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Forums - Politics Discussion - US rivers drying up, massive heat waves, devastating cold snaps

Majora said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

You got any examples here?

Considering everyone here more than likely has the entirety of human knowledge in their pocket, I should imagine it wouldn’t be difficult to search this yourself, I’m sorry to sound shirty - actually, I’m not. Research it yourself. As for an anecdote - and yes, I agree, anecdotes are not evidence but they can prove relevant - I was born in 1989 and growing up in the 90s I remember news stories saying by the mid 2000s we’d all be dead. I saw them and heard them as a young boy - they stick in my head - they didn’t occur. 

I was born in 1974 and don't remember anything that pessimistic.

What we did have:
- WW3 looming
- Hole in the Ozone layer
- Fallout from Tsernobyl
- Acid rain killing forests
- Peak oil looming
- Y2K bug

The media sensationalizes a lot yet I don't remember any doom predictions that the Netherlands would be flooded mid 2000s.

If you have lived a while, you should have seen the climate change around you. It's gradually getting worse, very different from when I grew up. But we managed to fix the Ozone layer, averted the oil crisis, cleaned up Tsernobyl (or made it 'safe' for now), greatly reduced acid rain, ended the cold war and the Y2K bug was mostly sensationalism.

But it didn't all happen by itself and denying there is a problem is not going to fix the problem. If it can even be 'fixed' anymore. Yet better preparedness to the fallout (more droughts, forest fires, floods, desertification, rising sea levels, more frequent/violent storms) is a must.

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SvennoJ said:
Majora said:

Considering everyone here more than likely has the entirety of human knowledge in their pocket, I should imagine it wouldn’t be difficult to search this yourself, I’m sorry to sound shirty - actually, I’m not. Research it yourself. As for an anecdote - and yes, I agree, anecdotes are not evidence but they can prove relevant - I was born in 1989 and growing up in the 90s I remember news stories saying by the mid 2000s we’d all be dead. I saw them and heard them as a young boy - they stick in my head - they didn’t occur. 

I was born in 1974 and don't remember anything that pessimistic.

What we did have:
- WW3 looming
- Hole in the Ozone layer
- Fallout from Tsernobyl
- Acid rain killing forests
- Peak oil looming
- Y2K bug

The media sensationalizes a lot yet I don't remember any doom predictions that the Netherlands would be flooded mid 2000s.

If you have lived a while, you should have seen the climate change around you. It's gradually getting worse, very different from when I grew up. But we managed to fix the Ozone layer, averted the oil crisis, cleaned up Tsernobyl (or made it 'safe' for now), greatly reduced acid rain, ended the cold war and the Y2K bug was mostly sensationalism.

But it didn't all happen by itself and denying there is a problem is not going to fix the problem. If it can even be 'fixed' anymore. Yet better preparedness to the fallout (more droughts, forest fires, floods, desertification, rising sea levels, more frequent/violent storms) is a must.

Did you grow up in the United Kingdom? 

Majora said:

For all the climate alarmists - look at news/stories from around the 60s to the 80s - we should already be extinct by now. Not saying we humans don’t have an impact, but this alarmism is not new and every generation has the same doom and gloom predictions. We should be treating our world with more respect, however, we are not 10, 20 or even 50 years away from complete disaster.

News stories are not and never have been science. 

The news has a notoriously shit relationship with science. That doesn't mean that the science is incorrect. That said, the science has improved by leaps and bounds over the last sixty years, so even if the science was flawed back then, that doesn't say anything about the accuracy of today's science. 

Majora said:

For all the climate alarmists - look at news/stories from around the 60s to the 80s - we should already be extinct by now. Not saying we humans don’t have an impact, but this alarmism is not new and every generation has the same doom and gloom predictions. We should be treating our world with more respect, however, we are not 10, 20 or even 50 years away from complete disaster.

It's not about "complete disaster". - It's about reaching a point where it's impacts are felt systemically across the globe and being impossible (Given our current level of technology) to reverse.

And we are reaching that point where the effects of climate change are directly observable.

SvennoJ said:

I was born in 1974 and don't remember anything that pessimistic.

- Hole in the Ozone layer

Ironically the hole in the Ozone did actually get resolved, the entire world got together and banned CFC's.

Jumpin said:
Rab said:

More than 130 wildfires - fuelled by lightning strikes - are burning across western Canada following a record-breaking heatwave. 

That's fucking badass!

