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No one is suddenly talk about Biden's age, it's been an increasingly relevant conversation as time goes by, and it will only become more relevant by November 2024, there is no cure for dementia and cognitive decline, it doesn't matter which doctors you're surrounded by. Bernie is older but he's obviously more physically robust and mentally sharper. Both are at a higher risk of sudden death but only one is actually capable of running a campaign. 

We have ample of evidence of the DNC rigging primaries and weaponising mainstream media against Bernie and others. The "unelectable" brand he's been given by them is laughable when they pushed Hilary down America's throat as well as Kamala Harris, and now genocide demented Joe is more electable, ok. We've not had a fair democratic process without dark money pushing thumbs on the scale and the proper left isn't going anywhere by giving up all the leverage to people like Biden. 

(We're also not going anywhere if we ignore key issues people are concerned about, We had a chance with Corbyn here but he burned it to ashes because he was an idiot who ran an Anti-Brexit campaign after the people have made their will clear, he chose to be annihilated. As un-enthusing and horrible Sir Kier will be for us, he's at least not as a big of an idiot). 

Even if you think Biden is the indisputable choice, Biden running on "Trump is a threat to democracy" may want to clean up his own house first, the short of shit DNC is involved in reeks is the sort of thing you'd expect to happen in countries like Iran, the left should absolutely hold his feet to the fire and demand change instead of giving up all leverage this early. I also find the "Trump would be worse for Palestinians" to be insulting for Palestinians who haven't been able to have a shower for months, they're walking painted with the blood of their relatives breathing of the dust their homes were turned into. Biden is doing absolutely nothing for Palestinians and Netanyahu isn't listening to either candidate. 


The White House is campaigning to spin Biden’s support for Israel’s war while actively facilitating the slaughter.

He already has the green light to do anything he wants from Biden, how is a continuation of that green light from Trump is worse? it's going to be the same for them, no evidence suggests otherwise. Please, Biden has been slapped and humiliated repeatedly by MBS and the autocrats the USA put in power since he was elected. America's leverage only works over poor Europe who keeps backing the USA actions and suffer the consequences of those actions more than the USA will ever will. He's another American backed up war risking trade and inflation disruptions across Europe even though Europeans are massively more Pro-Palestine than Americans but nope, let's not make the USA look the only bad guy in the room here, that's gotta be good for us. To suggest Biden has any leverage over Israel 100 days into this war is a joke. 

And no, I don't like Biden and loathe Trump, I loathe both. Look how domesticated the left is, "I don't like genocide Joe", you shouldn't be treating a murderous maniac with kids gloves if you actually want progressives to win elections, choose your words more carefully. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 19 January 2024