Some more local frustration
So my nephew got send home because he coughed. (He has Asthma and allergies, especially in fall). He had a note from the doctor that it's not covid-19 yet he's not allowed back until he gets a test (and the result).
A quick poll in the community, "Has your kid been sent home from school and needs a test" 51 responded yes so far, 118 no. That's going well. There is nothing for the kids that get send home (mostly with runny noses), can't opt in to online learning until a 'switch' period.
Now they did get a positive in a local school. The kid and the one he was sitting next to were send home, however his siblings are still in class... Plus he did the test on Friday, didn't get the results until Tuesday evening. Thus exposed the class for 2 days...
Numbers here aren't good. More local cases, going up province wide
People are lining up from 4AM in the morning to get a test, resulting in testing centers closing at 8:30 AM because there are too many people waiting. We're up to about 35K swabs taken a day now, however pending tests keeps going up as well, now at 48K. The labs can't keep up. Meanwhile the government keeps say they're better prepared now...
Online learning is not going that well. Another day giving up since nothing more to do. Both kids did get to see their teacher, sort of. Constant connection problems, pixelation not seen since the 80s. The idea was to have the whole class connected together. One on one is already a disaster. That was though Microsoft teams, even worse experience than Zoom. Maybe they should try you tube, no problem live streaming to there, from a ps4 base, through wifi...