SvennoJ said:
Nautilus said:
So what you want me to do?Live inside my house for 3 months straight?Don't go for groceries, don't go for work, don't go to study?
Have no social life?Live a hermit life for that period when you are 100% sure you are not infected?
Dude, it's easier to die in a car accident than this.Far easier.And that's something that happens every day.I'm not going to live my life just because the world had an outbreak and people panicked, something that seems to happen once every 10 years.
Panicking is the worse thing to happen right now and just makes things worse.
The problem is, the virus has been allowed to seed itself all over the world, in many countries, states and cities. The current measures atm are needed to put a halt to the current spread and catch up with detection. Since the incubation time is up to 2 weeks (3 in extreme cases), at least 2 weeks are needed to take inventory and decide what comes next.
No, you don't need to live inside your house for the next 3 months, however right now we have no grasp on how many people are actually already infected and potentially spreading it on wards. It can take up to 2 weeks to get sick, then another couple weeks to die or even longer to recover.
This is potentially worse than the black plague because of our modern society and global mobility. Never before has a disease spread so fast around the world creating new hot spots in thousands of locations almost simultaneously.
That was 3 days ago. Total detected cases passed the 134K already today.
Don't panic, don't be stupid like all the people lined up at the supermarket right now only increasing the chance of infecting each other... Governments did a shitty job preparing people which they should have been doing since Januari. So now shit suddenly got real, people over react. But at least it's still early, better have everyone run around in a panic now than when indeed 1% of the people already carry the virus.
Dont quite agree with everything you said, but at least seems reasonable.
Let's just hope that these measures are enough to hold the virus and not kill the economy at the same time.