i quote Mr druckman
“When you make a game, you have these different pillars that you're trying to balance. It's graphics, it's gameplay, it's story and you're trying not to let any one pillar overwhelm the other. You're trying to just keep all of this stuff in your mind like, how does it all work together? Recently, I realized that there's this other pillar of diversity. That's just as important as any one of these other pillars. I've kind of empowered people on the team that have made this their top priority, one of which is someone I have to give a lot of credit to, is Ashley Swidowski, our lead concept character artist, which in film terms would be our costume designer. She is constantly challenging me and pushing for diversity in our cast. Can this be a person of color? Can this be a woman? I see myself as a pretty progressive person and yet my default is a white, straight, christian male. That's interesting because I'm Jewish and yet that's the norm for me right now. It's a challenge and it requires energy to deviate from that. Therefore it's important to empower people on the team that are going to push for this pillar.”
The part where he talks about being a straight white christian by default, why does he have an issue with it? is the default straight white christian male not a good person , or something to be ashamed of? seeing yourself as jewish makes you a better person? or does he have a different meaning behind it.Maybe he doesn't like christians, who probably make up the majority of the games fanbase, and they are most likely straight, and white. Maybe he is is part of the lgbt movement and has it for them.