Ryuu96 said:
Haters can't admit that Rare's best games were under Microsoft. Viva Pinata, Sea of Thieves > Everything Else* *Didn't play Perfect Dark or Banjo |
I am not a fan of Jump&Runs, so Banjo falls through. Already said I liked the original Viva Pinata, haven't played any other, but looking into it should probably try Trouble in Paradise. Sea of Thieves looks like fun, certainly if I want to play an pirate thing looks better than Skull&Bones. Though the best Pirate thing is still Monkey Island. Perfect Dark was a disappointment. I was a PC player back in the 90s, so I saw the shooter revolution directly. Perfect Dark is from 2000, same year as Deus Ex. Half-Life was even two years earlier in 1998. Both pushed the box much more. The only thing about Perfect Dark was, that it could make a shooter work on console. Besides that it was not much. Sorry.