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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch OLED model just got announced.

Leynos said:
GoOnKid said:

Some of these responses here confuse me. Are you mad that you don't have to upgrade? Are you mad that you saved yourself 350 bucks? This product is for new customers.

I'd rather have an official way to have my Switch games look nicer on a 4K screen. Looks like I may go with an M Classic. Also with PS5/XSX out, something with beefier specs with DLSS could have had more REAL 3rd party support over cloud garbage.

Wow, I never imagined something like this even exists. Thanks for letting me know!

About 3rd party support, yeah I get that certain games won't be able to run on the Switch. But I imagine Switch gets certain exclusives in return, like Bravely Default 2 or Monster Hunter Rise.

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Out of nowhere! Though still the same, with better screen and speakers (lol). I'll stick to my current one.

That OLED is real nice for new buyers though.

I will likely be getting it day 1. I still have my launch Switch so a bigger screen, longer battery life (from previous revision), eathernet port, and an OLED screen are good enough for me.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

If I was in the market for a new Switch, I would plan on buying this. As is, I don't see much of a reason to upgrade and that is fine. I'm not dying for a new model, but I don't think I would be able to say "No" if it was a big upgrade.

I think I am going to buy one of these day one just to spite some of the absolutely terrible takes I have seen about this model on the internet.

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Mnementh said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

By crossgen I mean released simultaneously on both systems. There are very few games on Nintendo that are Cross Gen, they generally reserve all new software to the new systems, as a way to attract new buyers to next hardware. Was any Switch game released on Wii U minus BOTW?

How many Wii games were released on GC? How many Wii U games released on Wii?

I understand cross-gen, Twilight Princess was cross-gen, as was BOTW. But you said Nintendo prefers later remasters. Which wasn't really much of a thing before Switch with the WiiU remasters. That's all what I said. And as I said, we have Ghost of Tsushima as the lastest example that other companies do that as well.

Didn't Nintendo remaster/remake all the NES Mario games for SNES?

Bofferbrauer2 said:

There hasn't been any new Tegra announced or leaked which could have pointed at it, so there simply wasn't any new hardware possible apart from a Switch (ha!) to X2. But since the die-shrink of the X1, the performance advantage of the X2 would be slim at best. It's successors Xavier, Orin and Atlan, all of them being developed with the automotive industry in mind, are way too large and power-consuming to be of any use in a handheld without modification. In Xavier's case, it's the Volta GPU that was 100% geared for HPC and other industrial work and is just very unefficient as a gaming GPU. Also, Orin and Atlan are late, with Orin only really releasing next year and Atlan in 2025.

As a result, there is a distinct lack of viable option for a hardware upgrade until next year earliest unless NVidia would go on and make a totally custom Tegra chip for Nintendo, something NVidia has denied to be willing to do several times over.

Like I said in another thread, Nintendo may wish to keep it's SoC back on an older process node in order to not suffer the same fate as other chip manufacturers with the global shortage.
16nm FF is a good node. Old. But reliable and not congested.
Nintendo/nVidia does have room to move these designs to 12nm FF if they see the need which can accept designs from 16nm FF fairly easily... But keeping them back on 16nm is definitely the smart choice in 2021. (Even if it shits me off.)

As for Maxwell vs Pascal, throughput of those SoC's tend to be identical on a per-clock basis.
However in Pascals defense, nVidia did allot of re-working in order to mitigate any clocking bottlenecks so it was able to run at 50% higher clockrates than Maxwell. (The new node definitely helped keep power levels static however.)

Plus you also have improvements to Delta Colour Compression, one of the largest bottlenecks of the Switch and Tegra X1 is actually memory bandwidth, especially when allot of Alpha Effects come into play, DCC4 would provide Tegra X2 roughly 20% extra bandwidth through efficiency gains alone.

And then you mentioned Xavier, Orin and Atlan.
Yes they are designed for the Automotive industry, but there is a 10w Xavier variant which would offer substantial gains over Tegra X1. At 10w.

Orin and Atlan can also have cut-down designs as well, that would be suitable to the Switch. Might cost Nintendo an extra dollary-do, but it's still more than possible.

Just because a chip is designed for a certain market, doesn't meant it can't be taken and used in another market, chip manufacturers do it all the time.

Otter said:

Is this technically feasible? From what I recall the dock port is not fast enough to act as an extension of internal hardware, only as an upscale. Still something that can be marketed but not something that could improve fps or actual resolution/graphics. Maybe someone more informed could elaborate.

But for sure I think external add ons are the future of mid gen upgrades 

USB is far to high latency and lacks the bandwidth necessary.

It can be done, but the dock would need to take-over and assume command of all processing rather than shuffle data back and forth... Then it might as well be a Switch TV device that doesn't need the handheld.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

IcaroRibeiro said:
burninmylight said:

No, it's more like a Wii U owner saying, "I'm happy Nintendo is not releasing a Wii U-zii (my name for the Wii U Pro) so that I don't have to overcome another hardware barrier to get to Wii U games that either run a little better or are exclusive to it! I would rather spend that money on the Switch and feel happier that I'm getting a true generational upgrade rather than paying hundreds of dollars for a slightly better processor and more RAM!"

