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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 Hub Thread - TIme to wrap up! Nintendo poll up


What was your favorite part of Nintendo's E3 Direct?

Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp 3 8.82%
Cruis'n Blast 0 0%
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water 0 0%
Hyrule Warriors: AoC Puls... 0 0%
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 13 38.24%
Mario Party Superstars 0 0%
Metroid Dread 11 32.35%
Shin Megami Tensei 5 5 14.71%
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania 0 0%
Warioware: Get It Together! 2 5.88%
Teriol said:
Nautilus said:

Yeah, Mario and Rabbids, and the Avatar game made the show more worthwhile.

Still, Ubi games are becomming, outside of those exceptions, so sterile.

Yep before M+R and Avatar this conference for me was a 3.5/10, now its a 7/10

I would say that it ended up being a 5/10 for me, because I only really like like 10 minutes out of the 70 minutes presentation, but yeah, without both of them, it would have been a 3 or 2.5/10

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Nautilus said:

Seeing this, makes me convinced that Nintendo was a genious in how they made their digital events(directs) so entertaining.

They understood the importance of balancing showing new games with updates on current games, giving their big games the time they needed, just as giving fewer time to the ones that didnt need that much.

When they were live, the Ubi conferences were decent at the worst,. and they had a good pace. But now that they are digital, they are spending too much time into everything

You're right. We don't need to see every single game mentioned have a little bit from the developer talking about passion and other fluff words. We also don't need to see upwards of 15 minutes on games like Extraction when nothing of value was actually shown during the gameplay. It was time that could have been spent on other games. Which probably means they were passing out the few games they were able to show.

I'm going to be honest with you guys, halfway through the Ubisoft conference, I was losing interest. And I love gaming conferences. At least, at the very end of the show it became a bit better, but overall, I would rate it a 6/10 at highest.

UploadVR was good, it had some cool announcements. That "A Township Tale" looks promising, let's see if it can deliver it.

Was the gearbox presentation even a joke? Was that even for real?

it has already

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Ubisoft showed off a LOT but yet somehow managed to not show me anything at all. Mario + Rabbids looks fun - the last one was good - but that's basically it. I'm even one of those weirdos who loved and still loves the James Cameron Avatar movie, but even I'm like 'eeeh, no gameplay shown, this was a bad trailer. Looked pretty, though!'

I mostly just skipped over Gearbox's. It was just those stupid Gearbox University ads on repeat and Homeworld 3 factoids. I don't care about the Borderlands movie, Randy Pitchford is a piece of shit and I don't wanna see his face, and nobody cares about Godfall. Literally the only reason anyone bought GodFall was because it was a PS5 launch title. Tribes of Midgard looks fun but it's not gonna be a show-stopper or blockbuster.

Ubisoft - 3/10 and only 2 points for Mario, 1 point for Avatar.
Gearbox - 2/10 for....I like Borderlands, okay?

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This was a decent day overall I think. The Ubisoft event was decent and the Devolver one good and the 2nd Guerilla Collective indie showcase was nice though nothing else other than maybe the Upload VR one felt worthwhile. Yesterday had probably the worst E3 event of all time with the Koch thing that was like 70-80% dull interviews but it had a new DDLC version announced at the IGN Expo so that alone makes that day at least ok to me. Tomorrow is easily the biggest day so hopefully it's a good experience and Microsoft knocks it out of the park.

So far this is the worst E3 to ever exist. It's all shit that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Hopefully today will be better. It HAS to be GOOD with all what Microsofot has been throwing from their mouths since the launch of the series X, and all the talks they kept saying during which ever occasion.

In the Nintendo E3 thread I did a "What I want, and What I expect post for Nintendo." Microsoft's event is next, so I might as well post what I want, and what I expect from them...

What I want from Microsoft... 

Hey guys, we have Starfield to show you! It's got a completely brand new engine built from the ground up! We finally ditched creation engine! Check out this kickass lore and these amazing alien designs! We don't have warp speed in this game. Instead you fast travel via stargates, or something else original. 

Here's the Perfect Dark game, with gameplay footage! We are staying true to the series roots. Will be out 2022. 

Banjo Kazooie is back! Banjo 3 releases this fall!

Here's a new Fallout game made by Obsidian! 

Here's Halo Infinite, and it doesn't have microtransactions or GaaS game design. It's vastly improved over last year's trailer. 

What I expect from Microsoft...

Here's Starfield. It's a fairly paint by numbers Bethesda game, complete with dungeons that have been rubber stamped into the game. Ya know how every other dungeon in Fallout 4 or Oblivion was just lazily thrown together? Yeah, this is that, but in space! Oh yeah, we're still using Creation engine for this one. Also here's some dumb cosmetic MTX thrown into the game. Have fun grinding for that. 

Look at all these 3rd party games that "Play best on Series X". As you can see here from this Digital Foundry video, once you zoom in on the mud on the ground you can see that Series X textures are just ever so slightly better than PS5 textures! 

Hey guys remember [Insert random game series that has been 3rd party multiplat for the last 15 years]? We bought them out! Now this game series can only be played on PC and Xbox! And if you're really a simp you can play on your Smartphone via Xcloud! Anyway, here at Xbox we're all about everyone being able to play the games they love on the devices they love!*

*So long as it's by subscribing to our services! 

Here's Halo Infinite! We designed it to compete with Fortnite! Every week there will be a battle pass, and some dumb $10 skins, and a new pointless cameo! 

Here's your yearly Forza game! Are you tired of this franchise yet? 

Also we'd like to take the time to engage in some Texas Sharpshooting! *Proceeds to commit the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy repeatedly while quoting sales and revenue data.*

Last edited by Cerebralbore101 - on 13 June 2021