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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

SvennoJ said:

With these recommendations I'm not sure whether it will be safe to send our kids back to school in September.

These are the recommendations from SickKids Toronto

- Frequent hand washing, teaching kids how to wash hands properly and avoid touching their face.
- No face masks, teach kids to cover their cough and sneeze into their elbow.
- Arrange classroom furniture to keep as much space as possible between students, and to have smaller class sizes, if possible. They also said schools could consider holding classes and lunch breaks outside, if weather permits. However students should be allowed to play together.
- Limited cohorting. “Student well-being and mental health should be prioritized, however, such that class or program switching should not be denied on the basis of cohorting,” the recommendations state.
- Students and staff should stay home if they have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19
- Students who develop symptoms during the school day, the group said principals and teachers should be provided with information to recognize those signs in order to take “appropriate action.”
- Parents and caregivers should be given a checklist to do daily screenings at home every morning. (no screenings at school to avoid line-ups)

There reason to get kids back in school asap

“The impact on the mental, behavioural, and developmental health of children not going to school, not being exposed to in-person teaching, and not being with their friends and peers is something that myself and many of my colleagues in pediatrics are literally losing sleep over.”

Which is very true, however then they go on to minimize the risk for children, which is true, but sidestepping the issue of possible transmission by children, up to 3 days before any symptoms show. Also afaik air borne transmission in closed spaces in a bigger factor spreading sars-cov-2 than touching contaminated surfaces.

“We have to accept and internalize that this virus will stay with us for a very long time, a year, maybe even longer,” Cohn said. “We have to accept that we will not be able to eliminate the risk from getting infected from the coronavirus. So we have to stop living in fear from the virus. And most importantly, we need to move on with certain activities of our life.”

Yeah bullshit. My wife won't be any less at risk in the fall. The schools / classes here are very full, outside time usually dwindles fast from October and relying on parents to do a 'proper' health check before sending their kids to school, I don't have much faith in that. We haven't had a single fall yet where my wife didn't catch several colds and/other stuff from the kids bringing it back from school.

Don't see why the kids at school can't wear masks. I mean my kid is 4 so I'm not sure the daycare will be able to make that happen but why can't high school age kids be wearing masks?


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SvennoJ said:

Ontario is quick to post numbers, 190 for today, slightly up from yesterday but down from last week. The number of pending tests keeps going up though, 21.6K pending which was down to 2K a week ago. The cynic in me says they stop counting positives when the reach their 'quota' and leave the rest pending for later...

But it's from doing more tests daily

Positive rate is going down, as well as hospitalizations, there are 383 patients in hospital with the virus, 92 of which are being treated in an intensive care unit. Of those 92 in the ICU, 65 are breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. Perhaps Dexamethasone can help them.

It looks like we're on the right track. No new local cases today.

Looking good for Canada, you guys do a lot of testing, 20k+ a day? Sweden did 60k last week.

Our numbers not so good today, 1239 new cases and 102 dead, probably a bad backlog day. Sweden daily reported dead should keep falling based on latest ICU/hospitalization daily numbers.

Totalt Sverige = is for entire sweden.

Some good news for you, seems Worldometer is now reporting the same numbers as our media is, atleast for today (june 17) and yesterday :) now you can keep track of total new cases in sweden easier.

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So, they have mass tested employees in a German meat fabric. These employees do all live "together" in cheap buildings and are very likely to infect each other.

They've tested around 1000 people. 657 are infected...just imagine that, 65% are infected at the same time and that with so many people.

The fabric has over 6000 employees and all will be tested and are under quarantine. Will be many more cases. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 17 June 2020

Torillian said:

Don't see why the kids at school can't wear masks. I mean my kid is 4 so I'm not sure the daycare will be able to make that happen but why can't high school age kids be wearing masks?

They think it makes it worse for kids

While public health officials have urged people to wear face masks when they’re out in public, the experts from SickKids said it’s impractical to expect children to properly wear them for an entire school day. In fact, if worn incorrectly, the group said children could face an increased risk of COVID-19 infection due to them touching their faces more often to adjust the mask.

The experts said children would require help putting on and taking off the masks during meal times and they would likely be improperly disposed of throughout the day leading to increased risk of infection. Although the group recognized that some parents and children may choose to wear face masks, the guidelines state that non-medical and medical face masks are not required or recommended for children returning to school.

