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haxxiy said:
Shtinamin_ said:

That makes sense on the DNC side, though if Trump went away I feel like Vivek would have stay in the race and just enter the "Trump" position and gain all of the Trump voters (He already had 3 of Trumps delegates, that wouldve been for Trump I assume).

Whats the percent of black female voters (for Biden, for Trump) suspected to be in 2024?

Vivek, as well as Haley, has a sort of, er, disadvantage when it comes to being chosen as a candidate. So I'm not sure.

Black female voters usually go D over R by like 90 points.

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Around the Network
haxxiy said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Who would be the most likely backup of each party? 

At least who do you think would be.

That is contingent on what Harris would do, the optics would be really bad if she became president and wanted to run and they chose someone else. If she explicitly doesn't want to run, it'd be Newsom. If she did, they'd be locked into her or else risk losing a ton of black female votes in the elections (the most reliable D demographic).

As for the Republicans, it'd likely be De Santis.

Lets be honest, while Harris is half black, there isn't that many black female votes for any of the parties to really care about so I doubt that would be a consideration. Basically the party would get behind whoever they believe have a good chance of winning based on the candidates from the GOP.

As for the GOP, I would not put to much stock on it being Desantis.  He really is not liked that much within his own party and Haley probably has just as much of a chance as him to be their front runner.

Shtinamin_ said:
haxxiy said:

Vivek, as well as Haley, has a sort of, er, disadvantage when it comes to being chosen as a candidate. So I'm not sure.

Black female voters usually go D over R by like 90 points.

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

Lol, you must be new to US politics.  Yes, sex, age, race gender, sexuality you name it is all on the table when it comes to US politics more so then if the person getting the job is actually capable of doing it.

Shtinamin_ said:

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

The issue is that Republicans by and large vote by skin tone; so black people vote for the people who aren't opposed to their interests. 

Trump attacks Haley while referring to her by her first name Nimarata
"“Anyone listening to Nikki ‘Nimrada’ Haley’s wacked out speech last night, would think that she won the Iowa Primary. She didn’t, and she couldn’t even beat a very flawed Ron DeSanctimonious, who’s out of money, and out of hope,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Trump also recently amplified a post that falsely claimed Haley was ineligible to run for president because her parents were not US citizens at the time of her birth. Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, and is a US citizen.

The attacks echo Trump’s smears against former President Barack Obama. Trump was a chief promoter of the racist lie that Obama was not born in the US and ineligible to be president. Trump also regularly emphasizes Obama’s middle name, Hussein, at campaign rallies."

Nikki Haley backpedals amid criticism after omitting 'slavery' from Civil War causes

Haley, the former South Carolina governor and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, who is aiming to present herself as the top Republican alternative to former President Donald Trump, gave a lengthy answer but did not mention slavery — the primary cause of the war.

“I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do,” she said at the beginning of her response.

On Thursday, she appeared to backpedal, saying in a radio interview on “Good Morning New Hampshire” that “of course, the Civil War was about slavery” and that her comments reflect what it “means to us today.”

“What it means to us today is about freedom — that’s what that was all about. It was about individual freedom,” she said. “It was about economic freedom. It was about individual rights.”

Republicans are pretty consistently hostile to issues that affect black people. 

Florida has literally banned AP African American Studies, on the basis that issues that affect people might be political indoctrination. 

Machiavellian said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

Lol, you must be new to US politics.  Yes, sex, age, race gender, sexuality you name it is all on the table when it comes to US politics more so then if the person getting the job is actually capable of doing it.

Honestly if that’s how politics is done then the USA is messed up. Anyone that voted like that should not be given the right to vote.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

The issue is that Republicans by and large vote by skin tone; so black people vote for the people who aren't opposed to their interests. 

Republicans are pretty consistently hostile to issues that affect black people. 

Florida has literally banned AP African American Studies, on the basis that issues that affect people might be political indoctrination. 

Ok, honestly I have a lot of friends who vote Republican, and they say they want someone who can show, not just tell. And the way they treat people is almost God sent, they treat everyone the same and with respect.

Also your statement only talked about Republicans, so what have democrats done?


"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Shtinamin_ said:

Also your statement only talked about Republicans, so what have democrats done?

Well, my point was more so that Republicans pushed black people away, not that Democrats have done that much to bring them in. 

Democrats are more diverse, and they're fighting more issues that affect everyone.

Shtinamin_ said:

Ok, honestly I have a lot of friends who vote Republican, and they say they want someone who can show, not just tell. And the way they treat people is almost God sent, they treat everyone the same and with respect.

Also your statement only talked about Republicans, so what have democrats done?

I would say most people I know are Republicans. One on one, they're pretty good people. Some of them aren't as much, but they're generally decent.

The bigger issue is that they tend to be selective about when they care.

Quite a few of my family members are single issue pro-life voters. They don't care if people get hurt, if their one issue gets voted on.

One of my uncles was incredibly selective when he was giving credit to politicians. The good stuff that happened while Obama was president, well that's because congress was Republican. The bad stuff that happened while Trump was president, well that's because congress was Democratic.

A different uncle gave credit to Trump for something a month before he even became president. 

Similar logic was given by a friend of mine. We now have a democratic governor, must be his fault that a bad policy was passed. (Even though Republicans were the ones that pushed it here, and they basically control the government due to a super majority.)

Shtinamin_ said:
haxxiy said:

Vivek, as well as Haley, has a sort of, er, disadvantage when it comes to being chosen as a candidate. So I'm not sure.

