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Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here are the final rankings for guesses on my games.  Mnementh is the clear winner!  S.Peelman and coolbeans also guessed a significant amount of my games.  Congratulations!  This probably means you've played a whole lot of older games like I have, lol.

Correct GuessesPerson
7coolbeans, S.Peelman
4Kakadu18, TruckOSaurus, Darashiva
2GoOnKid, drbunnig, UnderwaterFunktown
1Farsala, Runa216

I am happy that being old proves to be an advantage for once.

Heh, I know one thing being old does for me is that I can appreciate games with awesome gameplay even if the graphics are incredibly basic and dated.