Deyon said:
Pretty telling of what? It's general knowledge that Nintendo after the GameCube is not really in it to compete with Sony or Microsoft in a lot of ways. Different approach to console design, different business strategies, different focus on certain demographics etc. They are off doing their own thing and being mega successful at it. The Wii won sure but the console wars of the 7th gen has always been ps3 vs 360 cuz they were basically a clone of each other, and that's why I 'omitted' the Wii. Not everything is a dig at Nintendo < 3 Edit: holy hell @ that Rol post! I need 3 business days to read analyze and give my feedback. |
While Nintendo had to differentiate itself from Sony to compete in the console market, it is not like Nintendo isn’t a competitor to Sony and Microsoft. That’s just a fact.
But more importantly, for the sake of your thread discussion, particularly in 2007-2009 the success of Nintendo in comparison to Sony was not an absolute and much of the traffic generated here at VGC was a result of folks coming to the site to monitor that race. You may think it was a foregone conclusion but it absolutely was not, and even as Nintendo dominated the number of fanboys from other console bases who were claiming that Nintendo’s success was empty and shallow definitely helped to drive up traffic on this site.
I didn’t take your comment as a slight against Nintendo, but rather it is telling of your understanding of the culture that helped VGC thrive in its heyday.