, etc.  MS doesn't have a hardware issue as much as a software issue.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Kneetos said:

Say it with me

I don't know why these posts are liked and tolerated by so many people.🤔

If someone posted an image like Xbox doomed, no one would laugh, on the contrary, they would probably get a warning from the moderators.

The point of the image is: Phil spencer is saying that this almost 140 year old company doesn't know what's best for itself

The "Nintendo is doomed" meme is quite fitting here for this thread as a result, which is why people liked it.

People buy Nintendo consoles for their games, and they make a lot of money for it, the switch has sold an estimated 130 million sales and games like mario kart 8, in just 7 years has sold more then any first party game then Sony or Microsoft has ever released for any of their consoles.

Nintendo is also the only company doing any sort of meaningful expansion, instead of just buying studios, Nintendo of Japan bought land to build another building to hire more staff... (thanks Nintendo life) so they clearly aren't in any financial danger, a far cry from what Mr "they just don't realise their future is elsewhere" is saying

Now if people went with Microsoft, or specifically Xbox doomed, well, Microsoft already admitted that they were in last place and doing poorly compared to Sony and Nintendo. But I don't think the mods would care and maybe point out that "well Microsoft is saying they are in the gutter so... maybe (?)

Sorry for the essay vgc

chakkra said:
RolStoppable said:

Software sales would most likely not increase to an appreciable degree, unless one believes that tens of millions of gamers refuse to buy Nintendo hardware to play Nintendo games. In order to believe that, one has to give a lot of weight to the obnoxious voices on the internet who are all for Nintendo going third party. But here's a hint: Even among those who complain the most, most of them did buy Nintendo hardware already.

Wait, are you actually saying with a straight face that if MK8 or Pókemon released next week on PS4-PS5, they wouldn't sell that much?

Heck, if Monster Hunter Rise was able to almost double it's sales numbers in just one year after releasing in other platforms (and being released Day One on a subscription service), what in God's name makes you think that Nintendo games would be any different?

Yes, they wouldn't sell enough. The reasoning is two-fold:

1. Your example of Monster Hunter Rise concerns a game that was known to not be exclusive before it launched on Nintendo Switch. By default, this results in people holding out for ports.

2. The part of my previous post - that you snipped - already explained why it's not just about software sales. Nintendo's games fuel their own ecosystem where they profit off every aspect from it. This means that if they went third party, they'd have to make enough money on other platforms to not only offset what they'll lose on their own platform, but make significantly more than that. So, for example, selling 20m copies of Mario Kart 8 on PS just wouldn't cut it. It would have to be way more than that, because the first drawback of selling Mario Kart 8 on another platform is that Nintendo will have to give away 30% of the profit of their game. So I'd put the magnitude we are talking about in the case of Mario Kart 8, the amount it would have to sell on other platforms at full price to be financially worth it when you also consider all the negative impact on Nintendo's own ecosystem, at well north of 100 million copies.

With 130m Switch consoles already sold, the amount of people holding out for Nintendo games on other platforms can be safely said to be very low.


Regarding another leak: LOL at Phil Spencer's judgment of the state of the Xbox Series before its launch. With all the things being revealed with these leaks, it's no surprise whatsoever that Xbox gets manhandled so much. Xbox is in a distant third place and has no exclusive games and will get no exclusive games; it's the story of a company who believed that it can rewrite the rules of the console business.

Regarding big companies buying smaller companies: I am not holding the opinion that consolidation is bad by default. If a mediocre or bad company gets bought by a better company, then it's fine because management will be taken over by better people. This is why Microsoft buying Activision is okay, because Microsoft has a better track record as third party publisher than Activision. But if a good company gets bought by a worse company, then it's a bad thing. Hence why Microsoft buying Nintendo is such a terrible thought, because Microsoft's track record as first party is pathetic in comparison to Nintendo.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.