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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lowest scored GOTY nominees.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Mnementh said:

Tears of the Kingdoms basically has the same Meta. Resident Evil 4, Street Fighter and Diablo all top 90, meaning they are great games. And I can assume Starfield and Spiderman will join the 90+ club as well. So yeah, lots of valid choices. While I personally would really like BG3 to win, I cannot say that outlets would be wrong in choosing one of the other options.

Diablo? That greedy company ruined the fucking game to suck as much money from it as possible, spiderman was my goty instead of gow that year but suderman 2 will be better than 1 but its not a defining gen game, tears is more of the same with improvements. Baldurs gate will shape the rpg landscape for years too come.

You clearly haven't played TotK.

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Kakadu18 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Diablo? That greedy company ruined the fucking game to suck as much money from it as possible, spiderman was my goty instead of gow that year but suderman 2 will be better than 1 but its not a defining gen game, tears is more of the same with improvements. Baldurs gate will shape the rpg landscape for years too come.

You clearly haven't played TotK.

True. There were no improvements.

mZuzek said:
Kakadu18 said:

You clearly haven't played TotK.

True. There were no improvements.

"Did.. did mZuzek just say that?!?!?"

"I'm in utter disbelief, Marv..."

Tears of the Kingdom is the exact same game we played in 2017, but with a mechanic that was in Banjo Kazooie Nuts n Bolts first. BG3 is the first game this year that is truly deserving of a GOTY award.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:

If baldurs gate 3 does not win goty something must be very rotten in gaming press

talk about hyperbole lmao. If Tears of the Kingdom wins it won't be the end of the world.

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TheTitaniumNub said:

Tears of the Kingdom is the exact same game we played in 2017, but with a mechanic that was in Banjo Kazooie Nuts n Bolts first. BG3 is the first game this year that is truly deserving of a GOTY award.

It absolutely is not the same game, at all. Elements like Ultrahand and Fuse fundamentally change and expand the gameplay, the world has been overhauled and added to, it is its own game in every way that matters.

Nuts and Bolts did not invent building mechanics either, that's like saying Baldur's Gate does nothing new because other games have made RPG elements before.

DonFerrari said:
curl-6 said:

TOTK isn't just "more of the same" though, the Ultrahand mechanic and the possibilities it unlocks are an entire new core gameplay system that wasn't in BOTW. 

Most sequels, at least the ones the dev cared enough, have a lot of new elements/mechanics, so this doesn't change his point. Although I can agree from the videos I saw that TOTK is really very different than BOTW.

His point is wrong; TOTK isn't just more of the same, the potential of Ultrahand and what can be done with it alone extends way beyond the additions made to most sequels.

My GOTY is probably going to be Alan Wake 2. I'm waiting for this game for almost a decade.

I'm not into RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3, but I heard this game has an absurd amount of content. Like, you can play the campaign dozens of times and it will still be a small fraction of everything the game has to offer.

I respect that. If it wins the GOTY award, I will not complain. Plus, RPG lovers seems to be enjoying it really good.

I'm guessing the 6 GOTY nominations at Keighley's The Game Awards 2023 will be Zelda, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, Spider-Man, Street Fighter 6, and FF16. Of those, I suspect that either Spider-Man or FF16 will have the lowest reviews, but hard to say at this point which of the two, as Spider-Man 1 got an 87 and Spider-Man Miles Morales got an 85, both lower than FF16's 88, but the sequel could do better than the previous 2 games. 

As for the overall Game of the Year tracking that you see on sites like and, you will see the highly reviewed games that got snubbed by Keighley's show doing a bit better on the rankings there, games like HiFi Rush, Resident Evil 4 remake, and Dead Space remake.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 18 August 2023

Meta is a joke and a plague. TGA's are trash.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

mZuzek said:
Kakadu18 said:

You clearly haven't played TotK.

True. There were no improvements.

*Rolls eyes*