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Forums - General Discussion - Do you like kids ?


Do you like kids ?

I love kids. 31 67.39%
I hate kids. 15 32.61%
NobleTeam360 said:


Don't mind me. Just piggybacking off this.">"><img src="

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I like kids, but I don't like when they mess with stuff they really shouldn't. To be fair, I need to put child locks on the cabinets holding my Smash Bros. collectibles.

Children (at least the ones who don't suffer from mental illnesses), are basically humans in their purest, most honest, most innocent state. It's a shame the world forces most people to abandon that side of themselves.

Last edited by JackHandy - on 01 June 2023


All men?? Have all the women and NBs left the site? Am I the last of my kind???

Also kids are alright, they bring a lot of joy into this world but can get annoying fast tho.


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Like them way more than adults

As with people, it depends on the individual. Some kids are well behaved, positive, and considerate. Some kids are bratty, self centered, and mean. The same can be said for all of us adults. I do think that many of the problems we have with particular kids goes directly back to the parents for not providing a better upbringing. I won't lay all of the faults of children at the feet of their parents, but certain behaviors (like in stores, restaurants, or theaters) can definitely be worked on at home and reinforced in public to ensure a good time is had by all when out in public.

Cobretti2 said:

All kids are great, as they remind you of how simple life was at that age.

However, I don't put myself in risky situations, so I don't interact with them unless they approach my son and me. It is bad enough that people ask all the time is this your child just because my son has a different skin tone to me lol.

I think my view is like that because in my 20s my next door neighbour's kid was playing on the road and his mum was just sitting their on the porch with no care in the world. Next minute a car turned up my road and was flying up towards were the kid was playing. Lucky I was mowing the lawn and quickly ran out and grabbed the kid. All I got was a don't you fucking touch my kid verbal blast for 5mins. Not a thank you for saving his life. Some people are just mental that way.

Best to mind your own business in all situations. 

tsogud said:

All men?? Have all the women and NBs left the site? Am I the last of my kind???

Also kids are alright, they bring a lot of joy into this world but can get annoying fast tho.

Nope, I'm a girl and am here. Though I'm new here so maybe everyone left beforehand.

On children... I kinda like children, during family dinners (20+ people, yuck)  and such I ignore all the adults and play games with some of my siblings children instead so I guess I like children in general more than adults at least. Children can be fun and smarter than one expects, but some of them can be bothersome after a while.

Yes, no issue with kids.

Looking forward to having some in the future - so excited for the future.