Something to look into, really. Even you don't care about Canada because they are too liberal whatever, it's only a matter of time before Europe gets hit because God knows why. Cancelled my Apple Music and switching to Spotify, my Apple TV is a free trial because (such a shit service, I feel robbed even though I'm watching it for free).
I know how cringe this sounds on the surface, but if you think about it, objectively, this is basically a war that's being waged on Canada for no reason at all, he wants them to become an American state, his own words. If you think this is okay, then you're next. Vast majority of my stockholdings are with American companies, so it's not in my personal interest for these companies to tank (nor they will?), but I'd probably sleep a bit better tonight knowing I've done something and I'm thinking about doing more. This ultimately should turn into a pan European movement, we don't have an ally there and we don't have to wait for them to inflict damage for us to start doing something.
I'd cut off the cancer inducing shitty edibles Americans mistake for food but we don't have this here anyway. Nor I think if they're allowed into the country, that's how fucked up your country is, but sure, continue to believe taxing Canadians will fix your problems.