Teenagers can indeed, but try to get a teenager to do anything that isn't considered 'cool'.

Trumpstyle said:

Looking good for Canada, you guys do a lot of testing, 20k+ a day? Sweden did 60k last week.

Our numbers not so good today, 1239 new cases and 102 dead, probably a bad backlog day. Sweden daily reported dead should keep falling based on latest ICU/hospitalization daily numbers.

Totalt Sverige = is for entire sweden.

Some good news for you, seems Worldometer is now reporting the same numbers as our media is, atleast for today (june 17) and yesterday :) now you can keep track of total new cases in sweden easier.

They ramped it up a lot lately, the goal was 20K a day, finally meeting it now.
Sweden's reported deaths are still going down and 1239 is a lower spike than 7 days ago at least. It's going down fast but overall still receding from the peak reported deaths April 21st. June 10 set a new peak in reported cases, yet that was with computer glitch, increased testing and more 'low hanging fruit' from a different region providing plenty positives. That doesn't necessarily have to mean the reported deaths go back up in a week or 2 but it could slightly.

Minimalist measures do work eventually!

I still think Sweden did horrible and it won't change if numbers won't increase too much in other neighboring countries.  

I mean:

Sweden 499 deaths per 1m population

"neighboring" countries:

Norway 45

Finland 59

Denmark 103

Germany 106

Poland 34

Estonia 52

Lithuania 28

Latvia 16

There is not really any reason why Sweden couldn't have only 1/5 - 1/10 the deaths atm. Will they reach mass immunity earlier? Probably but I really doubt it will look much better for Sweden compared to the other countries in a year or so. 

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Chicho said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

War? Over what? For what?

I think he is referring to the China India border clashes. 20 Indian soldiers died and China had some casualties too. They have little skirmishes from time to time over their disputed borders but it had been years since people actually died. I don't think it would lead to actual war tho.

No, let me tell you that I know John...and John thinks in WW3.  Right J2290? Although, it should only be fought with sticks and stones.

Europe update

Overall Europe is slightly growing again, 101.3% week over week change. That might be thanks to Germany detecting a new cluster of cases at a slaughterhouse. 1797 new cases today, 657 from the slaughterhouse alone. The week over week change does not compute since Jun 10 had negative 6 cases reported, but with 3 day averages a 400% increase. You can already see the 3 day avg for Germany jump up there passing Sweden.

Besides Germany also Spain and Italy are seeing week over week growth again, while the UK, France and Russia are between 90% and 95% week over week. The Netherlands and Belgium are still doing well and Sweden is recovering a bit from last week's spike.

I switched to 7 day average for reported deaths, too messy with 3 day averages.

Norway, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and soon Ireland have most of their deaths resolved.
Belgium and the Netherlands are below 10 a day, Germany almost there.
Sweden's reported deaths are in decline overall although going back up a bit atm, despite starting later Sweden has passed Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and is about to pass France.
Spain still hasn't resumed reporting deaths but they're probably on the same path as France and Italy.
Russia is peaking very slowly, reported cases and deaths are pretty much holding at the same level.

It has now been 81 days since Italy peaked on March 21st.

@SvennoJ thanks for graphs and analysis. They make it very easy to follow the trends in cases for each region.

SvennoJ said:

Europe update

Overall Europe is slightly growing again, 101.3% week over week change. That might be thanks to Germany detecting a new cluster of cases at a slaughterhouse. 1797 new cases today, 657 from the slaughterhouse alone. The week over week change does not compute since Jun 10 had negative 6 cases reported, but with 3 day averages a 400% increase. You can already see the 3 day avg for Germany jump up there passing Sweden.

Besides Germany also Spain and Italy are seeing week over week growth again, while the UK, France and Russia are between 90% and 95% week over week. The Netherlands and Belgium are still doing well and Sweden is recovering a bit from last week's spike.

I switched to 7 day average for reported deaths, too messy with 3 day averages.

No idea where the 1800 figure is coming from. 657 people from the slaughterhouse were tested positive yesterday (out of roughly 1000 tests). Then you have the usual ~350 positives on top of that, so the total for yesterday should be around 1000.

Will be interesting to see the official number in a few hours.

However they are going to test the other few thousands of workers in that slaughterhouse today (and in the coming days I guess), so they will probably find a lot more.

Sweden is mad cause Norway and Denmark decided to open up the border to each other but still keeping Sweden locked out