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I've been watching American satire this weekend, such as the Daily Show. I don't care how old these videos are, they are still funny when you see them for the first time, especially the snippets they show from Fox News. And then it gets only more hilarious when you think about how many Americans watch Fox News and believe the stuff that is being said on there.

Fox News is something of the kind that you get over here only as some small internet show, not as an actual TV channel. It's so outlandish, so propagandistic, so braindead, so fake, so damn stupid. But I am sure that the vast majority of the Fox News audience thinks of themselves as critical thinkers.

The exposure to Fox News must be among the main reasons that have made Americans dumber over time, because the same phenomenon can be observed over here in Europe when outlandish people get asked where they get their news from. It's essentially always some Fox News equivalent or a social media bubble, because they are oblivious to how algorhythms work.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.