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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Phoenix20 said:
People need to stop believing the hype of the Corona Virus, the media has blow this out of proportion. The recent losses on the share market are just a correction and there is no need to panic. The media over hype of Corona Virus is creating worry, panic, fear and anxiety. Stay calm, just ignore the hype, business as usual.

Hope you still say that when your family get infected by it too

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Phoenix20 said:
People need to stop believing the hype of the Corona Virus, the media has blow this out of proportion. The recent losses on the share market are just a correction and there is no need to panic. The media over hype of Corona Virus is creating worry, panic, fear and anxiety. Stay calm, just ignore the hype, business as usual.

You are right! It only hit 56 countries by now, pretty much all experts (Not the media) say that this is very serious and companies like Apple already said that they will lose billions in revenue because of the virus (and that even before it hit so many countries).

I'm sure the stock market has only a little correction because of the too great last years and that all these experts have no idea *cough

SpokenTruth said:
Jumpin said:

That’s not at all a low death rate, that’s 10% of people who have cleared the illness.

If 40-70% of people catch it (no idea how that Harvard guy got those numbers, or why he thinks it can’t be contained) then that’s potentially a half billion deaths.

I calculate a current recovery rate of 34.39%, not 10%.  And a current death rate of 3.37% (deaths per confirmed cases method).

I'm talking about people where the disease has run its course, 10% of them are dead.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I'm safe here.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

John2290 said:
crissindahouse said:

Not sure what you try to tell us. Most people traveling around will be tourists and businessmen/woman. No idea how you think that Brexit doesn't seem to be such a bad idea If it comes to stuff like this virus. 

I will visit the UK just like like before. And If you can stay 3 months or 50 years in a country won't really change much how this virus spreads

They can lock their borders at any call now on a national level. Can't be done for EU members without parliamentary approval which makes Europe one entire entity. 

Not true at all.

"The reintroduction of border control is a prerogative of the Member States. The Commission may issue an opinion with regard to the necessity of the measure and its proportionality but cannot veto such a decision if it is taken by a Member State."

Around the Network
Phoenix20 said:
People need to stop believing the hype of the Corona Virus, the media has blow this out of proportion. The recent losses on the share market are just a correction and there is no need to panic. The media over hype of Corona Virus is creating worry, panic, fear and anxiety. Stay calm, just ignore the hype, business as usual.

Follow the facts instead of the news

You most likely won't die, even the chance of getting seriously (critically) ill is less than 5%.
However 5% of the population being down for a month, most needing serious care, while the rest worries over their family members...

It will likely take until June, July to reach its peak. If it doesn't happen in a flash, people lose interest, business as usual.

Anyway when do you think it's time to prepare. When it exceeds the yearly death toll of the flu (56k)

5% to 20% of people get the flu each year, which only lasts a few days for most, most don't even stay home.
Coronavirus is estimated at being able to infect 40% to 70% of all people with 5% of those needing critical care.
Not business as usual.

And yep flu kills older people faster as well.

(Don't think it kills women more than men, women have a higher avg life span, thus higher total in the older brackets)

Anyway, yearly flu shots are not there for nothing. It will still be a year to 18 months to get a coronavirus shot.

Whenever the Covid-19 shot is available, they should combine it with the common flu one. One shot for both.
Imagine having to get 2 separate shots each year.

First case confirmed in Mexico. Took a while.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Jumpin said:

I'm safe here.

Or Greenland

(Pandemic an Plague Inc players will hopefully understand us)

Sickening what china did by downplaying, hiding and suppressing info early on, and withholding/not sharing info basically ensuring it would spread everywhere. Maybe china believed it was better for them if everyone suffered, you know, don't want to be the only country that takes a major L, gotta make sure everyone else does too! Especially disgusted with how the ccp pressured other countries to keep their borders open. And quite disappointed how most countries didn't initially take this seriously and respond with immediate decisive action. Seems like no one was really worried, prepared or on the ball.

Kinda sad when it seems like north korea had the best response to it, lol.

Let me know if I'm wrong but, this thing is somewhere around 10-30x deadlier than the flu, has a much higher severe disease rate, just as if not more contagious, and infected people are contagious for 2x the duration or longer compared to the seasonal flu.