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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 11th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

47: Knights of the Old Republic 2

44: Killzone 2?

Around the Network
Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

#45: Don't know about Sony, but Final Fantasy XI eventually?

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

S.Peelman said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

47: Knights of the Old Republic 2

44: Killzone 2?

Was going to answer these two myself:

47: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

44: Final Fantasy XI (Well Mnementh beat me to it)

EDIT: i meant 45 not 44

Last edited by Supermario28 - on 18 November 2020

Supermario28 said:

Some more hints

45. Some say it's a Zelda for 18+ ||| Darksiders ||| guessed by Mnementh

44. a) The main character has to take back his own castle from an evil relative.

      b) This game is part of a very very popular franchise

43. a) In this game, Audie seems to be a tribute to a real person

     b) Audie is a wolf

42. This game is the first in the serie's timeline ||| The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword ||| guessed by The_Liquid_Laser

41. a) Living together in peace, the inhabitants of an island are always full of joy thanks to a tree. But everything is taken away

     b) The tree is stolen, and one inhabitant, of desired color, has to go through a 6 pages Storybook to get it back.

44. Final Fantasy 4?

Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

49. Skyrim?

48. Return of the Jedi?

45. Everquest?

Mnementh said:

More hints:

#45: Battle for Wesnoth as guessed by Ka-pi96

#44: Pinball Dreams as guessed by Pajderman
If you sleep you have sometimes visions, this time of round objects among things they bounce off.
The four "levels" are a train, music producer, a graveyard and space travel.
The very first game of this swedish developer that exists now for nearly 30 years.
Said swedish dev made two follow-up games named ___ Fantasies and ___ Illusions, with ___ being the first part of the title of this game.

#43: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana as guessed by OTBWY

#42: Spiritfarer as guessed by Supermario28

The real 3D game: six degrees of freedom.
Asteroid mining is the future - until you need to blow up the asteroids because your mining robots are rebelling.

#40: Resident Evil as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

41. Descent

Ka-pi96 said:

Some more hints.

#50 An incredibly popular racing game that for the first time featured anti-gravity sections. Mario Kart 8 (guessed by Mnementh)

#49 Horse armour!
How has nobody got this yet? It's like the most infamous DLC of all time!

#48 Technically the 3rd game in the series, but also not a sequel. This time on a moon!
It added lasers to the huge arsenal of weapons that you could loot and shoot.

#47 This one is a sequel. It featured many different blade colours. It had the standard blue, red and green which were popularised by the movies. But also interesting ones such as orange and silver.
Had a morality system. One that actually ended up being a proper light vs dark one too.

#46 This entry in a long running franchise finally added a 4th playable kingdom. There are no longer just 3 kingdoms.
"Do not pursue Lu Bu!"

#45 Sony ruined this once awesome game.
The 1st of 2 MMOs based on this popular franchise.

#44 IMO one of the best FPS games on the PS3, and WAY better than its predecessor.
You went from the defender in the first game to the invader in this one.

#43 There were other great parts to this game, but to me the very best was all of the minigames. I just loved things like licking up sushi, splashing up and down, tossing snakes and so on.
Or hypnotising each other, hardening when rocks are fired at you, following a pink fairy's dance instructions etc.

48) has to be Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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Around the Network
The_Liquid_Laser said:
Mnementh said:

More hints:

#45: Battle for Wesnoth as guessed by Ka-pi96

#44: Pinball Dreams as guessed by Pajderman
If you sleep you have sometimes visions, this time of round objects among things they bounce off.
The four "levels" are a train, music producer, a graveyard and space travel.
The very first game of this swedish developer that exists now for nearly 30 years.
Said swedish dev made two follow-up games named ___ Fantasies and ___ Illusions, with ___ being the first part of the title of this game.

#43: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana as guessed by OTBWY

#42: Spiritfarer as guessed by Supermario28

The real 3D game: six degrees of freedom.
Asteroid mining is the future - until you need to blow up the asteroids because your mining robots are rebelling.

#40: Resident Evil as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

41. Descent


3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

S.Peelman said:
Kantor said:

I'll give a few hints at once.

43: Red Mars becomes a lot redder with the blood of the enemies you brutally chainsaw in half



(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Kantor said:

I'll give a few hints at once.

44: The protagonist gets himself into a h-Ares situation

43: Red Mars becomes a lot redder with the blood of the enemies you brutally chainsaw in half

42: Nihilism in 8-bit video game form. The real lesson is not to follow orders.

41: Video games based on a movie are never good, unless that movie is based on a video game.

40: A man is resurrected by a jeweller and they run around Middle Earth turning enemies into friends.

44) Not sure I really get the hint, but I'll just say God of War due to "Ares" being in there

40) Defintely Shadow of Mordor

44) Hairy situation + Ares haha - God of War indeed.

40) indeed Shadow of Mordor. I think Middle Earth may have made this one too easy...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Ka-pi96 said:
Kantor said:

41: Video games based on a movie are never good, unless that movie is based on a video game.

Ratchet & Clank? The R&C remake is the only game based on a move based on a game that I can think of at least.

Correct! I'd never actually played the original (or watched the movie) so it was my first time experiencing it.

Reposting since nobody has got it yet:

42: Nihilism in 8-bit video game form. The real lesson is not to follow orders.

And an extra hint: Florida is known for being a violent place...

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

44) God of War (2005)

Continuing on a theme of the 40-something games, this is probably my least favourite in the mainline series (we don't talk about Ascension) but the one that started off the whole mad adventure and therefore deserving of a special place in my heart and on my list. I like how we get a glimpse into Kratos's past, setting the tone somewhat for a more pensive protagonist later in the series. I also really liked the temple sequence, and remember how awestruck I was when I saw Cronus crawling past with it on his back - for a PS2 game the technical achievement was incredible, even if later surpassed by its sequel.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective