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Guessed by Platina

I thought there would never be another game that would crack my Top 10 for a long time. Those games have all been something really special. Games that have stayed with me for many generations, games that impressed me in ways that are unerasable, and are all the peak of their genres and series. So how can something worm its way between those landmarks of games and stand among them like some wolf in sheep's clothes? For many years I thought gaming didn't have what it took anymore, but then came 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'. Leave it to the Zelda series to find a way.

When Breath of the Wild released and I first played it, I couldn't put it down again. After an intro sequence the game puts you in the world and just lets you go, like a wolf that's been held in captivity and is now set loose in the world for the first time. The world is huge, really huge. When you find something, you'll be attracted to something else and before you know it you're nowhere near where you originally wanted to be. I never experienced such freedom ever before. At one point I thought I went to most places and found a lot of stuff, but then there was an update. This update showed the route you have walked all through the game, so this green line went to all corners. However, there's like half the map I had never seen apparently. So there I went.

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Kakadu18 said:

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#9: Hint 2:Once again a small bright glowing creature needs to save the forest, just this time a different one.

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

#7: Hint: You thought you were talking to him the whole game? Then you must have not paid enough attention to the small details.

#6: Hint: At one point in the game the scope of the entire story sudddenly explodes in size.

Well, well the days have now also reached the Top 10. From now on my games's banner will have a nice purple detail to signify their achievement. How nice of me right? Also, games have been guessed up to #7 right now, so here's just a hint for #6.

#6: The first game of a series where all digits always add up to '9'.

Also, here's the scoreboard. It's extremely tight. The_Liquid_Laser and Darashiva both guessed six games (up until Darashiva's guess for game #8, Mario Kart 64), but The_Liquid_Laser technically takes first place because he got to this number first (though, by only a couple hours). Right behind that is drbunnig with five correct guesses and coolbeans, who had the lead once, with four correct guesses. Five games now went unguessed, not that much. Good luck in the final days!


Kakadu18 said:
Kakadu18 said:

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

8: Zelda: A Link Between Worlds?

Kakadu18 said:
Kakadu18 said:

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#9: Hint 2:Once again a small bright glowing creature needs to save the forest, just this time a different one.

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

#7: Hint: You thought you were talking to him the whole game? Then you must have not paid enough attention to the small details.

#6: Hint: At one point in the game the scope of the entire story sudddenly explodes in size.

#7: Spec Ops: The Line?

Around the Network

#10: Super Mario Odyssey

Again a masterpiece Mario game. This time even a bit better. I think Odyssey is the best Mario game in terms of quality. With a central mechanic that is kinda messed up when you think about it and some fantastic level design. Said mechanic is executed flawlessly. This is easily the most beautiful Mario game and the one with the most content, you can gather 900 moons and a ton of purple coins. The kingdoms are all fun to explore, some more than others, some are more challenging than other too.

Bowser is less ambitious in this one, basically just planning a wedding but leaving chaos wherever he goes.

Odyssey is a great adventure with a sense of wonder like I haven't experienced since Super Mario Sunshine. Mario's moveset is the best and biggest in the series, he's so much fun to control. I love the Galaxy games but there's just not really much to explore, which is what I love about Odyssey. And since you're not kicked out of the level after every moon and can just keep going and with the huge amount of moons to find, exploring is really encouraged. The camera mode is one of the best things in the game, it offers a very high level of customisation and was then also introduced in 3D World + Bowser's Fury, where I also had alot of fun with it.

Odyssey does basically everything right. There's not much to criticize. Only it's still great soundtrack doesn't quite live up to the grandeur of the Galaxy game's soundtracks.

My favorite part of Odyssey and the most memorable is the New Donk City festival, which is like a celebration of Mario as a whole. The song is fantastic, the level is fun to play and only after a few years it already makes insanely nostalgic. This should be on every list of greatest moments in games.

I find it impressive how every 3D Mario game seems so borderline flawless to me. This just shows how brilliant the developers are. And since Odyssey was mainly developed by completely different people than 64 and Sunshine and how fantastic Bowser's Fury was I'm very optimistic about the future of 3D Mario platformers.

Super Mario Odyssey is the fifth 3D Mario platformer on my list so far.

S.Peelman said:
Kakadu18 said:

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

8: Zelda: A Link Between Worlds?


Kakadu18 said:
Kakadu18 said:

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#9: Hint 2:Once again a small bright glowing creature needs to save the forest, just this time a different one.

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

#7: Hint: You thought you were talking to him the whole game? Then you must have not paid enough attention to the small details.

#6: Hint: At one point in the game the scope of the entire story sudddenly explodes in size.

As unlikely it may be, 7 sounds kinda like Bioshock.

Kakadu18 said:
Kakadu18 said:

#9: Hint: Blown by the wind into an unknown new land where a terrifying miscreant is trying to kill everything alive.

#9: Hint 2:Once again a small bright glowing creature needs to save the forest, just this time a different one.

#8: Hint: Ever seen moving paintings? What if you were one?

#7: Hint: You thought you were talking to him the whole game? Then you must have not paid enough attention to the small details.

#6: Hint: At one point in the game the scope of the entire story sudddenly explodes in size.

#9: Ori and the Will of the Wistp

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

S.Peelman said:

Well, well the days have now also reached the Top 10. From now on my games's banner will have a nice purple detail to signify their achievement. How nice of me right? Also, games have been guessed up to #7 right now, so here's just a hint for #6.

#6: The first game of a series where all digits always add up to '9'.

999: 9 hours, 9 doors, 9 persons

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]