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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

SvennoJ said:
crissindahouse said:

I'm a department head of a wholesale company and we work 2 hours extra a day +Saturday and Sunday now. 

Thx a lot...

Btw there are other people who don't get anything because of some people wo buy everything away from them (even food for their toddlers). This egoistic behaviour is pretty ugly. 

Edit: was going to reply to your other post but clicked this accidentally

It's kind of your job to anticipate trends and stock up before shelves have a chance to run empty. This has been developing since Januari, and you or your boss should have hired extra help to mitigate the pretty much guaranteed run on stores. So far here it's just sanitizer and stuff like that that's all sold out, although I'll find out tomorrow what else is gone when I go shopping. I already got some extra food a week ago, just in case the stores run empty when panic sets in.

Anyway, thanks for putting the extra time in trying to keep up with demand.

I'm less worried about the virus after reading about the results in Wuhan. Children are seemingly not very susceptible, thus the threat of it spreading through schools is a lot lower than for the flu. It's mostly people that keep traveling and then infecting family members who are spreading the virus. Suspend all air traffic until proper tests are in place at boarding would slow this down immediately. But business and tourist sector is more important...

"2 in Orange County in Southern California: a man in his 60s and a woman in her 30s who had recently traveled to countries that have widespread reports of COVID-19"
"10 new cases in Belgium, 9 of which returned from a trip to northern Italy and are now isolated at home after developing an upper respiratory infection with a relatively mild flu-like condition."
"22 new cases in Sweden: in Stockholm, Värmland, Västra Götaland, Örebro county and in Skåne.
he risk of an outbreak in Sweden is judged as "moderate." All cases in Sweden as of earlier today were linked to recent travel abroad ('import case') or contact with a confirmed import case."

Just ugh.

2,237 new cases today (So far), 88 new deaths.

Uhmm, it's not that easy. It's worse than Christmas season right now and you have two months before that with extra hours. Now it all happened in a few days with people going crazy.

It has also nothing to do with us. We can only start to send our goods when they get ordered by stores. We can't just send them something they haven't ordered Just because... stores only started to order more than usual end of last week and they also don't have space to order so much in advance and store it somewhere.

Just to give you some idea about what's going on. Normaly my department sends around 2000 pallets per day. At Christmas season it's around 4000 per day on average (with extra work force to handle it). Now we have 9000 pallets per day and you can't even find that much extra work force. That alone would take a while to find enough people.

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sethnintendo said:
crissindahouse said:

I didn't say you bought wholesale but we send our stuff to those who sell it to customers.

When I see 20, 30 years old people who buy shopping carts full of stuff and then I see older people who don't get anything anymore, I could punch  them for it. 

My parents coouldn't even get toilet paper anymore because others thought they need enough for the next years at once.

They couldn't get Rice or noodles anymore because others believe they help everyone with buying enough for themselves to survive two nuclear wars 

Can't get rice or noodles anymore!  Oh no!   Send them to Chinese restaurants for that.  I heard no one is going to them anymore and are desperate for business.

Well, that was an example. It's not funny for a 78 and 74 years old person if they see what's happening in the supermarkets. My father can't really leave the house anymore for different physically and mentally reasons and my mother doesn't have the time or power to search half a day for what they need. 

And I don't live close to them. Would help if people would think just a tiny bit more about people around them.

crissindahouse said:

Uhmm, it's not that easy. It's worse than Christmas season right now and you have two months before that with extra hours. Now it all happened in a few days with people going crazy.

It has also nothing to do with us. We can only start to send our goods when they get ordered by stores. We can't just send them something they haven't ordered Just because... stores only started to order more than usual end of last week and they also don't have space to order so much in advance and store it somewhere.

Just to give you some idea about what's going on. Normaly my department sends around 2000 pallets per day. At Christmas season it's around 4000 per day on average (with extra work force to handle it). Now we have 9000 pallets per day and you can't even find that much extra work force. That alone would take a while to find enough people.

And that's actually more frightening than a pandemic. Our modern society is so efficient, lean margins, build for profit, minimize storage space/time, that we don't really have any reserves anywhere for emergencies.

It's mostly on the government to inform people and make sure preparations were made when things started to develop in China. Since it's winding down in China, perhaps we should airlift sick people there since they have more and more empty beds and the best know how to get people to survive the disease... I have zero trust in our own Healthcare system being able to deal with this :/

Apparently Italy is closing down all schools now, from day cares to universities.

SpokenTruth said:
John2290 said:

The WHO. Quick google search..

Good.  That answers 1 of the 3 questions.  Now, what was the previous death rate and what date did they provide that previous death rate? 

Without that context, it's hard to say it has been "updated to X%"  Was it less?  Was it higher?  Was it the same?  How long ago?  What has changed since?

Your reaction of "good lord" suggests it was increased from a lower number to a higher number but without a previous figure from the same source, we don't know that. And Dr. Ghebreyesus didn't say one way or the other in the story you linked.

You could also look at it like this:

Wuhan is a city of 11.08 million.
86% of cases in China are linked back to Wuhan.
Active cases are now going down in China.

86% of 80,282 cases / 11.08 million = (so far) 0.62% infection rate (with symptoms, not all 11 million tested of course)
86% of 2981 deaths / 11.08 million = (so far) 0.023% death rate (still 27.2k active cases, 6.4K serious / critical)

But that only works if we can respond as fast and efficiently as the Chinese.

Testing is the problem, death rate in the USA is currently 7%
Deaths / Total detected cases is currently 3.4% and 6.0% of closed cases.

How many people will get infected is the question, and how many are actually infected with such mild symptoms they don't even know. Estimates ranged from 15% to 70% of the population getting infected at some point, 40% of China being infected by the end of May, however in Wuhan it's still under 1 percent and slowing down. The question is, can we in the West give up our mobility for a while to stamp this virus out.

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SvennoJ said:

86% of 2981 deaths / 11.08 million = (so far) 0.023% death rate (still 27.2k active cases, 6.4K serious / critical)

Dumbest line in this thread so far.

drkohler said:
SvennoJ said:

86% of 2981 deaths / 11.08 million = (so far) 0.023% death rate (still 27.2k active cases, 6.4K serious / critical)

Dumbest line in this thread so far.

What do you estimate your chances at catching the corona virus? It started in Wuhan in December btw, it had plenty time to escalate. If we can match China's response, no reason for millions to die and for the healthcare system to get completely overwhelmed. Slowing it down is key.

Anyway, it's anywhere between 0.025% (Wuhan survival rate) and 7% atm (USA stats), we simply don't know yet.

6.5% of new cases are now from China, while China still has 65% of active cases. This thing can be slowed down.

I live in Australia and there is shortage on toilet paper at every supermarkets because of the coronavirus. People including myself were stockpiling toilet paper and now supermarkets are recalling toilet paper as the cardboard roll inserts are imported from china and there are strong fears the cardboard has been contaminated with the virus. Apparently the most recent purchases are deemed most likely to be contaminated.

SvennoJ said:
drkohler said:

Dumbest line in this thread so far.

What do you estimate your chances at catching the corona virus? ...

What the hell has the chance of getting ill by a particular illness have to do with the death rate of said illness?

Pinkie_pie said:
now supermarkets are recalling toilet paper as the cardboard roll inserts are imported from china and there are strong fears the cardboard has been contaminated with the virus.

That's really a good one   What genius found this out and what was her/his reasoning?