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Forums - General Discussion - The post when you're high thread.

As I run out of soft alcohol, the more mature is beginning to give me the eye. Give yourself away. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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This thread scares me.

Got to get down on Friday! :D

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Kakadu18 said:

This thread scares me.

LOL - as it should :)

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

axumblade said:

I have hot honey chips and they are everything at the moment.

I’ve been intermittent fasting. You can imagine how I torture myself when I’m high and 14 hours into an 18 hour fast.

I’m used to it though. I hate to be one of those cliches who explains their diet, but unfortunately I feel compelled… and I’ll become what I hate. 5 days a week, 6 hour windows. 2 days of full eat whatever the fuck I want time. Get high, cardio plus resistance in a fasted state, then a massive high protein high (can be plant-based if you’re a plant-based guy) carb meal after (I do oats). Builds like gear, and without the needles or hormonal imbalances.

Also, sorry I brought contentious advice into this thread… not contentious because Intermittent fasting to improve your build is bad, just that fucking diet experiences are contentious as fuck on the Internet :)

Also, do I come off as preachy? I really just wanted to explain the context of the first line I wrote.

I probably come off as preachy. 

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Jumpin said:
axumblade said:

I have hot honey chips and they are everything at the moment.

I’ve been intermittent fasting. You can imagine how I torture myself when I’m high and 14 hours into an 18 hour fast.

I’m used to it though. I hate to be one of those cliches who explains their diet, but unfortunately I feel compelled… and I’ll become what I hate. 5 days a week, 6 hour windows. 2 days of full eat whatever the fuck I want time. Get high, cardio plus resistance in a fasted state, then a massive high protein high (can be plant-based if you’re a plant-based guy) carb meal after (I do oats). Builds like gear, and without the needles or hormonal imbalances.

Also, sorry I brought contentious advice into this thread… not contentious because Intermittent fasting to improve your build is bad, just that fucking diet experiences are contentious as fuck on the Internet :)

Also, do I come off as preachy? I really just wanted to explain the context of the first line I wrote.

I probably come off as preachy. 

Not particularly preachy. I just thought you were explaining your diet while high. Unless you’re telling me not to eat Hot Honey chips…which then, I will fight you.

I’ve been trying to opt towards better eating habits so now instead of it always being chips, I’ll eat carrots and cucumbers because the noises they make are satisfying enough. Still not quite as crisp as good chip but it’s fine. 😅 

I just heard a new joke.

There are three types of people in the world.
Those who can count,
And those who can't.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I always forget about this thread when I'm high...

I tried to play Madison VR while high 2 nights ago hoping it would scare me. I got stuck in the second room on a simple puzzle, just walking around in circles for half an hour before giving up. I actually wanted to play Very Bad Dreams, but it had a 8GB patch which still wasn't done by the time I gave up on Madison...

Tonight again! (maybe)

Btw Snowpiercer (series) is great to watch while high!

High while Helldiver 2 is the best. Going solo, going with friends, with strangers. Never thought a game so stressfull would be this fun while high. But it totally works for me.

Somehow won at Mario Superstars while stoned tonight. I guess I just hit the right sweet spot in the game. Paper Mario: TTYD is pretty fun to play when feeling lightly toasty.