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I think I am going to post my final two hints now since I don't plan on being here for several days around Christmas.  Here they are:

2.  "I can feel it.  I can feel the cosmos."

1.  In North America, the box this game was released in had a rectangle cut out of it to show what color the cartridge was.

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The_Liquid_Laser said:

I think I am going to post my final two hints now since I don't plan on being here for several days around Christmas.  Here they are:

2.  "I can feel it.  I can feel the cosmos."

1.  In North America, the box this game was released in had a rectangle cut out of it to show what color the cartridge was.

1: The Legend of Zelda NES

I feel like I can know #2 as well though.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

I think I am going to post my final two hints now since I don't plan on being here for several days around Christmas.  Here they are:

2.  "I can feel it.  I can feel the cosmos."

1.  In North America, the box this game was released in had a rectangle cut out of it to show what color the cartridge was.


Katamari Damacy lol

#1: I assume this must be the golden original Zelda cartridge (as a non-american and non NES player)

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Okay so since it seems to be rush hour here, I'll add new hints now for these;

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

Hint 2: At least this time it's just the actual number and not one with a few zeroes added to it.

Hint 3: This was also the last game in the series which the developer had full control over, because they were bought by a certain publisher (who did already publish this game though), and it shows. It really shows, because the sequels are an insult to the first four games.

#8: Halfway through one part right after you jump you can turn right and visit a location from another game.

Hint 2: And it's a nice looking castle.

S.Peelman said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

I think I am going to post my final two hints now since I don't plan on being here for several days around Christmas.  Here they are:

2.  "I can feel it.  I can feel the cosmos."

1.  In North America, the box this game was released in had a rectangle cut out of it to show what color the cartridge was.

1: The Legend of Zelda NES

I feel like I can know #2 as well though.

The Legend of Zelda is correct!

Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

I think I am going to post my final two hints now since I don't plan on being here for several days around Christmas.  Here they are:

2.  "I can feel it.  I can feel the cosmos."

1.  In North America, the box this game was released in had a rectangle cut out of it to show what color the cartridge was.


Katamari Damacy lol

#1: I assume this must be the golden original Zelda cartridge (as a non-american and non NES player)

Both are correct!  However, S.Peelman answered #1 first.  

Katamari Damacy is both fun and hilarious!

S.Peelman said:

Okay so since it seems to be rush hour here, I'll add new hints now for these;

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

Hint 2: At least this time it's just the actual number and not one with a few zeroes added to it.

Hint 3: This was also the last game in the series which the developer had full control over, because they were bought by a certain publisher (who did already publish this game though), and it shows. It really shows, because the sequels are an insult to the first four games.

#8: Halfway through one part right after you jump you can turn right and visit a location from another game.

Hint 2: And it's a nice looking castle.

9.  Sim City 4?

8.  Mario + Rabbids?

Last edited by The_Liquid_Laser - on 21 December 2021

Around the Network
The_Liquid_Laser said:
S.Peelman said:

1: The Legend of Zelda NES

I feel like I can know #2 as well though.

The Legend of Zelda is correct!

S.Peelman said:

Okay so since it seems to be rush hour here, I'll add new hints now for these;

#9: The final game in this franchise that included a number in its name.

Hint 2: At least this time it's just the actual number and not one with a few zeroes added to it.

Hint 3: This was also the last game in the series which the developer had full control over, because they were bought by a certain publisher (who did already publish this game though), and it shows. It really shows, because the sequels are an insult to the first four games.

#8: Halfway through one part right after you jump you can turn right and visit a location from another game.

Hint 2: And it's a nice looking castle.

9.  Sim City 4?

8.  Mario + Rabbids?

Sim City 4 is correct!

Mario + Rabbids isn’t, but this answer is kind of lukewarm.

Here are the final rankings for guesses on my games.  Mnementh is the clear winner!  S.Peelman and coolbeans also guessed a significant amount of my games.  Congratulations!  This probably means you've played a whole lot of older games like I have, lol.

Correct GuessesPerson
7coolbeans, S.Peelman
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus, Darashiva
2GoOnKid, drbunnig, UnderwaterFunktown
1Farsala, Runa216

The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here are the final rankings for guesses on my games.  Mnementh is the clear winner!  S.Peelman and coolbeans also guessed a significant amount of my games.  Congratulations!  This probably means you've played a whole lot of older games like I have, lol.

Correct GuessesPerson
7coolbeans, S.Peelman
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus, Darashiva
2GoOnKid, drbunnig, UnderwaterFunktown
1Farsala, Runa216

I am happy that being old proves to be an advantage for once.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here are the final rankings for guesses on my games.  Mnementh is the clear winner!  S.Peelman and coolbeans also guessed a significant amount of my games.  Congratulations!  This probably means you've played a whole lot of older games like I have, lol.

Correct GuessesPerson
7coolbeans, S.Peelman
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus, Darashiva
2GoOnKid, drbunnig, UnderwaterFunktown
1Farsala, Runa216

I am happy that being old proves to be an advantage for once.

Heh, I know one thing being old does for me is that I can appreciate games with awesome gameplay even if the graphics are incredibly basic and dated.

mZuzek said:

Guessed by @Runa216

If there ever was a prize for the most "no right to be this good" game, this has to be up there. A new Metroid game in first-person, being made by a western studio whose only prior works were cancelled prototypes. What could go wrong?

Not much, apparently. It's like, no one in their right minds could ever imagine Metroid translating well to a FPS style, except clearly the folks at Retro Studios because they made it look effortless. Prime lost next to nothing of that Metroid DNA, and it added a lot of new things and pushed the series forward on top of it. I mean, the graphics still look good today, I think it's fair to say it pushed a lot of boundaries for gaming in general. It's just a fantastic game.

And now talking about it makes me think, that announcement about Prime 4's development reboot will be three years old next month. Feels like this time next year there'll definitely be news about it... Fingers crossed.

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IT's almost like Metroid as a franchise has a history of being way better than it has any right to be! with Dread being a far better game than most expected. I mean, sure, the hardcore HOPED it was great, but let's be honest here, I don't think most people expected it to be one of the best games of the year and a landmark release for Nintendo. 

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