PDF said:
It is unlikely the US can stop Russian nukes or Europe for that matter. We still have a terrible time intercepting ICBMs. It is not the same as what Isreal does with the iron dome. Let alone the sheer amount of nuclear missiles that Russia can launch would overwhelm any system. https://www.salon.com/2022/03/03/why-scientists-still-cant-figure-out-how-to-intercept-icbms/ Your point about Putin and Russia being annihilated still stands and is the reason he won't use nukes. |
Not to mention Israel is about to augment the Iron Dome defense system with the Iron Beam laser defense system.
It's incredible how such a defense was built from scratch in only just 4 years... And even used components from toy cars to design to keep costs down.
NATO has a defense system in place in Europe... And the USA has it's own system which should take the brunt.
Keep in mind that Russia is technologically archaic.
KratosLives said: Scomo is pathetic, he showed bad leadership during the whole covid fiasco |
His first bout of poor leadership... And one that hits home for me personally is when he decided to piss off on a holiday, drinking cocktails on a beautiful beach whilst the nation was literally burning.
Then had the gall to tell Australians "he doesn't hold a hose" whilst trying to forcibly shake peoples hands and big-note himself in various fires around the nation... (Meanwhile Ukraine's leader is picking up a gun to protect their country and put their life on the line...)
He was universally shunned when he came to my firefighting campaign on Kangaroo Island. Deservedly so.
Pauline Hanson, Katter and Palmer were also all trying to be opportunistic leeches. When Pauline came to my fire station she wasn't even allowed to enter.
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