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Ubisoft showed off a LOT but yet somehow managed to not show me anything at all. Mario + Rabbids looks fun - the last one was good - but that's basically it. I'm even one of those weirdos who loved and still loves the James Cameron Avatar movie, but even I'm like 'eeeh, no gameplay shown, this was a bad trailer. Looked pretty, though!'

I mostly just skipped over Gearbox's. It was just those stupid Gearbox University ads on repeat and Homeworld 3 factoids. I don't care about the Borderlands movie, Randy Pitchford is a piece of shit and I don't wanna see his face, and nobody cares about Godfall. Literally the only reason anyone bought GodFall was because it was a PS5 launch title. Tribes of Midgard looks fun but it's not gonna be a show-stopper or blockbuster.

Ubisoft - 3/10 and only 2 points for Mario, 1 point for Avatar.
Gearbox - 2/10 for....I like Borderlands, okay?

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