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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity announced, taking place100 years before Breath of the Wild (releases November 20th, 2020)

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So what does everyone expect the sales will be for this game? I wouldn't be surprised if it sold more than 5 million copies, BotW is a completely different animal than the rest of the Zelda franchise and more people will be looking at this for the back story that many wanted. Honestly, I wouldn't surprised if this hit 10 million...

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It honestly triggers me quite a bit that if you took out the gameplay portions of the trailer, this wouldn't look that different from a cutscene perspective to the Switch Presentation trailer. Not because it's similar, but because it's shows the juxtaposition between the near-literal false-advertising that trailer (as good as it was) had, and the much more honest advertising of this game. All of this cool shit in the cutscenes, is actually stuff I can probably do in game. Whereas so much of the Switch Presentation trailer was just, "this is actually a flashback ... you just don't know it!" Yea, I know BOTW1 isn't a ridiculous action-game, but I expected at least some cool linear moments. Nope.

This looks very neat.

Looks very cool. Never played Hyrule Warriors, and in this genre have only ever played Dynasty Warriors 3 on PS2, but this is definitely interesting. Might get this down the line on sale.
Well now we have confirmed that BotW2 won't be here until 2021, perhaps as late as next holiday season.

And finally the people who said Nintendo has no holiday games can stop yapping away. And I doubt this will be the major game for the holidays, or possibly instead of having one major game they are just gonna have a solid lineup of numerous games with Mario 3D All-Stars, Mario Kart Live, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, new Hyrule Warriors, and more we don't yet know about.

Oh, Nice. I will likely buy this one.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Battling hordes of different enemies, something you don't do in Breath of the Wild, is a little absurd, I feel. There's a memory in BotW where it's shown that Link kicked ass of lots of enemies, and Zelda is healing him, so I guess it's not that out of place.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Sonner and better than I expected.

I thougtht HW2 would be released after BOTW2, but would be like HW, a different history, and just the addition of botw characters, enemies, weapons would fill the game with enough content to justify the sequel. And all new and old champions would be playable, as well was the enemies (lynel and some of the ancient robots)

However, age of calamity seems far better than the generic HW with botw guest characters I once thought we would receive.

I still don’t think this is the holiday title, the Warriors series and this in particular being ‘just’ a spin-off seems too small to dit the bill. I’m thinking there will still be something else.

Tag. Will discuss a bit after work tonight. as it stands, this is the perfect way and the perfect story to adapt to get me to play a Hyrule Warriors!

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I have a few words to say about this.

YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!   YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!  YES!

That is all....  

New Zelda Warriors game: Yes!
Prequel to Breath of the Wild: YES!!!

Well, there’s their holiday title. Not Breath of the Wild 2 but close enough, I didn’t think it would be this year anyway.
But that still leaves December. Maybe Pokémon Snap or Bravely Default 2.