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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CD Projekt Red Apologizes For Hiding Base Console Performance- Offers Refunds


Will you be asking for a refund?

Yes 14 35.00%
No 26 65.00%
shikamaru317 said:
SvennoJ said:

Read this and decide if you want to feel bad for 'everybody' there
There seem to be some deep running issues in the company

A. That supposed CD Projekt dev was never vetted by Reddit mods and deleted his Reddit account after posting that, makes me doubtful it is accurate, especially since several other grunt tier employees went on record defending the CD Projekt leadership and claimed that they were crunching voluntarily with paid overtime. 

B. Jason Schreier used to be one of the most trusted journalists in the industry, but he has been caught lying too many times the last few years for me to believe him at face value any more. He seems to have a crusade going against all AAA devs these days, be it Naughty Dog, 343, or CD Projekt, over crunch issues that don't really seem out of the norm for the AAA industry. It's a demanding industry, everybody knows that, and they know it when they apply for these AAA jobs. Some can't handle it and end switch to development at smaller, less crunch prone studios, some can and do handle it. Is crunch right? Maybe not, but it is necessary to get these AAA games out on a regular schedule, especially since AAA games just keep getting bigger and bigger. Cyberpunk took 5+ years to develop as is, and still wasn't all the way finished on release, imagine how long it would have took without any crunch. We could have been waiting until like 2022 for it, 7 years after Witcher 3.

That's why developers won't speak out. Nobody will believe them anyway.
Look a bit further, link was in there

But oh well, he must be lying cause reasons

Without crunch and proper planning, it would have been far less of a mess right now. Crunching makes messy code and adds bugs. It only helps getting something out of the door sooner, however in a worse state taking far more time to fix and add to. Crunch code is nightmare code costing much more time in the long term.

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I'm seeing a lot of folks on twitter complaining about Sony refusing to refund Cyberpunk and telling them to wait for the January update

Jpcc86 said:

But how can this be, CD Projekt are. Such. Perfect. Developers.

It's amazing how effectively CDPR led people into being their fans after all the shit they've pulled through the years. That's some Apple or Nintendo levels of Stockholm Syndrome right there.

A lot of folks were quick to forget that was the company that once tried to sue everyone who pirated their games and only did a 180' after they were literally laughed off it and realized there was a market niche to fill right there.






CDPR has turned into scumbags. I will get this game when the GOTY edition comes out on PS5 and it's used for less than $20.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

CDPR has turned into scumbags. I will get this game when the GOTY edition comes out on PS5 and it's used for less than $20.

It will probably get an Ultimate edition or Complete edition, a GOTY edition is probably out the window. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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Wow it seems people think it is better for them to not apologize at all.

shikamaru317 said:
Leynos said:

CDPR has turned into scumbags. I will get this game when the GOTY edition comes out on PS5 and it's used for less than $20.

I would hardly call them scumbags. Yes, they made some poor choices:

  • Deciding not to cancel base PS4 and XB1 versions when the systems clearly can't handle the game
  • Choosing to not show the base PS4 and XB1 versions before release
  • Holding back console reviews until after release
  • Deciding not to delay the game a 4th time, just so they could hit a Christmas release

However, look at all of the good CD Projekt does:

  • The only developer/publisher I know of that still puts goodies into a standard physical version, like the good old days when physical games had manuals and such in the case, before publishers decided to cut them to save 50 cents per copy (Cyberpunk standard edition includes a map, world compendium, postcards, stickers, digital soundtrack, digital art booklet, and digital cyberpunk 2020 sourcebook)
  • Cyberpunk is getting a wave of free DLC's in 2021, just like Witcher 3 got in 2015
  • Cyberpunk's upcoming multiplayer game will be free for everybody who bought Cyberpunk 2077
  • The game itself is still great, in spite of the bugs and performance issues
  • No singleplayer lootboxes
  • Now they have apologized (something that few AAA developers and publishers do when they make a mistake), are offering help to get refunds, and have made a commitment to patch the bugs and optimize the last gen console versions

To call them scumbags isn't really fair. They are still better than most of the big publishers like EA, Activision, Take-Two/2K, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and more.

Still the apologist?

Didn't RDR2 come with a map? I'm pretty sure it did.

A wave of free DLCs is pretty standard nowadays with games releasing incomplete.

The multiplayer that was initially supposed to be part of the game?

The game is good, yet far from finished, there are literally still place holders in the game.

No lootboxes, that's a plus now?

I wouldn't call that an apology, more like begging to pls give them a chance, we'll whip the dev team some more to get patches out asap. Otherwise try get a refund from your retailer first, if that doesn't work you can email us, only for a week, and we might do something. (no clue what)

Some poor choices, deliberately misleading their customer base, which they so respect, while mandating crunch upon crunch to get that lovely pre-order money in the bank.

They don't care about you, just your money, like every other company. But they'll manipulate you as much as possible into defending their every move no matter how bad.

Deciding not to cancel base PS4 and XB1 versions when the systems clearly can't handle the game

Are you for real? It was targeted for PS4 and XB1 and CDPR has specifically stated that, as well as that it would look great on ps4 and XBox One.
What CDPR has shown is that they clearly can't handle a project this size.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 14 December 2020

shikamaru317 said:

Can you name another game besides Fallout 4, RDR2, Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk that included anything in the case except maybe a PS+/XBL code in the last decade? I can't think of any. And CD Projekt even gives you the soundtrack for free, that usually costs you $20 or so for most games. I have listed to my Witcher 3 soundtrack so many times over the last few years. 

Some games get free DLC, some don't. Few get as many as Witcher 3 got, 16 pieces of free DLC in the first year as I recall, ranging from questlines to alternate outfits for the main characters. And they have promised a similar free DLC campaign for Cyberpunk. 

The multiplayer being included with the base game was only ever rumored as far as I know. Besides, name me some other 100+ hour singleplayer games that also include free MP? I can only think of 1, RDR2. It's incredible value for $60, in an age where some games are increasing to $70, and where many games are like 20-30 hours or less for that price.

I haven't encountered any placeholders personally, everything seems done to me, based on my 20+ hours so far. Some bugs and glitches, but all minor, nothing that has impacted my enjoyment. 

How is no singleplayer lootboxes, in a world where many other publishers put them in their games, not a positive?

I definitely read it as an apology, and many others did as well, most of the most liked replies to their tweet were positive from what I saw.

PS4 and XB1 can't handle the game. I have one word for you, Jaguar. Red Engine is very CPU intensive in big cities, just look at Novigrad performance on Witcher 3, DF has used it as a PC CPU benchmark game for 5 years now, because Novigrad is very CPU intensive. And Cyberpunk's Night City is much larger and denser than Novigrad. I don't see this game ever hitting locked 30 fps on PS4/XB1 due to Jaguar CPU's, it will improve some on these patches, but the game should never have been targeted at PS4/XB1, especially after the delay from 2019 to 2020, which is why I said they made a mistake by not cancelling the current gen versions.

Witcher 3 was not all that great at release either, they had to make up some goodwill there.

How many free pieces of DLC did Driveclub get? No Man's sky, GT Sport? Substantial, game changing DLC.

Cyberpunk is not a 100+ hour single player game, you can finish the story in 10 hours apparently.
Many games get tacked on multiplayer nowadays, Far Cry 3 already did.

The police is a big place holder, spawning in with no AI to chase you really. However there are also actual Missing_Vendor_Name tags and empty shops around, while assets get re-used a lot.
It simply wasn't finished yet.

There are seemingly only about six books published in Night City, and everyone owns multiple copies of them, leaving them in piles around their homes. Any time you see sheets of paper on a desk or stuck to a wall, it's the same handful of nonsensical documents—including, oddly enough, a deed to buy a mango farm. I've seen this mango farm contract all over Night City, and every time I do—along with all the other recycled assets—it just feels smaller and smaller.

Not adding something bad, doesn't mean it makes it good, concerning loot boxes.

Apologies are not conditional, don't shift blame and don't ask you to wait for things to get better.

They knew from the start what XBox One and PS4 are capable of. If they made their engine too incompatible with the base consoles, it's purely on them. TW3 runs on the Switch, this can run on the base consoles. Plus they would have known long ago whether it would be feasible or not, yet deliberately continued to mislead until after release when the truth came out.

The mistake they made is thinking that crunch could solve the horrible planning and feature creep they got themselves into. By this time last year it would have been obvious that there was no way to get it out on time and needed another full year at least without a worldwide virus disruption.

It can all be fixed and likely will. That's the one thing CDPR has left, they polished up TW3 to one of the best RPGs out there. It will take time. The current code base is most likely a mess of last minute fixes, patches, place holders, scrapped features and shortcuts to get it out of the door. It certainly can run on the base consoles but it will require time to balance things, create lower poly assets, lower res textures, optimize scenes, pre-bake lighting, reflections and shadows where possible etc.

This is not a Kickstarter project, but somehow a lot of people treat it like such. About 8 million of them.

DroidKnight said:
Leynos said:

CDPR has turned into scumbags. I will get this game when the GOTY edition comes out on PS5 and it's used for less than $20.

It will probably get an Ultimate edition or Complete edition, a GOTY edition is probably out the window.

It's just a phrase meaning the same thing. All shit is on DISC regardless of whatever the fuck is slapped on the box.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Baddman said:

I'm seeing a lot of folks on twitter complaining about Sony refusing to refund Cyberpunk and telling them to wait for the January update

Yup, Sony is adding more issues to the ongoing shitshow.

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