Black female voters usually go D over R by like 90 points.

Why do you think they vote more D than R?

Better policy? Better change? Or something more surface level like skin tone?

(I personally think voting for skin tone and gender is one of the worst and scariest things to do. I like to understand who I vote for and what they plan to do and what they’ve done, and their “success rate”.)

A lot of Black voters felt betrayed by the Republican Party when Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) voted against the Senate version of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, especially after enduring a century of overt racism from the Democratic Party, especially in the South. 

That was the year when Goldwater was the Republican nominee for President against the incumbent, Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Another problem was that when Goldwater flipped five formerly reliable Democratic Southern states in the general election, the Republicans took careful note of that win pattern even though Goldwater otherwise lost in one of the worst landslides in American history. And so the Republicans began campaigning towards white Southern conservatives who felt betrayed by Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act. Nixon and George Wallace (who ran as an independent) both ran their campaigns using dog-whistle language geared towards white voters panicking about the Civil Rights Movement and the anti-war movement. Wallace siphoned off enough voters from Hubert Humphrey to give Nixon a huge win. This was what was known as the Southern Strategy, and today the South is dominated by the Republican Party, except in urban areas like Houston and Atlanta, as well as the border areas of Texas. Reagan also appealed to white blue-collar workers who lost their jobs in the 1970s as manufacturing moved overseas, though he was staunchly anti-union, with his handling of the PATCO strike being a prime example.

Republicans perpetuate their deficits with women and minorities by attacking abortion, affirmative action, immigration, and cities. That isn't to say that Democrats are perfect, far from it, in that too many of them pay lip service but little else to these issues. With that said, I live in a state which is Republican top to bottom, even in the two largest cities, and it has the exact same issues with crime and homelessness (crime is, in fact, higher here than in New York or California), as any Democratic state or city, along with a lot of rural poverty and drug use. 

ToolFan89 said:

Are you serious you think Biden is lesser of the two evils we need trump to make America pop again I’m not swayed by either party both evil but Biden is a puppet who sucks at even that lol at least with trump I had lots of income flying into my household tons of overtime economy is terrible inflation is extremely high in USA for everyone and u think Biden should stay in office man arnt u from Canada anyway? 

Trump made the US great again alright... The greatest laughingstock of the world that is.

Seriously, NOBODY outside the US is really taking him seriously. Not before, and not now. They're just laughing at his antics and feel sorry for Americans (along with some shaking heads as to how somebody like him could ever have been voted in).

His economic policies were pretty much a disaster, which just made stuff more expensive for the average American (to the point that most things, especially foodstuff, cost about half as much in Europe despite the nominal value of both currencies is almost equal), while his tax cuts are only permanent for the ultra-rich while for everybody else it's reverting back to pre-tax cut level, and all they did apart from making the rich (including himself) much richer is strongly raise the deficit of the US.

No one is suddenly talk about Biden's age, it's been an increasingly relevant conversation as time goes by, and it will only become more relevant by November 2024, there is no cure for dementia and cognitive decline, it doesn't matter which doctors you're surrounded by. Bernie is older but he's obviously more physically robust and mentally sharper. Both are at a higher risk of sudden death but only one is actually capable of running a campaign. 

We have ample of evidence of the DNC rigging primaries and weaponising mainstream media against Bernie and others. The "unelectable" brand he's been given by them is laughable when they pushed Hilary down America's throat as well as Kamala Harris, and now genocide demented Joe is more electable, ok. We've not had a fair democratic process without dark money pushing thumbs on the scale and the proper left isn't going anywhere by giving up all the leverage to people like Biden. 

(We're also not going anywhere if we ignore key issues people are concerned about, We had a chance with Corbyn here but he burned it to ashes because he was an idiot who ran an Anti-Brexit campaign after the people have made their will clear, he chose to be annihilated. As un-enthusing and horrible Sir Kier will be for us, he's at least not as a big of an idiot). 

Even if you think Biden is the indisputable choice, Biden running on "Trump is a threat to democracy" may want to clean up his own house first, the short of shit DNC is involved in reeks is the sort of thing you'd expect to happen in countries like Iran, the left should absolutely hold his feet to the fire and demand change instead of giving up all leverage this early. I also find the "Trump would be worse for Palestinians" to be insulting for Palestinians who haven't been able to have a shower for months, they're walking painted with the blood of their relatives breathing of the dust their homes were turned into. Biden is doing absolutely nothing for Palestinians and Netanyahu isn't listening to either candidate. 


The White House is campaigning to spin Biden’s support for Israel’s war while actively facilitating the slaughter.

He already has the green light to do anything he wants from Biden, how is a continuation of that green light from Trump is worse? it's going to be the same for them, no evidence suggests otherwise. Please, Biden has been slapped and humiliated repeatedly by MBS and the autocrats the USA put in power since he was elected. America's leverage only works over poor Europe who keeps backing the USA actions and suffer the consequences of those actions more than the USA will ever will. He's another American backed up war risking trade and inflation disruptions across Europe even though Europeans are massively more Pro-Palestine than Americans but nope, let's not make the USA look the only bad guy in the room here, that's gotta be good for us. To suggest Biden has any leverage over Israel 100 days into this war is a joke. 

And no, I don't like Biden and loathe Trump, I loathe both. Look how domesticated the left is, "I don't like genocide Joe", you shouldn't be treating a murderous maniac with kids gloves if you actually want progressives to win elections, choose your words more carefully. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 19 January 2024