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Europe update

Overall Europe is slightly growing again, 101.3% week over week change. That might be thanks to Germany detecting a new cluster of cases at a slaughterhouse. 1797 new cases today, 657 from the slaughterhouse alone. The week over week change does not compute since Jun 10 had negative 6 cases reported, but with 3 day averages a 400% increase. You can already see the 3 day avg for Germany jump up there passing Sweden.

Besides Germany also Spain and Italy are seeing week over week growth again, while the UK, France and Russia are between 90% and 95% week over week. The Netherlands and Belgium are still doing well and Sweden is recovering a bit from last week's spike.

I switched to 7 day average for reported deaths, too messy with 3 day averages.

Norway, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and soon Ireland have most of their deaths resolved.
Belgium and the Netherlands are below 10 a day, Germany almost there.
Sweden's reported deaths are in decline overall although going back up a bit atm, despite starting later Sweden has passed Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and is about to pass France.
Spain still hasn't resumed reporting deaths but they're probably on the same path as France and Italy.
Russia is peaking very slowly, reported cases and deaths are pretty much holding at the same level.

It has now been 81 days since Italy peaked on March 21st.