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If it is just those 4 they really need to work on their phrasing in the future, you don't say "including these 4 studios" unless you have games from more than those 4, you just say "with demos from these 4 studios".

Surely they must at least be planning the 2nd January Gamepass update for this Developer_Direct, after how completely and utterly underwhelming that 1st January Gamepass update was (only 3 games, the least for any single Gamepass update since Gamepass started afaik). The only reason I can think of for holding back most of their January gamepass reveals like that would be to put them on this Developer_Direct.

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Lol, why does my Xbox home screen keep using one of my main Home Menu slots to tell me that I need to renew my Gamepass sub, it doesn't expire for 6 more months.

shikamaru317 said:

If it is just those 4 they really need to work on their phrasing in the future, you don't say "including these 4 studios" unless you have games from more than those 4, you just say "with demos from these 4 studios".

Surely they must at least be planning the 2nd January Gamepass update for this Developer_Direct, after how completely and utterly underwhelming that 1st January Gamepass update was (only 3 games, the least for any single Gamepass update since Gamepass started afaik). The only reason I can think of for holding back most of their January gamepass reveals like that would be to put them on this Developer_Direct.

You'd think they would, or they might just announce it on the week of the event (Tuesday) or under promise, over deliver?! Lol.

I just don't see any good reason why they wouldn't mention they'd be Game Pass drops, or why they wouldn't mention Age of Empires II will be there, or why they wouldn't mention Goldeneye would be there, if they were in fact there. Mentioning those titles doesn't overhype the showcase, it's literally just saying "these two titles will also be there" and they're both from Xbox studios, it will only get more people to tune into the showcase.

Age of Empires II HD quite frankly deserves a mention just as much as ESO's next expansion does and I love ESO but Age of Empires has never been on Xbox consoles before, there are questions from the fanbase as to how it will work on Xbox consoles and how it will work on a controller, and it's releasing like a week after the showcase.

Looking forward to the showcase either way but since nothing has been confirmed other than those 4...I'll set expectations at those 4, anything more is a cool surprise, don't want to be disappointed expecting something that won't be there, even Grubb isn't sure if Hi-Fi will be there...Maybe they just push Hi-Fi and Belfry to E3 since they're both Fall/Holiday titles at the earliest.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 January 2023

I'm thinking like half an hour of Refall. 10 minutes Forza. Briefly namedrop the other two.

42 minutes for Redfall, 1 minute for a Game Pass montage, twitter post for the other 2 and just send Ryuu a message over Xbox with whatever the TESO news is. Done.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Ya'll really breaking down this shit minute to minute smdh.

Just like Nintendo directs that are focused on singular games, I'm not too hyped for this type of style of just known games. But I know it's important. Hope we can one day get a Direct with new stuff too as well as existing updates. Still a positive direction, as opposed to nothing until June.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:
Machiavellian said:

That is way to long for any of those games.  I hope this is not how it goes down or it will be a big snooze event.   5 mins tops for each game which is a long enough time to get your points in.

They've straight up said this showcase is a deep dive into those four titles, a deep dive isn't 5 minutes tops, that's close to your typical E3 trailer, Lol.

This showcase is not a "here's a game, here's a game, here's a game" it's a deep look into gameplay.

ESO reveal trailers per expansion alone are 3 minutes long usually.

Really does not matter what they say, the concept is flawed.  Listening to a developer jaw on for a while then showing some footage or even gameplay is a waste of time for this type of event.  Keep it short impactful and moving.  They can have some QA afterwards for people who want to go deeper but these type of events that will get a bigger audience will lose a lot of them after the first developer drone on about their game.  

Showcases should be events where you put the best gameplay forward and while I love a good Developer deep dive, I do not believe it should be this event.  Either way, after seeing enough of these, I am pretty sure its going to be boring for the majority of the audience.

Machiavellian said:
Ryuu96 said:

They've straight up said this showcase is a deep dive into those four titles, a deep dive isn't 5 minutes tops, that's close to your typical E3 trailer, Lol.

This showcase is not a "here's a game, here's a game, here's a game" it's a deep look into gameplay.

ESO reveal trailers per expansion alone are 3 minutes long usually.

Really does not matter what they say, the concept is flawed.  Listening to a developer jaw on for a while then showing some footage or even gameplay is a waste of time for this type of event.  Keep it short impactful and moving.  They can have some QA afterwards for people who want to go deeper but these type of events that will get a bigger audience will lose a lot of them after the first developer drone on about their game.  

Showcases should be events where you put the best gameplay forward and while I love a good Developer deep dive, I do not believe it should be this event.  Either way, after seeing enough of these, I am pretty sure its going to be boring for the majority of the audience.

Don't watch it then, Lol.

They've been very clear what kind of event this is from the start, if it isn't for you then you can dip out now and no harm done, you'll only have yourself to blame if you didn't listen to them and come out complaining that it was a lot of gameplay. Some livestreams are catered to different needs and not every one is the same.

Sony/Nintendo regularly do "Direct" style events which are focused entirely on a single thing for over 20 minutes and they're generally well received, this is just four of those put together, I don't see any harm in doing that when they make very clear beforehand what it is. I for one am looking forward to it. They're going to do one entirely dedicated to Starfield too, why is that good but this is bad? Lol.

gtotheunit91 said:

To that point, FFVII Remake has been immensely disappointing my first ever FF game. The combat and graphics are great, but the story draaaaaaaags and the side quests are so barebones that it’s a damn crime! 

Aww you should have played the original FFVII

(The remake is technically a sequel since it takes place in a alternate universe from the original)

Your impression of FFVII Remake reminds me of XV, a ton of sidequests (that involves finding a item or killing a monster) and a lot of extra fluff added to the "story"

I only played FFVII Remake's demo on PS4 but I do have the OG game on PS4 and Intergrade on Steam/PC.

Anyways, my first FF game was FFIV which I played on SNES back in 1992. Had no idea what the hell I was doing because it was my first RPG and I was early single digit old so didnt know better.

First FF game I did finish was FFIV but it was like a decade later via emulation.

First FF game I bought was IX and X when I bought my PS2 back in 2003.

I would recommend playing FF4, FF6, FF7 OG, FF9 or FF10 as a good starting FF game. Those games dont have the extra sidequests that XV/VII Remake and other recent RPGs have, they have sidequests but are not as generic nor as many, so you'll be sticking to the main story/campaign of the game most of the time.

I remember playing FFXV and getting to the 10th hour and then 40 hours passed just by doing sidequests/hunts - ended up being too OP and rushed through the rest of the game because I was too OP. Dont need to worry about stuff like that in the older FF games.

Latest High on Life update fixed the remaining achievement problems. Now everything is unlockable (not sure if you need to start a new game for it, though)