This quote sums it up best:

mZuzek said:

Personally I like this better than a Switch Pro. It's got next to nothing in terms of selling points for those who already own a Switch, which means I won't ever feel obligated to buying one. If we had a proper mid-gen upgrade, it'd likely result in games being poorly optimized for the base console and eventually running like shit. To be fair, they kinda already run like shit, but it'd be worse.

Not everyone has the money to go spending around in fancy new consoles all the time. I don't want my current Switch to be made obsolete by an enhanced version because I don't have $400 lying around and even if I had, I'd rather spend it elsewhere. Never liked the idea of mid-gen upgrades to begin with, really.

Just hope Nintendo's next-gen console is a proper, no gimmicks Switch 2, and that it is a significant improvement not only in specs, but also OS, online, features in general, and product quality. And with enhanced backwards compatibility of course.

I think I get it. Makes more sense now. But I don't think Switch 2 is close though, I think it's still very far away

I think that this new model means that a Switch 1.5 is not going to be a thing, so a Switch 2 is closer rather than farther. That's why I originally said 2+ years. Honestly, I'm fine with Switch 2 being about three or so years away. Even if I sold or got rid of all my games for every other console in existence and went with only the Switch, there are more than enough games on it for me to ever get tired of. I'm not a graphics/hardware elitist either, so I see it as the further off the Switch 2 is, the more likely it is that Nintendo can get specs in the ballpark of Sony/MS consoles at a reasonable price point, ready an awesome launch lineup, and iron out any first console iteration problems that may arise from rushing it out of the door.

Poliwrathlord said:

I think I am going to buy one of these day one just to spite some of the absolutely terrible takes I have seen about this model on the internet.

Yeah, that'll teach those random strangers on the Internet!

Pemalite said:
Mnementh said:

I understand cross-gen, Twilight Princess was cross-gen, as was BOTW. But you said Nintendo prefers later remasters. Which wasn't really much of a thing before Switch with the WiiU remasters. That's all what I said. And as I said, we have Ghost of Tsushima as the lastest example that other companies do that as well.

Didn't Nintendo remaster/remake all the NES Mario games for SNES?

Bofferbrauer2 said:

There hasn't been any new Tegra announced or leaked which could have pointed at it, so there simply wasn't any new hardware possible apart from a Switch (ha!) to X2. But since the die-shrink of the X1, the performance advantage of the X2 would be slim at best. It's successors Xavier, Orin and Atlan, all of them being developed with the automotive industry in mind, are way too large and power-consuming to be of any use in a handheld without modification. In Xavier's case, it's the Volta GPU that was 100% geared for HPC and other industrial work and is just very unefficient as a gaming GPU. Also, Orin and Atlan are late, with Orin only really releasing next year and Atlan in 2025.

As a result, there is a distinct lack of viable option for a hardware upgrade until next year earliest unless NVidia would go on and make a totally custom Tegra chip for Nintendo, something NVidia has denied to be willing to do several times over.

Like I said in another thread, Nintendo may wish to keep it's SoC back on an older process node in order to not suffer the same fate as other chip manufacturers with the global shortage.
16nm FF is a good node. Old. But reliable and not congested.
Nintendo/nVidia does have room to move these designs to 12nm FF if they see the need which can accept designs from 16nm FF fairly easily... But keeping them back on 16nm is definitely the smart choice in 2021. (Even if it shits me off.)

As for Maxwell vs Pascal, throughput of those SoC's tend to be identical on a per-clock basis.
However in Pascals defense, nVidia did allot of re-working in order to mitigate any clocking bottlenecks so it was able to run at 50% higher clockrates than Maxwell. (The new node definitely helped keep power levels static however.)

Plus you also have improvements to Delta Colour Compression, one of the largest bottlenecks of the Switch and Tegra X1 is actually memory bandwidth, especially when allot of Alpha Effects come into play, DCC4 would provide Tegra X2 roughly 20% extra bandwidth through efficiency gains alone.

And then you mentioned Xavier, Orin and Atlan.
Yes they are designed for the Automotive industry, but there is a 10w Xavier variant which would offer substantial gains over Tegra X1. At 10w.

Orin and Atlan can also have cut-down designs as well, that would be suitable to the Switch. Might cost Nintendo an extra dollary-do, but it's still more than possible.

Just because a chip is designed for a certain market, doesn't meant it can't be taken and used in another market, chip manufacturers do it all the time.

Otter said:

Is this technically feasible? From what I recall the dock port is not fast enough to act as an extension of internal hardware, only as an upscale. Still something that can be marketed but not something that could improve fps or actual resolution/graphics. Maybe someone more informed could elaborate.

But for sure I think external add ons are the future of mid gen upgrades 

USB is far to high latency and lacks the bandwidth necessary.

It can be done, but the dock would need to take-over and assume command of all processing rather than shuffle data back and forth... Then it might as well be a Switch TV device that doesn't need the handheld.

To say nothing of what happens once someone decides to pick up the Switch and go...

FYI, so far there's at least one other colour variant for this model-- 'Neon', with red & blue joycons and a black version of the new dock.
