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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

John2290 said:
SvennoJ said:

Where did I say that was the death rate for the illness, that line was right under the chance (so far) of catching the illness (in Wuhan) and in the same post and earlier I said. People are very worried when they read 6% chance to die and talks of widespread pandemic.

Deaths / Total detected cases is currently 3.4% and 6.0% of closed cases.

The problem with all the speculations on death rate are that it entirely depends on how many undetected cases are floating around, who gets it and how well prepared hospitals are with beds and respirators. In China they even used Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to keep people alive

Outside Wuhan the WHO found the death rate for the disease to be about 1%, with well prepared advanced hospital care. It will be a lot higher when advanced healthcare is not available or overburdened, hence the need to slow it down.

Today looks like the day active cases are starting to grow again (Newly infected - Recovered was going down since they started getting it under control in China, but it's now exploding in the rest of the world mostly from air travel connections) Governments are so slow to respond with only some countries getting a negative travel advisory. The problem is, as soon as its detected somewhere, it already had an avg of 9 days to develop and likely infect close contacts.

Half a million people will be entering the country here in two weeks for St patricks day. It's such bad timing but regardless, we have two different clusters now in Ireland from schools who returned from Italy. Containment has failed and the experts are changing their efforts to delaying it. It's sickly that the government want to just sweep it under the rug for the tourism money. We should have a travel ban for all unnecessary entries and the schools should be closed but so far only the two in whih the clusters are should with a warning for the infected to self isolate. The death will be on their hands. I don't know how they should be handling it but I'd much prefer them to react aggressively than doing barely anything at all. 

There are probably some coming from here as well, it's March break in 2 weeks... A lot of travel right as this thing is picking up steam.

So far this is it for Canadians:

The Government of Canada recommends that Canadians avoid non-essential travel to China and Iran due to an outbreak of COVID-19.

The government also recommends that Canadians avoid all travel to the province of Hubei due to very strict travel and movement restrictions imposed by Chinese authorities to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Bit lagging behind... 6k cases in South Korea, 3k in Italy, the rest of Europe is starting to accelerate, Japan is still increasing and it's popping up everywhere over the USA. Canada itself has cases in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia. A cluster in Toronto can easily spread out with daily commutes. So far only 533 people have been tested here, still working on getting detection up to speed. Travelers are advised to monitor their health for 14 days after returning.

This minimal impact response isn't doing much. Meanwhile the schools still have random strikes (just saw one on the way to town) gathering in large groups, picketing, probably sharing hot drinks and snacks... That's not how school closures help lol.

Anyway despite now sitting at 35 cases, no problems here with the stores. I live in a small town though, no worries here. Even though some people that live here commute to Toronto daily.

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KLXVER said:
Kinda wish we got more information on people who dies from the virus. Are they usually older people or is it people who don't get treatment or are everyone at risk here?

If you're under 50, you'll likely be OK. If you're over 70 then this is 1/4 - 1/2 a Black Death.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

When it hits the levels of Black Death or Spanish Flu then i'll be more concerned. I'm tired of seeing news reports acting like it's the end of the world with over dramatized headlines just to get clicks and views... however I can understand those who are being cautious to avoid infection and having a plan in place incase it does explode into a population trimmer.

Good to see this site is still going 

Turkey still no case? I get the feeling they hide it from their own people because of the situation with Syria.

One of the most traveled countries (tourists and turks living in other countries) but 0 infected.

Getting closer, less than 40km away now in a city I often cycle to in summer. A women who returned from Italy on March 3rd brought it back but luckily went to the ER not long after. She was sent back home to ride it out in self isolation. (Mild symptoms) "She was assessed, tested, and discharged home the same day." And another man returning from Iran to Toronto, bringing the nr of cases to 18 in Ontario.

Not much you can do when people keep traveling to infected areas. And indeed, the number of active cases went up today after being in decline since Feb 17th.

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Quartz said:
When it hits the levels of Black Death or Spanish Flu then i'll be more concerned. I'm tired of seeing news reports acting like it's the end of the world with over dramatized headlines just to get clicks and views... however I can understand those who are being cautious to avoid infection and having a plan in place incase it does explode into a population trimmer.

Yes the twisted part about the media is that they mostly always twist news themselves to get more attention/profit,it annoys me.

Too much things annoy me.

Pyro as Bill said:
KLXVER said:
Kinda wish we got more information on people who dies from the virus. Are they usually older people or is it people who don't get treatment or are everyone at risk here?

If you're under 50, you'll likely be OK. If you're over 70 then this is 1/4 - 1/2 a Black Death.

I laughed when Trump said his pathetic response was all Obama's fault; but now this clears things up. The plan is insidious! Wipe out 1/4 to 1/2 of the Republican voter base.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
Pyro as Bill said:

If you're under 50, you'll likely be OK. If you're over 70 then this is 1/4 - 1/2 a Black Death.

I laughed when Trump said his pathetic response was all Obama's fault; but now this clears things up. The plan is insidious! Wipe out 1/4 to 1/2 of the Republican voter base.

This virus mostly targets those that already are a burden on the healthcare and pension system. Don't panic, keep spending, let the herd be culled....

Like with any illness it is based on MANY factors, age, your general health, healthcare availablity/quality in the area, infection risk, population density... the list goes on.
Although I don't see the Coronavirus becoming the next president... yet :D

Good to see this site is still going 

Is anyone else a little disappointed that their government hasn't announced that they have had a 'pandemic plan' prepared for decades for just this sort of situation?

Within a month of declaring war against Germany, we had 40 million gas masks ready for everybody. I'm well aware this isn't the big one but the response in 'the West' has been pathetic so far. Our governments don't seem too worried about the infirm and elderly ie the economically unproductive, would they behave the same way if this was fatal to 14% of 4-11yr olds?

Upto now it seems to be skiing holidays, pointless conferences, weekends away, business trips and cruises that are responsible for most of the spread. It's a shame it can't be contained to those people.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!