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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

With so many "prominent cases" already (people from big sports clubs in different countries , health minister, president, actors and so on) I think we have way more cases as we know about. But I guess that would be a good thing because the death rate could be much lower if we have already 10x as many cases as we know about.

I mean:

151 cases in Brazil and one is the president

~200 cases in Australia and one is Tom Hanks and his wife

800 in UK of whom one is the health minister, one the trainer of Arsenal London and a few play for big clubs

Doesn't sound plausible to me. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 13 March 2020

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Switzerland is closing all schools until at least April 4
Germany: most schools will be closed from Monday
United States: at least 7 states are closing schools: Ohio, Michigan, Oregon, Maryland, Kentucky and New Mexico
1,188 new case

Torillian said:
Our local public schools in Ann Arbor Michigan have closed for the next three weeks and the university has switched to online courses for the rest of the semester. We've only had two cases in the state so I'm surprised the public schools acted so quickly, I was expecting them to wait it out another week.

Someday I'd be really interested to talk to an expert on this particular virus and find out what about it made everyone take action so drastically. This is a much more notable reaction than I think the world has ever had for a single disease. Perhaps that's just because we have so much more information than we've ever had before, travel is easier than ever, or is this specific virus so much worse than Ebola or previous SARS strains that it required this level of response even if all other things were equal.

It's the smart thing to do looking at how fast it got out of hand in Italy. With the long incubation period, initial mild flu like symptoms and average 1.2x daily growth rate of cases, by the time you detect the first cases (sick enough to go in) there could be many more already. Then a week later all those yet undetected cases have quadrupled already.

Say the first 2 cases detected are the tip of the iceberg, sick enough to go in after a week. Suppose there were already 10 cases at that time. That would mean 40 undetected cases and potentially another 160 a week later. (Added together close to 300 active cases) That's excluding more cases coming back home from other places.

What makes it dangerous is people with mild symptoms spreading the virus on without knowing it.

SvennoJ said:
Nautilus said:

So what you want me to do?Live inside my house for 3 months straight?Don't go for groceries, don't go for work, don't go to study?

Have no social life?Live a hermit life for that period when you are 100% sure you are not infected?

Dude, it's easier to die in a car accident than this.Far easier.And that's something that happens every day.I'm not going to live my life just because the world had an outbreak and people panicked, something that seems to happen once every 10 years.

Panicking is the worse thing to happen right now and just makes things worse.

The problem is, the virus has been allowed to seed itself all over the world, in many countries, states and cities. The current measures atm are needed to put a halt to the current spread and catch up with detection. Since the incubation time is up to 2 weeks (3 in extreme cases), at least 2 weeks are needed to take inventory and decide what comes next.

No, you don't need to live inside your house for the next 3 months, however right now we have no grasp on how many people are actually already infected and potentially spreading it on wards. It can take up to 2 weeks to get sick, then another couple weeks to die or even longer to recover.

This is potentially worse than the black plague because of our modern society and global mobility. Never before has a disease spread so fast around the world creating new hot spots in thousands of locations almost simultaneously.

That was 3 days ago. Total detected cases passed the 134K already today.

Don't panic, don't be stupid like all the people lined up at the supermarket right now only increasing the chance of infecting each other... Governments did a shitty job preparing people which they should have been doing since Januari. So now shit suddenly got real, people over react. But at least it's still early, better have everyone run around in a panic now than when indeed 1% of the people already carry the virus.

Dont quite agree with everything you said, but at least seems reasonable.

Let's just hope that these measures are enough to hold the virus and not kill the economy at the same time.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

So a lot of people reyshed back to the US from Europe before the ban went into effect. What are the odds some of them came back with the virus?

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John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

You know what?Then go ahead and be a hermit for me then.Not only that, go work in my stead to keep my fucking family afloat.Or rather, go pay my goddamn bills to keep myself from making a fucking debt.

Get off your damn high horse.Go panic alone in the corner, but don't drag others with you.

There is a big difference between panicking and facing reality. Looks to me, like you are the one who is panicking right now, I done that two weeks ago and got over it.

Nah, just pissed at fools like you that can't think straight when the reality is that living your daily life has a bigger chance of killing you and your family than this disease has.

Fools are th4e ones that piss me off.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Torillian said:
Our local public schools in Ann Arbor Michigan have closed for the next three weeks and the university has switched to online courses for the rest of the semester. We've only had two cases in the state so I'm surprised the public schools acted so quickly, I was expecting them to wait it out another week.

Someday I'd be really interested to talk to an expert on this particular virus and find out what about it made everyone take action so drastically. This is a much more notable reaction than I think the world has ever had for a single disease. Perhaps that's just because we have so much more information than we've ever had before, travel is easier than ever, or is this specific virus so much worse than Ebola or previous SARS strains that it required this level of response even if all other things were equal.

My personal opinion: Internet.

For better or for worse, the ease the information flows acts like a double edged sword.As you can see through the thread, people are easily scared, and that unfortunely has a gigantic impact on economy.So if the governments didn't implement these measures, they would be accussed of not caring about people enough, ending up causing a kind of damage that the virus wouldn't even come close to doing.In another words, people would panic more than they are now.

And you can already see the results:People floking to the markets to buy enough essencial products that could last months, investors pulling out their money and crashing stock markets through the world, people associating doing and not doing measures to political agenda(I think I have seen a thread about that yesterday), and so much more.

For better or for worse, the last big epidemic we had was the Swine Flu and while the death rate was smaller, its infection rate was much higher.And yet I don't remember the measures being taken to be this drastic.I might be misremembering though.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

konnichiwa said:
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reportedly tests positive for coronavirus after his press secretary Fabio Wajngarten tested positive for it. Bolsonaro, Wajngarten, and staffers were guests at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend. Wajngarten posed for a photo on Saturday with both the President and Vice President of the United States

The counter test was negative.He is fine, thankfully.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

John2290 said:
Nautilus said:

Nah, just pissed at fools like you that can't think straight when the reality is that living your daily life has a bigger chance of killing you and your family than this disease has.

Fools are th4e ones that piss me off.

You keep forgetting about others. The world doesn't revolve around you. 

Neither around you.

Stop being so egoistic and think about others when you try to tell them what they must do with their lifes.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
John2290 said:

There is a big difference between panicking and facing reality. Looks to me, like you are the one who is panicking right now, I done that two weeks ago and got over it.

Nah, just pissed at fools like you that can't think straight when the reality is that living your daily life has a bigger chance of killing you and your family than this disease has.

Fools are th4e ones that piss me off.

You are the one who doesn't understand two simple things:

1. This disease will only kill so "few" people because of all these measurements which will obviously reduce the numbers by a huge margin. Here in Germany we have around 4000 traffic related deaths per year if I'm not wrong. If everyone would laugh so much about this disease as you do and politicians would also act like you do, we would have a lot more deaths in Germany after a year. So much about your "car accident" example from another post.

2. It doesn't help me to know that I won't die even when infected but also knowing that I will on average infect 2-3 more people who then will infect 2-3 more each to be responsible for 100+ infected people after some time. Because just for "I'm annoyed" there would be probably at least one death coming from my infection. 

But hey, it's up to you if you don't care that a 70 years old guy will die some weeks after you infected some other people it's up to you.