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Forums - Politics Discussion - US rivers drying up, massive heat waves, devastating cold snaps

SvennoJ said:
Majora said:

Precisely. You didn’t. So you can’t possibly comment on what I saw on my television, can you? 

I watched the BBC all the time, but not the news no.

And yes, most of us will still be here in 50 years (maybe not me, I will be 97 by then) but the world will look very different. In what way is up to us.

Human beings capacity for arrogance is staggering. I have diver and jumped into every evidence I can find - I don’t have FB so nobody can say it’s about such nonsense - I have actually researched everything. Things like plastic are abominable and must be changed but as for most of the rest - humans are not the beginning nor the end - we will, and the planet we call

home, will be just fine. With or without our pointless arguments.

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Majora said:
SvennoJ said:

I watched the BBC all the time, but not the news no.

And yes, most of us will still be here in 50 years (maybe not me, I will be 97 by then) but the world will look very different. In what way is up to us.

Human beings capacity for arrogance is staggering. I have diver and jumped into every evidence I can find - I don’t have FB so nobody can say it’s about such nonsense - I have actually researched everything. Things like plastic are abominable and must be changed but as for most of the rest - humans are not the beginning nor the end - we will, and the planet we call

home, will be just fine. With or without our pointless arguments.

It's not about the planet, it's about the future of our civilization as a whole.

The arrogance is living in a rich country and saying the planet will be fine, while other people are literally driven from their homes.

Majora said:
sundin13 said:

News stories are not and never have been science. 

The news has a notoriously shit relationship with science. That doesn't mean that the science is incorrect. That said, the science has improved by leaps and bounds over the last sixty years, so even if the science was flawed back then, that doesn't say anything about the accuracy of today's science. 

Ok. See you in fifty years. When we’re still here. As the non-scientific news is still telling us we’re all dead. 

I mean, yeah, that was kind of my point...

Don't get your scientific information from the dang tele.

sundin13 said:
Majora said:

Ok. See you in fifty years. When we’re still here. As the non-scientific news is still telling us we’re all dead. 

I mean, yeah, that was kind of my point...

Don't get your scientific information from the dang tele.

The “dang tele” agrees with you. But humour me - where do you get your information from? Genuinely, I want to know. Btw - I don’t watch the “dang tele”. I’m 32 years old, not 3.

SvennoJ said:
Majora said:

Human beings capacity for arrogance is staggering. I have diver and jumped into every evidence I can find - I don’t have FB so nobody can say it’s about such nonsense - I have actually researched everything. Things like plastic are abominable and must be changed but as for most of the rest - humans are not the beginning nor the end - we will, and the planet we call

home, will be just fine. With or without our pointless arguments.

It's not about the planet, it's about the future of our civilization as a whole.

The arrogance is living in a rich country and saying the planet will be fine, while other people are literally driven from their homes.

Ahh, ok. I understand fully now. 

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Majora said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

You got any examples here?

Considering everyone here more than likely has the entirety of human knowledge in their pocket, I should imagine it wouldn’t be difficult to search this yourself, I’m sorry to sound shirty - actually, I’m not. Research it yourself. As for an anecdote - and yes, I agree, anecdotes are not evidence but they can prove relevant - I was born in 1989 and growing up in the 90s I remember news stories saying by the mid 2000s we’d all be dead. I saw them and heard them as a young boy - they stick in my head - they didn’t occur. 

Never had any such pessimistic outviews here at that time.

I think the pessimism in the UK stems from the great smog and it's aftereffects. But them saying that by the mid 2000's we would be all dead was ridiculous rubbish and certainly not based in reality unless their fear stemmed rather from a nuclear war with the USSR than from a climate crisis.

Majora said:

We aren’t reaching any point that you think. I tell you what - come back in twenty, thirty, perhaps forty years… the world will still be the same. We will be fine, chill out and enjoy being alive. 

I'm a firefighter on the front lines. I put my life on the line and see the effects of climate change first hand.

We also use climate-change influenced weather and fire modelling to accurately predict and detail fire spreads with scary accuracy... If anything we are leading the world on this being the most fire-prone region of the world. - If Climate Change was a hoax, that modelling would be false.

What do you do?

Majora said:

Furthermore, I don’t believe in BLM or LGBTQ+ - I think it’s all a nonsense.

What part of LGBTQI+ is nonesense? You either believe in LGBTQI rights or you don't.

As for Black Lives Matter, I haven't been following that issue, nor is it an issue here locally, so I shall refrain from comment.

Majora said:

As you may know already, I’m a gay man with a boyfriend who isn’t white

Here is the thing.
You can be Gay and still be homophobic.
You can be "of colour" and still be racist.

Just because you are or are part-of those things, doesn't exclude you from being another.

Majora said:

This ridiculous hysteria over climate change is in the same vein - they serve the overlords who get a lot of money from stoking up fear and terror. I really don’t care what anybody thinks, but I am going to post my very unpopular view here because I think it’s important that people know there are people who reject this sensationalist nonsense.

So here is the thing.
Climate Change is real, it's backed by science. - Is it bad as sensationalist media make it out to be? Of course not. It's sensationalist media for crying out loud.