This is a photo I took on the back of a fire truck during the middle of winter in 2019. - This kind of thing just shouldn't be observable during that time of year... And to make matters worst, we had no air support as they get sent to the Northern Hemisphere to help out the Americans during our winter season.
Thankfully 2020 was a La-Nina year which meant it was cooler and wetter and 2021 looks to be another La-Nina year... But that string of luck can't last forever.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Majora said:
SvennoJ said:

I was born in 1974 and don't remember anything that pessimistic.

What we did have:
- WW3 looming
- Hole in the Ozone layer
- Fallout from Tsernobyl
- Acid rain killing forests
- Peak oil looming
- Y2K bug

The media sensationalizes a lot yet I don't remember any doom predictions that the Netherlands would be flooded mid 2000s.

If you have lived a while, you should have seen the climate change around you. It's gradually getting worse, very different from when I grew up. But we managed to fix the Ozone layer, averted the oil crisis, cleaned up Tsernobyl (or made it 'safe' for now), greatly reduced acid rain, ended the cold war and the Y2K bug was mostly sensationalism.

But it didn't all happen by itself and denying there is a problem is not going to fix the problem. If it can even be 'fixed' anymore. Yet better preparedness to the fallout (more droughts, forest fires, floods, desertification, rising sea levels, more frequent/violent storms) is a must.

Did you grow up in the United Kingdom? 

Nope, in the Netherlands. Sure we had the maps of what Holland would look like without dykes but the flooding problem was more coming from the Rhine and the Waal.

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Pemalite said:
Majora said:

For all the climate alarmists - look at news/stories from around the 60s to the 80s - we should already be extinct by now. Not saying we humans don’t have an impact, but this alarmism is not new and every generation has the same doom and gloom predictions. We should be treating our world with more respect, however, we are not 10, 20 or even 50 years away from complete disaster.

It's not about "complete disaster". - It's about reaching a point where it's impacts are felt systemically across the globe and being impossible (Given our current level of technology) to reverse.

And we are reaching that point where the effects of climate change are directly observable.

SvennoJ said:

I was born in 1974 and don't remember anything that pessimistic.

- Hole in the Ozone layer

Ironically the hole in the Ozone did actually get resolved, the entire world got together and banned CFC's.

Jumpin said:

That's fucking badass!

This is a photo I took on the back of a fire truck during the middle of winter in 2019. - This kind of thing just shouldn't be observable during that time of year... And to make matters worst, we had no air support as they get sent to the Northern Hemisphere to help out the Americans during our winter season.
Thankfully 2020 was a La-Nina year which meant it was cooler and wetter and 2021 looks to be another La-Nina year... But that string of luck can't last forever.

We aren’t reaching any point that you think. I tell you what - come back in twenty, thirty, perhaps forty years… the world will still be the same. We will be fine, chill out and enjoy being alive. 

sundin13 said:
Majora said:

For all the climate alarmists - look at news/stories from around the 60s to the 80s - we should already be extinct by now. Not saying we humans don’t have an impact, but this alarmism is not new and every generation has the same doom and gloom predictions. We should be treating our world with more respect, however, we are not 10, 20 or even 50 years away from complete disaster.

News stories are not and never have been science. 

The news has a notoriously shit relationship with science. That doesn't mean that the science is incorrect. That said, the science has improved by leaps and bounds over the last sixty years, so even if the science was flawed back then, that doesn't say anything about the accuracy of today's science. 

Ok. See you in fifty years. When we’re still here. As the non-scientific news is still telling us we’re all dead. 

SvennoJ said:
Majora said:

Did you grow up in the United Kingdom? 

Nope, in the Netherlands. Sure we had the maps of what Holland would look like without dykes but the flooding problem was more coming from the Rhine and the Waal.

Precisely. You didn’t. So you can’t possibly comment on what I saw on my television, can you? 

Furthermore, I don’t believe in BLM or LGBTQ+ - I think it’s all a nonsense. As you may know already, I’m a gay man with a boyfriend who isn’t white - so if you wanna call me homophobic or racist, I’ll laugh. I’m expressing my views which I believe are correct. Why do I bring these things up? I’ll tell you. This ridiculous hysteria over climate change is in the same vein - they serve the overlords who get a lot of money from stoking up fear and terror. I really don’t care what anybody thinks, but I am going to post my very unpopular view here because I think it’s important that people know there are people who reject this sensationalist nonsense.

Majora said:
SvennoJ said:

Nope, in the Netherlands. Sure we had the maps of what Holland would look like without dykes but the flooding problem was more coming from the Rhine and the Waal.

Precisely. You didn’t. So you can’t possibly comment on what I saw on my television, can you? 

I watched the BBC all the time, but not the news no.

And yes, most of us will still be here in 50 years (maybe not me, I will be 97 by then) but the world will look very different. In what way is up to us.