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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Konami" trends on Twitter with fans asking Sony to adquire their IPs in response to Micro's Beth acquisition

Careful Sony twitter fan, Microsoft might see it and buy them up. I don't care too much about Konami of the last decade or so. I would love to see Nintendo buy Catlevania, Sony buy Metal Gear, and either Sony or Nintendo buying Silent Hill..probably Sony if they will give us P.T. in VR.

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shikamaru317 said:

A Konami acquisition would be very expensive. I don't think people realize that Konami is publicly traded, meaning that Sony would have to buy up all of their stock to fully acquire them. Konami still has a very successful Pachinko business, leading to a market cap of $5.4b, and the value of buying that stock would only increase if stockholders heard rumors of a Sony acquisition. I doubt Sony wants to pay $7b for the handful of successful IP's that Konami owns and no good studios to work on said IP's. 

Zenimax is actually worth the $7.5b that MS paid, because it not only includes multiple successful IP's, but many good studios that work on said IP's. 

Sony have the money for 6b acquisition?

Microsoft is a beast company, sony is not, their market value is on the same level as Nintendo. 

I see sony money-hat, like always do.  

As long as its not Google Stadia buying them...or anyone!

Jannlee48504 said:
I don't get it sony has tons of ip's and u want them to buy more just because microsoft leveled the playing all of a sudden its not fair? But when sony had all the exclusives it was fair and all people said was xbox has no games well now the do and now people are even more upset???? Y not just be happy for xbox ownerse

Sony built relationships with third party developers over time. They also built their own in-house studios. Nintendo likewise invested in developing and building value in its own IP.

Microsoft just got out its overflowing checkbook so they could cock-block competition in a market where it has overall been a very mediocre performer. This is the kind of predatory crap that landed them in front of the Department of Justice.

Ka-pi96 said:
KLXVER said:

Well they want them to just buy the IPs. Unless youre saying Sony dont have any good developers...

Good IPs then. Konami don't have any of those either.

Suikoden says hi

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lol fanboy wars are pretty entertaining when you see a massive company buying another parent company.

"buy this so I can rub it in those fanboy's mouths!" is all I can see. They don't care whatever the fuck happens to anyone else, just as long as they can have bragging rights, and that's the sort of people I wish were not a part of this market.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Konami and Bethesda really have an eerily similar track record as of late. Both have developed nothing of value since 2015 (Fallout 4, MGS V), and both of them buchered those same franchises in 2018 (Fallout 76, Metal Gear Survive).
Bethesda at least have some huge games on the horizon, god only knows what Konami is doing.

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Or Sony buying Capcom

Link_Nines.XBC said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Good IPs then. Konami don't have any of those either.

Suikoden says hi

Good call forgot about Suikoden!  I would like to see either Nintendo or Sony buy that ip as well.  Give it to Monolith Soft to give them another ip to work on...or buy Suikoden along with Rabbit and Bear studios and give them their game back to work on.

Leynos said:
Ryotsu said:
Imagine Sony buying SEGA

DON'T! Don't you dare give them ideas!