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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Assassin's Creed Valhalla: PS5 vs Xbox Series X - Updated NX Gamer - Update Digital Foundry


Were you expecting a big advantage for the XSX?

Yes 20 32.79%
No 41 67.21%

I think it's apparent that Sony/Cerny delivered the better balanced machine. And as for the Xbox tools excuse, isn't MS supposed to be the software expert here? Also, the Dirt 5 dev said their tools weren't way behind. And even with MS improving their tools, guess who also can and will, Sony. Personally, I wouldn't hold your breath hoping. I mean how many times are Xbox fans going to except the "just wait til next year" line. Getting kinda sad at this point. I really expect to see even more to start jumping ship this gen.

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thismeintiel said:

I think it's apparent that Sony/Cerny delivered the better balanced machine. And as for the Xbox tools excuse, isn't MS supposed to be the software expert here? Also, the Dirt 5 dev said their tools weren't way behind. And even with MS improving their tools, guess who also can and will, Sony. Personally, I wouldn't hold your breath hoping. I mean how many times are Xbox fans going to except the "just wait til next year" line. Getting kinda sad at this point. I really expect to see even more to start jumping ship this gen.


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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This is a general thread warning.
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Last edited by Pemalite - on 19 November 2020

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

DakonBlackblade said:
I suppose the conclusion here is that Mark Cerny is a genius, the man knows how to engineer a console

"No offense, but 1.825 ghz is pretty crazy for a console. we had a max of 1.172 ghz last gen.MS wasn't conservative at all. They pushed both the CUs and the clocks. They went with a super expensive vapor chamber cooler to achieve that. You seem to be forgetting that MS and Sony arent just cooling the GPU like AMD is doing, there is a CPU in there with a big io block and ram bus that needs to be cooled too.

Where MS screwed up was not thinking outside the box like Sony did. Sony went with a much cheaper and more traditional cooler/heatsink. it made their console look like a planet but they were willing to look ugly and big in order to save a buck. they also did a lot of work with liquid thermal cooling that tbh, MS nor any other GPU maker has bothered to implement. Sony was able to get to 2.23 ghz because they had fewer CUs AND because they went with liquid metal cooling and a traditional and super cheap heatsink that cost them only a few dollars according to bloomberg. Penello was super surprised to hear that the cooling was only costing sony a few dollars and refused to believe it. it likely cost MS almost $30 to do vapor chamber cooling. - SlimySnake (neogaf)


Cerny is confirmed a genius now.
If you can use a smaller Chip (apu) and thus have cheaper costs, and use a cheaper cooler (even if its massive), then thats a smart move.

If it wasn't for the dual sense likely being more expensive than the Xbox Series X controller, I woulda without a doubt said the PS5 was cheaper to produce. I think its close though, and it actually has me wondering how far (down) the prices of these devices can even go.
Like will there be a slim version of a PS5? or XSX?

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 19 November 2020

People are getting a bit ahead of themselves after only one comparison. From this and a few other titles I think we can draw that there is no huge brute force difference in power but I wouldn't suddenly be concluding that PS5 is the better performing machine

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Otter said:
People are getting a bit ahead of themselves after only one comparison. From this and a few other titles I think we can draw that there is no huge brute force difference in power but I wouldn't suddenly be concluding that PS5 is the better performing machine

It's going to come down to the game engines used and how the developers leverage the machines, I'm sure we will see titles where XSX gets the best performance. But really it shows what we all should have known, the consoles are incredibly close and any power advantage touted by one side is pretty meaningless.

This isn't a repeat of the Xbox One vs PS4, the PS5 and XSX are so close in power that which comes out on top comes down to the developers, not the hardware.

Otter said:
People are getting a bit ahead of themselves after only one comparison. From this and a few other titles I think we can draw that there is no huge brute force difference in power but I wouldn't suddenly be concluding that PS5 is the better performing machine

Theres now been 6 compairisons.
5 of them favor the PS5.

Its usually not by huge margins though, and people have been saying it could just be bad SKDs from MS to devs, or API issues and such.
Still too early to say that PS5 is the better performaing machine (for entire gen), i agree with that.

So far it does seem its better off though, here at the start, due to whatever reasons.

Pretty amazing how people can diss others championing the power war but also do it in the same breath. Just accept both consoles have similar specs, there’s going to be games that favor the Xbox too. It’s 100% up to the dev.

JRPGfan said:
DakonBlackblade said:
I suppose the conclusion here is that Mark Cerny is a genius, the man knows how to engineer a console

"No offense, but 1.825 ghz is pretty crazy for a console. we had a max of 1.172 ghz last gen.MS wasn't conservative at all. They pushed both the CUs and the clocks. They went with a super expensive vapor chamber cooler to achieve that. You seem to be forgetting that MS and Sony arent just cooling the GPU like AMD is doing, there is a CPU in there with a big io block and ram bus that needs to be cooled too.

Where MS screwed up was not thinking outside the box like Sony did. Sony went with a much cheaper and more traditional cooler/heatsink. it made their console look like a planet but they were willing to look ugly and big in order to save a buck. they also did a lot of work with liquid thermal cooling that tbh, MS nor any other GPU maker has bothered to implement. Sony was able to get to 2.23 ghz because they had fewer CUs AND because they went with liquid metal cooling and a traditional and super cheap heatsink that cost them only a few dollars according to bloomberg. Penello was super surprised to hear that the cooling was only costing sony a few dollars and refused to believe it. it likely cost MS almost $30 to do vapor chamber cooling. - SlimySnake (neogaf)


Cerny is confirmed a genius now.
If you can use a smaller Chip (apu) and thus have cheaper costs, and use a cheaper cooler (even if its massive), then thats a smart move.

If it wasn't for the dual sense likely being more expensive than the Xbox Series X controller, I woulda without a doubt said the PS5 was cheaper to produce. I think its close though, and it actually has me wondering how far (down) the prices of these devices can even go.
Like will there be a slim version of a PS5? or XSX?

Acording to Mooreslawisdead, he claims that the ps5 is sold at a profit and the digital is sold at a loss while the series x and s are both sold at a loss. R&D might have been bigger for sony but the cost of building materials is lower so it would not suprise me, Also why the there are so few digital ps5's out there, sony dint want to  loose money oon hardware that could not be offset by the full version. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

This is the best case scenario for xbox fans. Both consoles are amazing for their price and are very similar in terms of performance and I expect that to be the case for most multiplatform games. Therefore, MS won't be able to focus their marketing on power, teraflops, true 4k and other similarly pointless slogans. It's finally time to focus on games and services to the benefit of the players.