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I do agree in the long term, Europe needs to wean themselves off being dependent on the USA militarily, Republicans have made it clear that they aren't reliable allies and have gone full blown Trumpism/Russia sympathetic, having said that, it should have been done alongside the USA, as allies of the USA, not because some twat in the USA is threatening us and the cold honest truth is that, Europe simply is not ready yet nor will they be ready during a Trump presidency, the brutal truth is that Ukraine will not win without the USA.

And I also agree, Trump's end goal is not to "make people pay" but rather it's to weaken NATO, it's to turn Americans against it and then eventually leave it, I do not believe Trump would protect NATO countries either way. He has made his hatred of Europe quite clear over the years. It is actually insane that we have a potential president of the United States openly stating that he would encourage Russia to attack America's allies. America also helps to keep tensions between Greece and Türkiye down.

By all means, encourage Europe to massively invest in its own military capabilities, which will mean less jobs for Americans and less European purchasing from America. Poland alone right now is investing massively into purchasing American equipment. That aside, NATO has never been more important than it is now, the weakening of NATO would bring us closer to another world war. This fucker is a threat to global security, Ukraine will be screwed under him, Europe would be at further risk and I don't trust he would defend Taiwan/South Korea either.