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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Barozi said:
haxxiy said:

It's not my fault you can't follow my logic. I mean you could if you knew basic maths but that seems to be a severe problem for you.

Sweden currently has more daily cases (in absolute terms) than Denmark.

That's what I already proved. I already gave you all the numbers you need to come to the same conclusion but it's understandable that you won't acknowledge data that contradicts your point of view.

You think I don't know that the amount of testing has no effect on the positivity rate? Please, that's more than obvious. No need to point it out.
But you seem to think that every single person that gets tested outside the group of people who would've been tested either way, is an automatic negative. That's not true at all and the huge problem in your logic. It's also incredibly obvious that the days of primarily testing people with symptoms are long over. So yeah, they are indeed blindly stumbling into a lot of positives because A) the testing capacity is there and B) the authorities want to test as many people as possible to keep everything under control.

I bet if you read an official source saying that one case of rape is reported to Indian authorities each year, you would blindly believe it even when someone points out that this is only the official count and it's happening in the hundred thousands to maybe millions without getting reported.
I can already hear you say: "don't expect me to accept, without any study to back it up, that India must have more rape cases just because you think so."

You can tell even without studies. It's called logic.

There isn't anything wrong with the number of people being tested in Sweden compared to the European average. It's Denmark that would be the outlier here, and since we've last talked, their positivity rate and confirmed cases have climbed by over 40%. I guess whatever they're doing, despite all their tests, must be less effective than blindly stumbling.

Regardless, you seem rather passive-aggressive. It's just a random argument on the internet dude. Getting that emotionally upset with small things is bad for your immune system, and if these outbreaks start growing in your area, I'm sure you won't want that, right?

But if you're down to resort to ad hominem attacks, then there's nothing left to be discussed. Keep hitting that strawman and misrepresenting my arguments all you want...






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The second wave is building and expected to be more challenging than the first wave. We're back to mid May numbers and rising.So far the government ordered extra flu shots and will start distributing them from next week. Also new limits on social gathering, max 10 indoors, 25 outdoors. However schools still have up to 30 per class room...

Online learning is still a mess btw. Both kids finally have a teacher assigned, yet working through bright space has us scratching our heads what they are supposed to be doing. We haven't seen the teacher yet, this whole face time thing isn't working yet. It's supposed to go through Microsoft teams yet they aren't part of a team yet, waiting for a code. Communication with the teachers is hopeless as well, email doesn't work. We did get an email with code of conduct rules, like wear pants and don't show your ankle monitor on webcam lol.

The school going kids don't have it much better, actually worse. They come home hours late due to bus issue, classes are a mess with up to 3 different grades put together to fill the rooms to capacity. My youngest is assigned to a virtual class (of 27) with kids from 6 different schools. So far not seen any yet, no team, no email, no work, no clue.

Some more local frustration

So my nephew got send home because he coughed. (He has Asthma and allergies, especially in fall). He had a note from the doctor that it's not covid-19 yet he's not allowed back until he gets a test (and the result).

A quick poll in the community, "Has your kid been sent home from school and needs a test" 51 responded yes so far, 118 no. That's going well. There is nothing for the kids that get send home (mostly with runny noses), can't opt in to online learning until a 'switch' period.

Now they did get a positive in a local school. The kid and the one he was sitting next to were send home, however his siblings are still in class... Plus he did the test on Friday, didn't get the results until Tuesday evening. Thus exposed the class for 2 days...

Numbers here aren't good. More local cases, going up province wide

People are lining up from 4AM in the morning to get a test, resulting in testing centers closing at 8:30 AM because there are too many people waiting. We're up to about 35K swabs taken a day now, however pending tests keeps going up as well, now at 48K. The labs can't keep up. Meanwhile the government keeps say they're better prepared now...

Online learning is not going that well. Another day giving up since nothing more to do. Both kids did get to see their teacher, sort of. Constant connection problems, pixelation not seen since the 80s. The idea was to have the whole class connected together. One on one is already a disaster. That was though Microsoft teams, even worse experience than Zoom. Maybe they should try you tube, no problem live streaming to there, from a ps4 base, through wifi...

Another vaccine candidate, by Johnson & Johnson, has reached Phase 3, bringing the total in this final stage of testing to 10:

Not sure if I ever posted in this thread or even looked at it. Didn't take it seriously. I know people who have treated positive and never got sick at all. I know people who have gotten a little sick and bounced back. I had a co-worker whom I considered a friend get sick about a month ago and was out but they said he was getting better. Then on Tuesday, I heard he was on a ventilator. I said "That's not good. If you're on a ventilator, there's an 80% chance that you're not getting off of it."

Yesterday I was told he had a week to live. His mom called my job and told us. Around 7pm last night I got a text saying that he passed away. This was a wake-up call for a lot of people in my area. Somebody who was happy and healthy that everyone loved gone in the span of a month. 😥

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And another; Maryland-based Novavax moves to Phase 3; 11 vaccine candidates are now in this last stage:

16k daily cases in France, what happened?

jason1637 said:
16k daily cases in France, what happened?

They got exponential growth again.... same with Spain, and the UK.
Either strick meassures are taken or a new lockdown will need to fight it.

But its everywhere, even the US is trending upwards again (after comeing down from the 60k range to the 40k range, its again climbing).
India is basically 100k everyday.

Denmark is heading the wrong direction too....

Once the cold/flu season kicks into gear and is layered ontop of corona, mortality rates will climb too.
Sucky time to have numbers climb.

JRPGfan said:
jason1637 said:
16k daily cases in France, what happened?

They got exponential growth again.... same with Spain, and the UK.
Either strick meassures are taken or a new lockdown will need to fight it.

But its everywhere, even the US is trending upwards again (after comeing down from the 60k range to the 40k range, its again climbing).
India is basically 100k everyday.

Denmark is heading the wrong direction too....

Once the cold/flu season kicks into gear and is layered ontop of corona, mortality rates will climb too.
Sucky time to have numbers climb.

The scary thing about the US is that were not flattening the curve enough. 

The first wave we had highs of 35k and flattened at 15-20k

Second wave we had highs of 70-75k and flattened at 40k.

The next wave is gonna be pretty bad.

jason1637 said:
JRPGfan said:

They got exponential growth again.... same with Spain, and the UK.
Either strick meassures are taken or a new lockdown will need to fight it.

But its everywhere, even the US is trending upwards again (after comeing down from the 60k range to the 40k range, its again climbing).
India is basically 100k everyday.

Denmark is heading the wrong direction too....

Once the cold/flu season kicks into gear and is layered ontop of corona, mortality rates will climb too.
Sucky time to have numbers climb.

The scary thing about the US is that were not flattening the curve enough. 

The first wave we had highs of 35k and flattened at 15-20k

Second wave we had highs of 70-75k and flattened at 40k.

The next wave is gonna be pretty bad.

Winter always sucks for these things..... you have less vitamin D (less sunlight), you spend more time inside crowed together (increases spread).

Corona can make you deadly sick...., like dont have the energy to get out of bed for a week.

Getting that ontop of a normal cold or a flu, could have really bad impacts for outcomes (imo).
Its a bad cocktail, we already see that co-morbidities (other issues of health) you have mixed with corona leads to bad outcomes.
(diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight, bad circulation, weakend immune system, smokers lunges, strokes behinde ect)

This is what their afraid of, with this new wave we re likely to see.
People that get corona + something else.

Its why they have been giveing out flu shots to the elderly in preperation for the comeing season.
Its still likely gonna be bad.

Countries that managed to keep it suppressed and not grow, will likely be happy they managed to do so.