However, to blatantly assert that supporting climate change puts money in powerful peoples pockets by stoking fear, uncertainty and terror?
You do realize that the opponents of Climate change tend to be multi-trillion/billion dollar oil/coal/mining companies (I.E. Some of the largest organizations on Earth) who pay off powerful politicians, media (I.E Murdoch) and other interested parties the world over?

Bet'cha didn't think about that one did ya'.


--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Majora said:

We aren’t reaching any point that you think. I tell you what - come back in twenty, thirty, perhaps forty years… the world will still be the same. We will be fine, chill out and enjoy being alive. 

I'm a firefighter on the front lines. I put my life on the line and see the effects of climate change first hand.

We also use climate-change influenced weather and fire modelling to accurately predict and detail fire spreads with scary accuracy... If anything we are leading the world on this being the most fire-prone region of the world. - If Climate Change was a hoax, that modelling would be false.

What do you do?

Majora said:

Furthermore, I don’t believe in BLM or LGBTQ+ - I think it’s all a nonsense.

What part of LGBTQI+ is nonesense? You either believe in LGBTQI rights or you don't.

As for Black Lives Matter, I haven't been following that issue, nor is it an issue here locally, so I shall refrain from comment.

Majora said:

As you may know already, I’m a gay man with a boyfriend who isn’t white

Here is the thing.
You can be Gay and still be homophobic.
You can be "of colour" and still be racist.

Just because you are or are part-of those things, doesn't exclude you from being another.

Majora said:

This ridiculous hysteria over climate change is in the same vein - they serve the overlords who get a lot of money from stoking up fear and terror. I really don’t care what anybody thinks, but I am going to post my very unpopular view here because I think it’s important that people know there are people who reject this sensationalist nonsense.

So here is the thing.
Climate Change is real, it's backed by science. - Is it bad as sensationalist media make it out to be? Of course not. It's sensationalist media for crying out loud.

However, to blatantly assert that supporting climate change puts money in powerful peoples pockets by stoking fear, uncertainty and terror?
You do realize that the opponents of Climate change tend to be multi-trillion/billion dollar oil/coal/mining companies (I.E. Some of the largest organizations on Earth) who pay off powerful politicians, media (I.E Murdoch) and other interested parties the world over?

Bet'cha didn't think about that one did ya'.


Any person who can genuinely say that a gay man can be homophobic, I don’t take anything else you say seriously. I know most will applaud and agree with you, such are the times, but you genuinely have no idea what you are talking about. 

As for your “gotcha” moment, of course I consider these things. If you think I am a fool, you have no respect for me, so once again, nothing you say can be taken seriously. 

A gay man who is in a relationship with someone who isn’t of the same race - and I’m homophobic and racist?  I would not like to spend even five minutes inside your mind. 

Majora said:

Furthermore, I don’t believe in BLM or LGBTQ+ - I think it’s all a nonsense. As you may know already, I’m a gay man with a boyfriend who isn’t white - so if you wanna call me homophobic or racist, I’ll laugh. I’m expressing my views which I believe are correct. Why do I bring these things up? I’ll tell you. This ridiculous hysteria over climate change is in the same vein - they serve the overlords who get a lot of money from stoking up fear and terror. I really don’t care what anybody thinks, but I am going to post my very unpopular view here because I think it’s important that people know there are people who reject this sensationalist nonsense.

Thats the "I cant be wrong, because Im gay" arguement?

Are you saying, that BLM movement and LGBTQ+, are movements for terror, that aim to rake in money?

And thats comeing from a "Gay man with a non white boyfriend", so "I cant be wrong on climate change"?


What is going on here.

I'm gonna have to jump on the defense force for Permalite.
Dude is a firefighter, that says he notices the effects of climate change, during his life time, in the workfield.
He has seen computer models, predict, things that came to pass, when it comes to fire's ect, due to climate change.

And your logic is, you know better because your gay?

Climate change is just baseless worry? because "I know better, and Im gay?"

What in the world.

I'm not gay, I not super knowledgebale on climate change.... but I think I'll take the words of climate scientists, and a fire fighter, over yours.
(Im biased though, I already believed in climate change before hand though)

My personal experiance, to base this on?
I remember as a kid, there would be weeks and weeks of snow, the fields next to were I grew up, would have enough snow, I could suit up, go out with my small shovel (along with many other kids), and we could make tunnels, and small forts, and caves, in the snow.

Nowadays? It barely even snows some years during the winter.
And when it does, it lasts a few days (and maybe its a few cm's of snow at most).

Climate is obviously very differnt now, from when I was a kid (during winters).
This is just 1 exsample, in denmark (europe).

(summers are hotter every year too, and overall we get more rain as well, these are clearly trends, statistics show this, "women lie, men lie, numbers dont lie", the proof is in the pudding, statistics say, weather is differnt now than it was in the past. Climate change is happending, theres no debate about that. The only thing you can debate is the impact of it, being manmade. Now something like 98% of scients in the field, all agree most of that is manmade (remaining 2% work for oil companies). Whats crazy is we have people that still argue against it)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 15 July 2021

The amount of times you said “because I am gay” shows you didn’t pay a blind bit of notice to what I’m saying. I’m genuinely not going to respond any further because you’re either a dullard or intentionally obtuse.

Yes, cos I’m gay I know everything - hahaha. What a joke. I’ll stick to speaking about video games on here.