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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Dread discussion

PAOerfulone said:
curl-6 said:

Nintendo have released a demo of the game on the eshop

Y'know what... I actually think that was a good idea and wish more companies would do this!

The people who were in to this game already from the first trailer were going to buy it almost Day 1, no matter what. So there was no need for a demo then, because the main audience they were selling to was already firmly convinced and on board.

Now that the game has been out for nearly 3 weeks, it has sold extremely well, and the reviews are glowing, there are going to be a lot of people who were borderline, who wanted to give the game a shot but were unsure, now they don't have to fork over $60 for something that they may or may not enjoy. The demo + all the word of mouth about the game post-release will give them a much better perspective and idea than they would have had if the demo came out pre-release.

Why not release the demo along with the game in first place?

Seems a ploy, if the reception was underwhelming they wouldn't have released any demo. The reception was great, so they are releasing it now

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The demo only now makes sense since it must have been tracking for good sales so Nintendo didn't feel it was needed to increase launch sales.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

I've been playing the demo, just out of curiosity.

- The demo starts from the very first cutscene of the full game and lasts until a few minutes after you destroy the second E.M.M.I.

- You can't save at all

- You can't skip cutscenes

My god am I having fun with this game!! A total blast!!

One really cool touch I only noticed when rewatching the opening on Youtube is that in their cutscene fight at the start of the game, Raven Beak actually uses the same moves as when you actually fight him at the end.

I also feel  silly now, my initial confusion over the

X-Quiet Robe curing Samus makes so much more sense when I remembered that she absorbs X parasites earlier in the game both to gain energy and to gain certain abilities; taking on his Thoha ability to control Metroids allowing her to restrain her Metroid DNA

seems obvious now, at the time I just forgot that key element for some reason.

Realizing this now definitely makes the ending feel more awesome.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 29 October 2021

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I just finished Prime 1 again, and now that they’re both fresh in my mind to compare, I gotta say Dread is my personal favorite game in the series!

curl-6 said:

One really cool touch I only noticed when rewatching the opening on Youtube is that in their cutscene fight at the start of the game, Raven Beak actually uses the same moves as when you actually fight him at the end.

I also feel  silly now, my initial confusion over the

X-Quiet Robe curing Samus makes so much more sense when I remembered that she absorbs X parasites earlier in the game both to gain energy and to gain certain abilities; taking on his Thoha ability to control Metroids allowing her to restrain her Metroid DNA

seems obvious now, at the time I just forgot that key element for some reason.

Realizing this now definitely makes the ending feel more awesome.

I would assumed you didn't play through Metroid Fusion?

The bigger question is..

Why did the X Parasite help Samus at the end?

Azzanation said:
curl-6 said:

One really cool touch I only noticed when rewatching the opening on Youtube is that in their cutscene fight at the start of the game, Raven Beak actually uses the same moves as when you actually fight him at the end.

I also feel  silly now, my initial confusion over the

X-Quiet Robe curing Samus makes so much more sense when I remembered that she absorbs X parasites earlier in the game both to gain energy and to gain certain abilities; taking on his Thoha ability to control Metroids allowing her to restrain her Metroid DNA

seems obvious now, at the time I just forgot that key element for some reason.

Realizing this now definitely makes the ending feel more awesome.

I would assumed you didn't play through Metroid Fusion?

The bigger question is..

Why did the X Parasite help Samus at the end?

I tried Fusion but didn't get far as I just couldn't get into it.

As far the bigger question,

Quiet Robe's Chozo gesture seemed to imply he'd somehow taken control of the X that resurrected him, through either sheer willpower or as the music seems to imply some Chozo mysticism.
Last edited by curl-6 - on 30 October 2021

curl-6 said:
Azzanation said:

I would assumed you didn't play through Metroid Fusion?

The bigger question is..

Why did the X Parasite help Samus at the end?

I tried Fusion but didn't get far as I just couldn't get into it.

As far the bigger question,

Quiet Robe's Chozo gesture seemed to imply he'd somehow taken control of the X that resurrected him, through either sheer willpower or as the music seems to simply some Chozo mysticism.

Okay, its because Fusion was all about the X Parasite and explains how Samus can absorb them. Its a great game and well worth the playthrough

Dread has the highest launch month sales in series history in the US, and is the #3 best selling game in the US for October without counting its digital numbers.