Going to go with 89 on Metroid.
88 Metroid Prime
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
Alright I'll have to close the Metroid predictions here as the first review has showed up on OpenCritic (albeit an unscored one) and there are also already 2 reviews out on Metacritic (quite positive ones so far). All predictions before this post have been written up
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Metroid Prime remastered is certainly off to a good start. It is currently sitting at 94 on both OC and MC. Though there are only a few reviews so far it'll prolly sit down in the lower 90's, high 80's I believe
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Mar1217 said: Metroid Prime remastered is certainly off to a good start. It is currently sitting at 94 on both OC and MC. Though there are only a few reviews so far it'll prolly sit down in the lower 90's, high 80's I believe |
97 on Opencritic now. It won't drop below 90, I'm certain of that, because only one review so far scored it below that at 87 and most reviews would need to give it even lower scores for it to drop that much.
Kakadu18 said:
97 on Opencritic now. It won't drop below 90, I'm certain of that, because only one review so far scored it below that at 87 and most reviews would need to give it even lower scores for it to drop that much. |
Daym, it's currently the second best rated game ever on OpenCritic behind Odyssey. Almost certainly gonna drop, but impressive nonetheless.
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Mar1217 said: Metroid Prime remastered is certainly off to a good start. It is currently sitting at 94 on both OC and MC. Though there are only a few reviews so far it'll prolly sit down in the lower 90's, high 80's I believe |
Nah, more reviews gave it a higher score.
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