Mnementh said:
Ryuu96 said:
Haters can't admit that Rare's best games were under Microsoft.
Viva Pinata, Sea of Thieves > Everything Else*
*Didn't play Perfect Dark or Banjo 
I am not a fan of Jump&Runs, so Banjo falls through. Already said I liked the original Viva Pinata, haven't played any other, but looking into it should probably try Trouble in Paradise. Sea of Thieves looks like fun, certainly if I want to play an pirate thing looks better than Skull&Bones. Though the best Pirate thing is still Monkey Island. Perfect Dark was a disappointment. I was a PC player back in the 90s, so I saw the shooter revolution directly. Perfect Dark is from 2000, same year as Deus Ex. Half-Life was even two years earlier in 1998. Both pushed the box much more. The only thing about Perfect Dark was, that it could make a shooter work on console. Besides that it was not much. Sorry.
I have no interest in playing Banjo in 2024 but I would probably give a chance to a new one, I'm not sure how much I'd like it though, I loved Conker but in Rare Replay I hated how it felt which was disappointing to me, I would love another Conker still, way more than I would want a Banjo but sounds like Banjo is in development somewhere.
TIP is on Rare Replay.
I hated Grabbed by the Ghoulies but had a weird new appreciation for it in Rare Replay, Lol. Looking forward to Perfect Dark by Crystal Dynamics/The Initiative but yeah I have no interest in playing that old Perfect Dark now. Also I found Kameo a little rough around the edges but still a charming game, it had potential in a sequel.
Sea of Thieves is awesome fun, there is really nothing out there like it which I think helps its popularity, it really is dominating its space which consists of basically Sea of Thieves, Lol. Skull & Bones looks mid but even if it was good, I don't think it would scratch the same itch as Sea of Thieves, it looks more focused on hardcore aspects of sailing and less "fun" along with most of the gameplay being only via controlling the ship.
PotC in Sea of Thieves was awesome, I've yet to try the Monkey Island crossover, I hope they do One Piece next.
My favourite Rare titles would be Viva Pinata, Sea of Thieves and Conker, I want a sequel to both Viva Pinata and Conker the most.
I never got people saying that Rare "lost their charm" during the X360 era when I could feel it in most of their titles, aside from Kinect Sports but shit like this was said before Kinect Sports and it is said to describe current Rare too, Rare has always had a certain unique feeling to their titles and Sea of Thieves is no different, it has Rare's charm, but people seem to think "multiplayer only, must be soulless and bland" Lol.
Mind you, that's clearly a minority considering how popular Sea of Thieves is 
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 January 2024