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ToolFan89 said:

Are you serious you think Biden is lesser of the two evils we need trump to make America pop again I’m not swayed by either party both evil but Biden is a puppet who sucks at even that lol at least with trump I had lots of income flying into my household tons of overtime economy is terrible inflation is extremely high in USA for everyone and u think Biden should stay in office man arnt u from Canada anyway? 

Trump made the US great again alright... The greatest laughingstock of the world that is.

Seriously, NOBODY outside the US is really taking him seriously. Not before, and not now. They're just laughing at his antics and feel sorry for Americans (along with some shaking heads as to how somebody like him could ever have been voted in).

His economic policies were pretty much a disaster, which just made stuff more expensive for the average American (to the point that most things, especially foodstuff, cost about half as much in Europe despite the nominal value of both currencies is almost equal), while his tax cuts are only permanent for the ultra-rich while for everybody else it's reverting back to pre-tax cut level, and all they did apart from making the rich (including himself) much richer is strongly raise the deficit of the US.