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Is anyone else a little disappointed that their government hasn't announced that they have had a 'pandemic plan' prepared for decades for just this sort of situation?

Within a month of declaring war against Germany, we had 40 million gas masks ready for everybody. I'm well aware this isn't the big one but the response in 'the West' has been pathetic so far. Our governments don't seem too worried about the infirm and elderly ie the economically unproductive, would they behave the same way if this was fatal to 14% of 4-11yr olds?

Upto now it seems to be skiing holidays, pointless conferences, weekends away, business trips and cruises that are responsible for most of the spread. It's a shame it can't be contained to those people.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!