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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bayonetta OG Voice Actress Calls For Boycott of Bayonetta 3

Kakadu18 said:
mZuzek said:

It really seems to vary wildly. I didn't think something like Bayonetta (the first one) would've taken only 4 days to record in its entirety, either way I still think Bayonetta 3 would've taken longer. The closest I've followed the behind-the-scenes of voice actors was with the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, all of whom worked on the game for several years (albeit with mo-cap, not just voice acting, but still).

There's no "but still". Mo-cap is completely different and is obviously done over a longer time frame. It's not just VA, it's full body acting. There's is no reason for someone who just needs to speak the lines into a microphone to take more than a few days. What exactly did you expect to take that long?

It's definitely not "just speak the lines into a microphone", that's selling the whole profession short. Anyway. It can obviously take more than a few days, but it can take as little as an afternoon, depending on a few factors, namely how many voice lines there are to record, how demanding the VA director is with the delivery of those lines, and how organized the project is as a whole. Assuming the two latter points are at the same level for Bayonetta 1 and 3, I still think it unreasonable to think it'd only take 4 days to record Bayonetta 3 as it likely has significantly more lines.

And by the way, while the actors for Guardians of the Galaxy did do mocap for specific cutscenes, the vast majority of their voice lines did not include mocap. Don't know the exact numbers or anything but based on what you see and hear in the game it's probably over 90% VA-only. It didn't take them years because of mocap, it took them years because there were lots of lines and the directors were demanding with the delivery. And also because they wanted the actors to be a part of the process so they brought them in early into the project, the results of this approach are clear to see in the game.

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Meh, I don't have a dog in this fight, I don't really care about voice work all that much, I'm not one of those "purists" who has to have the original voice actor and nothing else. Hundreds of people worked on this game, and I'm certainly not going to boycot it just because one of those people is unhappy with their paycheck.

Shatts said:
sc94597 said:

Profits are likely fine given that Bayonetta 2 has never dropped below $45 new and has sold about 2 million copies together on Wii U and Switch. With an estimated budget of $10 to $15 million dollars (maybe add a few million more for the port work) that leaves a ROI of probably 2-3 times after paying the merchants, with Nintendo getting the bulk of it but probably also Sega getting significant royalty fees for leasing the IP to Nintendo. 

Where are you getting those numbers? 

Nuvendil said:

The relationship with Nintendo does make it complicated.  They are publishing the game, but presumably they split that with Platinum in some fashion.  Well, Platinum and Sega.  Because it isn't actually first pary, Nintendo is acting as publisher, they still have an outside partner in Platinum and Sega they have to split with.  At least, that would be my understanding.  But if Platinum is paid up front, then that means they basically don't "make" anything on Bayonetta, Nintendo just funds their development plus tosses in extra after sales.  At any rate, Bayo 1 was a normal 3rd party release so my estimate there is probably still solid.  Could be a bit higher.

If Bayonetta 2 sold that much, that does help.  But the revenue still comes up way, way short.  And everything else I said still stands.  This is not some juggernaut money maker.  And most of that revenue either got sunk into marketing and merchandise and reinvestment into the company (Bayo 1) or sliced up into multiple pieces to satisfy various partners (Bayo 2 (as well as all that other stuff, though Bayo 2 was more restrained)).  

Oh and that breakdown is based on simple percentages that are pretty standard and has never, to my knowledge, been disputed. 

My broader point was, the revenue is way short of 450, let alone the profit.  And if you want to try and make estimates, use actual data.  Don't just pull numbers out of thin air.  I was doing a quick estimate with numbers from memory, you could do a more methodical one and get a more accurate picture.  But that picture isn't going to look anything like nearly half a billion. 

Exactly what I've been saying. Also nobody is bringing up the Bayonetta movie adaptation that flopped hard. I'm sure that costed them as well. 

There's a Bayonetta movie?

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

I'll wait for the next bayonetta on the next nintendo. Seeing the recent footage is like going back to 2010. The enemy design is underwhelming, nothing blows me away.

SuperJortendo said:
Shatts said:

Where are you getting those numbers? 

Nuvendil said:

The relationship with Nintendo does make it complicated.  They are publishing the game, but presumably they split that with Platinum in some fashion.  Well, Platinum and Sega.  Because it isn't actually first pary, Nintendo is acting as publisher, they still have an outside partner in Platinum and Sega they have to split with.  At least, that would be my understanding.  But if Platinum is paid up front, then that means they basically don't "make" anything on Bayonetta, Nintendo just funds their development plus tosses in extra after sales.  At any rate, Bayo 1 was a normal 3rd party release so my estimate there is probably still solid.  Could be a bit higher.

If Bayonetta 2 sold that much, that does help.  But the revenue still comes up way, way short.  And everything else I said still stands.  This is not some juggernaut money maker.  And most of that revenue either got sunk into marketing and merchandise and reinvestment into the company (Bayo 1) or sliced up into multiple pieces to satisfy various partners (Bayo 2 (as well as all that other stuff, though Bayo 2 was more restrained)).  

Oh and that breakdown is based on simple percentages that are pretty standard and has never, to my knowledge, been disputed. 

My broader point was, the revenue is way short of 450, let alone the profit.  And if you want to try and make estimates, use actual data.  Don't just pull numbers out of thin air.  I was doing a quick estimate with numbers from memory, you could do a more methodical one and get a more accurate picture.  But that picture isn't going to look anything like nearly half a billion. 

Exactly what I've been saying. Also nobody is bringing up the Bayonetta movie adaptation that flopped hard. I'm sure that costed them as well. 

There's a Bayonetta movie?

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At the end of the day the VA turned down the gig, whether the pay offered wasn't enough is not for me to say. However she has zero to do with this particular game, absolutely zilch. So to call for a boycott? She's gone to social media to have a good rant about it and trying to drum up some sheep to cause a ruckus, which is unfair to those that have grafted for the last 5 or so years. All close to the release date as well. I hope the game smashes sales records for the series, I really can't be doing with all this boycott this, cancel that attitude.

Chrkeller said:

It isn't my job to help a stranger get a pay raise. That is her role and responsibility. People are making something out of nothing

It’s not about you.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Vodacixi said:
SuperJortendo said:

There's a Bayonetta movie?

Thanks. Looks like shit. No wonder it flopped.

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

well I guess she will never voice another character

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Wait till she finds out what ridiculously low rates freelance translators are offered at much tighter deadlines.

Need something off Play-Asia?