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Forums - General Discussion - Until Further Notice, I Give Up

CaptainExplosion said:

 This is a real crisis I speak of that has no positive outcome.

Not with that attitude it doesnt. 

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SegaHeart said:

We cannot combat how Saudi Arabia thinks? I know theirs a country that sells little girls and boys to an Arab I think and the Arab can have 6 wifes compared to USA just 1 wife? their lifestyle and Believes I think Muslim god is Different from Christians and Catholics so many different beliefs? I think it was Iraq? Someone correct me? What atrocities does Muslim god or was it islam let Strangers buy kids and have 6 wifes? If I got Muslim god laws wrong then correct me because I think why such country allow those things? I am uneductated of Muslim culture I'm sorry don't stone me for being less educated sorry sorry. Why does Prophet muhammed marry six year old girl why why? is their no punishment for marrying a child. I forget which country allows strangers to marry children I hate them for marry baby. I'm an moron when it comes to other cultures.

My goodness, if you don't know a thing why do you keep posts like this coming.  You sound like a gossiping ninny, repeating all the memes and crap you see on your facebook.  Sorry if that's harsh, but seeing as you keep opining on crap with these blanket generalizations about religions and cultures I figured you needed a reminder that not everything you read or hear is accurate.

Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. The ideal life is one that is in harmony with Nature, of which we are all part, and an attitude of calm indifference towards external events

Control how you think

The first is that some things are within our control and some are not, and that much of our unhappiness is caused by thinking that we can control things that, in fact, we can’t

Train your mind

Taking stock at the end of each day, noting when you become irritated by something trivial, or act angrily in response to someone who perhaps didn’t deserve it, and so on. By noting your mistakes, it is hoped you will do better the next day

Accept what happens

Our lives are but moments when placed within this cosmic perspective. Given this, why should we expect the universe to deliver whatever it is that we might happen to want? On the contrary, it would be absurd to expect it to conform to our will

Conina said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Just letting you all know that I've given up on the world. Endangered species are dropping like flies. Sea levels are going to drown most of us. Chinese children make pretty much all our toys. Tyrants control our favorite video games. Rich people survive while the rest of us practically starve. Police brutality is normal. Mass shootings are increasing. Just fuck the world, let's just do whatever we want because nothing matters.

"Sea levels are going to drown most of us."

Most projections show a sea level rise of less than 1 meter in the next 100 years, the worst scenario is a sea level rise of 2.2 meters in the next 100 years:

Which altitude do you live? Sea levels won't drown most of us within our lifespan. We'll have other problems (f.e. if the gulf stream int the Atlantic breaks down, increase of extreme weather conditions...), but mass drowning won't be one of them.

"Chinese children make pretty much all our toys." - Do they? I'm sure, there are more Chinese adult workers making our toys than Chinese children workers.

"Police brutality is normal." - Not in most Western countries.

"Mass shootings are increasing." - Not a big problem in most countries.

Sea level predictions, like almost all climate change predictions, have been found to overstate the rate of change nearly all the time.  So, I'd bet we see a good bit less than 1 meter over the next 100 years.

There's not very much child labor in China anymore.

Police brutality is a real problem in many western countries.  But, it's still isn't super widespread. There are many other very serious problems with modern policing. But the likelihood that you or a loved one are going to get your ass kicked or killed by police is still extraordinarily low.

Mass shootings are not increasing anywhere that I'm aware of.  The only thing that has changed is that, in the US (and now other countries since much of the world follows the US' lead on media matters), we now call anything with three or more victims a "mass shooting" and they get tons of media attention.  So, it seems like there are a lot.  But, there are objectively fewer incidents of gun violence in the US now than at most points in the past.  

So yeah, police brutality is the only one of these issues that I see as a real, acute problem.  On the other hand, humanity has seen a sustained, long-term decrease in the number of people living in abject property and dying from starvation or dealing with food insecurity. Humans in general are in the midst of an extremely long-term, sustained, widespread increase in standards of living, life expectancies, and many other great things. There truly has never been a better time to be a human on planet Earth. 

SegaHeart said:

I haven't told him I sleep with men, But I don't want him to go Pyscho on me? I did have sex with men when I was younger I still do but he doesn't know? And my mom gets meltdowns if she finds out I had sex with men. She's into Christianity.

I reckon your mum knows. It is all making sense now why she told you not to have kids and I think she used doesn't want to be a grandmother as an excuse. It isn't for selfish reasons, its for the sake of you breaking a woman's heart when she finds out you really into men. NO woman wants to be that woman who been married 5-10 years then suddenly their husband says well actually I am gay and only married you out of fear what my family would do to me. This behaviour belongs in the 50s-90s. World is tolerant enough now that you should just come out of the closet. 



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Even wiser words.

That's a terrible mindset to have. Just because bad things happen, doesn't mean good doesn't exist. Perhaps get off social media for a while and focus on yourself? 

If you require alcohol to have fun, then you have a problem

Just tell mommy "no."

CaptainExplosion said:

Just letting you all know that I've given up on the world. Endangered species are dropping like flies. Sea levels are going to drown most of us. Chinese children make pretty much all our toys. Tyrants control our favorite video games. Rich people survive while the rest of us practically starve. Police brutality is normal. Mass shootings are increasing. Just fuck the world, let's just do whatever we want because nothing matters.

Unless things somehow get better I'm just giving up. If anyone needs me I'll be doing what I used to do before I realized the world is one big ball of shit and nothing will change that. I'm just tired of giving a fuck about who owns what or what comes from where.

You, Sir, need Islam.

CaptainExplosion said:

And now that my favorite video game company has been compromised by a country we despise, on top of every other shitty thing that's been happening this decade, I say "Go ahead, meteors, hit the fucking Earth. Doesn't matter anymore.". Please take note that this doesn't mean I'm suicidal, I'm just so pissed off and so sick of the world being a big fuck you to common decency, that I don't care what happens next.

Not suicidal... just wanting millions of people to die and/or suffer because of your personal problems.
