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Forums - Sales Discussion - December NPD 2022 Thread - #1 MWII, #2 Pokemon S/V, #3 GoW Ragnarok

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OP updated with VGChartz article on December NPD.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

trunkswd said:

OP updated with VGChartz article on December NPD.

Sorry if you get this question all the time, but is there any estimate on when the new charts come out? 
Thanks for all your hard work!

Edit: I had a feeling an update was around the corner. Forget this post. But still, thank you for your hard work!

Last edited by FarleyMcFirefly - on 17 January 2023


FarleyMcFirefly said:
trunkswd said:

OP updated with VGChartz article on December NPD.

Sorry if you get this question all the time, but is there any estimate on when the new charts come out? 
Thanks for all your hard work!

I am finishing them up right now for the week ending December 17. Week ending December 24 should be out later this week.

Last edited by trunkswd - on 17 January 2023

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

I will possibly get a lot of hate and will get crucified but I will say it anyway.

Both Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite were released at the end of 2021 but didn't chart in the NPD Top 20 games for 2022, so no much revenue from game sales.

Forza Horizon 5 was #20 for the 2021 rank but that's all.

Is still true that Game Pass helps sales or not for Big AAA First Party MS games??

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kazuyamishima said:

I will possibly get a lot of hate and will get crucified but I will say it anyway.

Both Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite were released at the end of 2021 but didn't chart in the NPD Top 20 games for 2022, so no much revenue from game sales.

Forza Horizon 5 was #20 for the 2021 rank but that's all.

Is still true that Game Pass helps sales or not for Big AAA First Party MS games??

For Halo the most popular and attractive part is the multiplayer and it's f2p. Don't know about Forza.

Blood_Tears said:

Yup, it sums up pretty much most expectations going through a typical December in the US. 

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

So Mario Rabbids was third best selling on the system this what did Ubisoft expect if that wasn't enough?!

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

KrspaceT said:

So Mario Rabbids was third best selling on the system this what did Ubisoft expect if that wasn't enough?!

The dev team was three times the size of the first games dev team. The budget was way to big.

Kakadu18 said:
KrspaceT said:

So Mario Rabbids was third best selling on the system this what did Ubisoft expect if that wasn't enough?!

The dev team was three times the size of the first games dev team. The budget was way to big.

But the game was also quite better and more expansive than the first so I'm not surprised either about the lofty expectations. Though they prolly wanted the IP the bloom like other 1st party franchises did on the Switch.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909