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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer Says Xbox Series X Games Aren't Being Held Back By Xbox One

Sure, Star Citizen runs just fine on my laptop from HDD. Simply dial the sliders down a bit, no problem. Actually I won't even attempt to try Star Citizen, however Elite Dangerous with everything turned to minimum ran at a glorious 6 fps on planets on my previous laptop (With GT 230M) and only took 30 seconds to load / generate a system map after each jump.

Of course designing a game to run acceptable enough on old hardware is going to hold back the new hardware. On PC it's your own responsibility to figure out whether you can run a game.

Magic scaling is the new secret sauce.

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Lol there are some people who will believe anything this guy says.It's not just about graphics being able to scale up and down,the ssd's in the new console will literally change the designs of games.Any game built with those ssd's in mind will not run on last gen hardware so of course it will hold it back.

Mark Cerny and every other developer literally talked about how building a game with ssd's in mind changes the layout of the games.

Yes. That’s what I hear in my mind everytime someone thinks a given system will hold a game back.

to much damage control coming from ms lately.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
to much damage control coming from ms lately.

It’s not easy when the majority just blindly (arguably) agree with the market leader. That alone makes it a uphill battle from the start if you are from the competition. 

Imagine a company getting a hard time explaining how it wants to be pro consumer by not abandoning their current console base day 1 of next gen. To give them their games for just a little longer to ease into next gen. Bad, bad Microsoft. 

Phil explaining truths that have been evident for decades. How developers have made games for low end PCs and high end PCs without issue. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
eva01beserk said:
to much damage control coming from ms lately.

It’s not easy when the majority just blindly (arguably) agree with the market leader. That alone makes it a uphill battle from the start if you are from the competition. 

Imagine a company getting a hard time explaining how it wants to be pro consumer by not abandoning their current console base day 1 of next gen. To give them their games for just a little longer to ease into next gen. Bad, bad Microsoft. 

Phil explaining truths that have been evident for decades. How developers have made games for low end PCs and high end PCs without issue. 

but thats the thing, the competition has barely said anything. last they said anything of interest was like a month ago. But MS is still fighting like its getting Daily attacks from sony. Its almost on a daily basis that xbox team has some coment on how they are better in some way. After a point people get nervous and wonder why are they so defensive and are gona start questioning if theres any truth to it. The best they can do is just shut up and show games. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
sales2099 said:

It’s not easy when the majority just blindly (arguably) agree with the market leader. That alone makes it a uphill battle from the start if you are from the competition. 

Imagine a company getting a hard time explaining how it wants to be pro consumer by not abandoning their current console base day 1 of next gen. To give them their games for just a little longer to ease into next gen. Bad, bad Microsoft. 

Phil explaining truths that have been evident for decades. How developers have made games for low end PCs and high end PCs without issue. 

but thats the thing, the competition has barely said anything. last they said anything of interest was like a month ago. But MS is still fighting like its getting Daily attacks from sony. Its almost on a daily basis that xbox team has some coment on how they are better in some way. After a point people get nervous and wonder why are they so defensive and are gona start questioning if theres any truth to it. The best they can do is just shut up and show games. 

From my point of view he’s aware of what the gamers are saying and responding to them. Core gamer mindshare going into next gen is important.

Because after all, we do talk about these things and dissect every quote. He wants to ideally shape the narrative when people take apart his quotes. Naturally he says things that the other side cherry picks and makes suit their narrative. Tale as old as time. 

Overall they are doing something that’s pro consumer and it’s a shame they getting blowback. And waiting for the 23rd is frustrating to say the least lol. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 10 July 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


JRPGfan said:
hinch said:
I'm pretty sure having games designed to work on Jaguar cores or slow ass laptop HDD vs SSD would limit game design in some way or another.

So much this. Its a lie plain and simple.
They should just be honest about it, and say, dont worry guys "It'll only last 2 years time or so, then we develope for the series X".

Its obviously gonna effect the 1st part games of the series x.

Oh, so you like honesty, eh?

Let's see, hmm... Jim Ryan said: "it is time to give the PlayStation community something new, something different, that can really only be enjoyed on PS5."

I guess that means that it would be impossible to run Spiderman: MM on PS4 even though is using the exact same engine as the previous entry. I mean, maybe they are ADDING so much more details to this one that it would be just impossible to turn off said details to make it run on PS4.

Oh! and I can totally see how Sackboy would be just impossible to run on PS4 as well.

Oh! and btw, I guess we can totally see how the X1 is holding back the development for Flight Simulator.

It will be hard to sell your Xbox SEX advantages over the PS5 when you are at the same time arguing that your last gen and new gen are this compatible.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

sales2099 said:
eva01beserk said:

but thats the thing, the competition has barely said anything. last they said anything of interest was like a month ago. But MS is still fighting like its getting Daily attacks from sony. Its almost on a daily basis that xbox team has some coment on how they are better in some way. After a point people get nervous and wonder why are they so defensive and are gona start questioning if theres any truth to it. The best they can do is just shut up and show games. 

From my point of view he’s aware of what the gamers are saying and responding to them. Core gamer mindshare going into next gen is important.

Because after all, we do talk about these things and dissect every quote. He wants to ideally shape the narrative when people take apart his quotes. Naturally he says things that the other side cherry picks and makes suit their narrative. Tale as old as time. 

Overall they are doing something that’s pro consumer and it’s a shame they getting blowback. And waiting for the 23rd is frustrating to say the least lol. 

How is it pro consumer not to offer anything that's specifically made to showcase and can only be enjoyed on the shiny new console you just forked out $500 for. I find it anti early adopter tbh. Ideally there would be both, some cross-gen games and a bunch of new games that are specifically made for the new consoles taking full advantage of the SSD and improved CPU/GPU.

Early adopters want exclusive launch games. That's the main reason for being an early adopter. Exciting new games you could not experience on the old system. Not just the same stuff at higher res / fps with some extra effects.