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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 February 2024

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I better see this shit on the frontpage of news everywhere tomorrow, even in UK I saw news outlets reporting about Biden mixing up the leader of two countries so I better see it reported that Trump is essentially encouraging Russia to slaughter Americas NATO allies if they "don't pay up" and Democrats should blast this in their ad campaigns.

Former President Donald Trump Openly Encourages Russia to Attack NATO Allies.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 February 2024

Frankly, the best thing that can happen to Europe is to divorce themselves from the USA and achieve self-sufficiency. What's the point of continuing to align yourself with a country that is geographically protected from all the consequences of its unbelievably stupid for policies creating refugee crisis after crisis that Europe has to bear the brunt of. To top it off Europe has to worry every few years about who's going to be the president there because a group of voters there have some serious daddy issues and are looking for a macho man to rule them and says things like you don't pay we don't play. You have already had four years of this joke of a guy, we are at the point where Biden is more strict on the border than he ever was, you must know it's all an act at this point, what is the goddamn appeal anymore?

LurkerJ said:

Frankly, the best thing that can happen to Europe is to divorce themselves from the USA and achieve self-sufficiency. What's the point of continuing to align yourself with a country that is geographically protected from all the consequences of its unbelievably stupid for policies creating refugee crisis after crisis that Europe has to bear the brunt of. To top it off Europe has to worry every few years about who's going to be the president there because a group of voters there have some serious daddy issues and are looking for a macho man to rule them and says things like you don't pay we don't play. You have already had four years of this joke of a guy, we are at the point where Biden is more strict on the border than he ever was, you must know it's all an act at this point, what is the goddamn appeal anymore?

I'm definitely all for European self-sufficiency but the end of NATO (because make no mistake, Trump wouldn't protect anyone even if they paid NATO money) would also imply Italian and potentially German nukes, a flaring of Greek-Turkish tensions, Putin setting his eyes on eastern Latvia and Estonia, etc.

Not to mention if he does the same in the east, we get the Japanese and South Korean nukes in the Pacific, the invasion of Taiwan, the inevitable retreat from America from the Indo-Pacific theatre.

And that's without the massive backsliding in American (and potentially some Latin American countries too) democracy. Just a shittier world all around.






I do agree in the long term, Europe needs to wean themselves off being dependent on the USA militarily, Republicans have made it clear that they aren't reliable allies and have gone full blown Trumpism/Russia sympathetic, having said that, it should have been done alongside the USA, as allies of the USA, not because some twat in the USA is threatening us and the cold honest truth is that, Europe simply is not ready yet nor will they be ready during a Trump presidency, the brutal truth is that Ukraine will not win without the USA.

And I also agree, Trump's end goal is not to "make people pay" but rather it's to weaken NATO, it's to turn Americans against it and then eventually leave it, I do not believe Trump would protect NATO countries either way. He has made his hatred of Europe quite clear over the years. It is actually insane that we have a potential president of the United States openly stating that he would encourage Russia to attack America's allies. America also helps to keep tensions between Greece and Türkiye down.

By all means, encourage Europe to massively invest in its own military capabilities, which will mean less jobs for Americans and less European purchasing from America. Poland alone right now is investing massively into purchasing American equipment. That aside, NATO has never been more important than it is now, the weakening of NATO would bring us closer to another world war. This fucker is a threat to global security, Ukraine will be screwed under him, Europe would be at further risk and I don't trust he would defend Taiwan/South Korea either.

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I've been watching American satire this weekend, such as the Daily Show. I don't care how old these videos are, they are still funny when you see them for the first time, especially the snippets they show from Fox News. And then it gets only more hilarious when you think about how many Americans watch Fox News and believe the stuff that is being said on there.

Fox News is something of the kind that you get over here only as some small internet show, not as an actual TV channel. It's so outlandish, so propagandistic, so braindead, so fake, so damn stupid. But I am sure that the vast majority of the Fox News audience thinks of themselves as critical thinkers.

The exposure to Fox News must be among the main reasons that have made Americans dumber over time, because the same phenomenon can be observed over here in Europe when outlandish people get asked where they get their news from. It's essentially always some Fox News equivalent or a social media bubble, because they are oblivious to how algorhythms work.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Well, it turned out to be true that the Super Bowl was rigged. The Chiefs won it in the most dramatic fashion after trailing by 10 points earlier in the game, going into overtime and falling behind by 3 before scoring a touchdown 3 seconds before overtime expired. This was not only dramatic, it was also heroic, patriotic and just about the most American way of winning a football game. Taylor Swift's imminent endorsement of Biden will decide the upcoming presidential election before the republicans are even done with their primaries.

And all this on top of the primaries not going well for republicans to begin with. Word is that no one is the most popular choice among their fanbase.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Um at this rate. I think we need to just get along and chill out. But as history showes humans always like going to war with each other.


RolStoppable said:

Well, it turned out to be true that the Super Bowl was rigged. The Chiefs won it in the most dramatic fashion after trailing by 10 points earlier in the game, going into overtime and falling behind by 3 before scoring a touchdown 3 seconds before overtime expired. This was not only dramatic, it was also heroic, patriotic and just about the most American way of winning a football game. Taylor Swift's imminent endorsement of Biden will decide the upcoming presidential election before the republicans are even done with their primaries.

And all this on top of the primaries not going well for republicans to begin with. Word is that no one is the most popular choice among their fanbase.

Overtime in the Super Bowl does not end within the first quarter.  It ends when one team score and the other team does not.  Meaning each team gets one  possession, no matter the time on the clock.  If both teams are tied after their first possession, its the next team that scores that wins. So in this case, even if the Chiefs would not have scored with the clock about to expire in the first quarter, it would have just gone to the second quarter.

Now everything else you said will happen.  Taylor will give Biden his endorsement which will motivate all those young women who never vote to come out and support Biden.  This will cause the GOP to demand women votes be stricken from the constitution plugging the US into Civil war.  Then a cyborg from the future will come to the present and try to kill Taylor Swift.  Also from the future will be Taylor and Travis son who was also sent back in time to save his mom.  Damn this scenario sounds so good, I believe they should make a movie about it.