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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

SpokenTruth said:


Finally, nothing you linked to answered my original question, "What leaked pictures of crematories working day and night?" 

Because I couldn't find the tweet about the pictures, it's about wuhan urns from the site But I haven't read the article, same for those previous tweets I tweeted.

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NightlyPoe said:
Pemalite said:

I don't adhere to the American media, narrative of political mud-slinging.

But if Obama did what Trump did and downplayed the Virus, even calling it CNN/Democrat Hoax, I would be criticizing Obama just as heavily for being a moron, if anything, Trump has gotten away with this lightly due to apologetic's who cannot see him doing any wrong.

Seriously?  How many times does the hoax hoax have to be debunked.  The hoax he was talking about is literally in regards to how the media would portray him like we're talking about here!

Did the democrats twist Trumps words? Sure.

But if we refer to snopes a fact checking website... Trump called it the new "Democrat hoax". - He downplayed the virus, he compared it to the Flu.

NightlyPoe said:
Jesus christ.

Regardless of your political convictions, there is going to be press that is supportive and press that is critical of any political head of state...If Obama was in power, then Fox News would be whinging and complaining about how shit of a job he is doing.
If Trump is in power, then CNN would be whinging and complaining about how shit of a job he is doing.

All presidents get treated the damn same... But for some reason Trump supporters act all offended and somehow think that it shouldn't apply to the current president? Common. Lets be realistic here, what is good for one is good for the other.

Umm... No.  Don't even pretend it's equal.  The existence of Fox News does not make up for the water carrying of CNN, MSNBC, all the networks, almost all the major papers, late night, etc.  Frankly, Fox News isn't nearly as bad as most of them.  Their prime time commentators can be over the top (Hannity), but the their overall news was pretty solid back when I was watching it.

Democrats have an infinitely easier time controlling the story and dealing with a press that is sympathetic.

It is equal.

The Murdoch empire who owns Fox news is absolutely catastrophically massive and feeds into all forms of media... And influences the likes of The Wallstreet Journal and The Sun. It is mainstream media, they do fake news as well.

If you don't think there is media narrative that supports Trumps bullshit in a massive chunk of the media, I am not sure what to tell you.

Eitherway... The media bias issue is simply overblown... Essentially it's people chucking a fit because not everything conforms to their political ideology.

NightlyPoe said:
And there are plenty of western models that shows the United States response was an absolute joke.

As I said, the United States is no outlier.  It sounds like you want to pick and choose a few countries that have done better and pretend those countries are the normal.

I will pick and choose my own country that has done far better than the USA. - That universal healthcare system paid off in spades.

NightlyPoe said:

The difference between the united states and other countries is that other countries are not the worlds leading super-power, the United States is supposed to be leading the world with the best of everything isn't it? Clearly. That is not the case.

What is this taunting?  It's an illness, not a pissing contest.

Obviously it is.

If the most powerful country on Earth can't get healthcare right...

NightlyPoe said:
Trump deserves every ounce of criticism he gets.

The issues in the United States, the issues surrounding the Corona-virus in the United States? ALL of those issues start from the very top. Trump. - He is the leader of the -entire- country. He sets the policy, he elects people into positions of influence at every level of governance and so much more.

Trump deserves criticism where criticism is due and his response to this pandemic has been absolutely disgusting... And anyone defending it should be ashamed of themselves as peoples lives are literally being lost.

What?  You think Trump actually did infect people?  What the heck started at the top that caused the disease to get into the country and begin spreading?  Or is it back to "Trump said" nonsense as if half quotes on the internet actually agitated the virus into infecting more people.

Did Trump directly infect people? No. Those aren't my words.

But Trumps laggard response to the virus issue has directly caused the deaths of thousands, we knew about the Virus in December, it started to spread across the planet at a rapid pace in January... Trump only got off his ass and did something in late March... He was to busy whinging about how bad the Democrats are and how perfect he is.

Other Countries also fucked up, the USA isn't alone, but lets give credit where credit is due... Trump fucked up.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Some very interesting stuff is happening here in Sweden, our virus dude says Stockholm, main capital city of Sweden will achieve herd immunity in may (that is in 1 month) and that rest of sweden will also achieve this immunity before a vaccine is out, I copy some stuff using google translator.

"Sweden is starting to see some effects of herd immunity in parts of the country, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. In the Norwegian NRK , he says on Thursday evening that Stockholm can achieve herd immunity in May."

"Anders Tegnell says that about 50 percent of the population needs to be immune to reach a status quo, where there are no waves of ups and downs in the number of infected.

- I think we will reach that level of people getting sick before we get a vaccine, he says. In parts of the country, Sweden has begun to see some effects of herd immunity."

"When Anders Tegnell visited Norwegian NRK on Thursday evening, he said that he believes that flock immunity can be achieved in Stockholm in May, according to the Swedish Public Health Authority's mathematical models."


Swedish version:

Here's norway saying positive things about us:

Norwegian version with a short interview with our virus dude:

So far it's looking good, we barely did any testing, only locked down nurshing home (home for old people), universities and high schools, barely anyone is using masks and we did no survellience/tracing. I think countries like germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland will mimic us very soon :)

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

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Trumpstyle said:

Some very interesting stuff is happening here in Sweden, our virus dude says Stockholm, main capital city of Sweden will achieve herd immunity in may (that is in 1 month) and that rest of sweden will also achieve this immunity before a vaccine is out, I copy some stuff using google translator.

"Sweden is starting to see some effects of herd immunity in parts of the country, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. In the Norwegian NRK , he says on Thursday evening that Stockholm can achieve herd immunity in May."

"Anders Tegnell says that about 50 percent of the population needs to be immune to reach a status quo, where there are no waves of ups and downs in the number of infected.

- I think we will reach that level of people getting sick before we get a vaccine, he says. In parts of the country, Sweden has begun to see some effects of herd immunity."

"When Anders Tegnell visited Norwegian NRK on Thursday evening, he said that he believes that flock immunity can be achieved in Stockholm in May, according to the Swedish Public Health Authority's mathematical models."


Swedish version:

Here's norway saying positive things about us:

Norwegian version with a short interview with our virus dude:

So far it's looking good, we barely did any testing, only locked down nurshing home (home for old people), universities and high schools, barely anyone is using masks and we did no survellience/tracing. I think countries like germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland will mimic us very soon :)

10,3m population


13,000 confirmed cases


next month, 60-70%+ heard immunity

= braindead

I doubt more than 1%-2% of sweden is actually infected by now.
In order to reach 60-70% to get herd immunity, you will see "deaths" jump by 35-60 times its current values.

If you guys keep going down this path, before you reach herd immunity, sweden will likely have 100,000 deaths.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 18 April 2020

Ka-pi96 said:
Trumpstyle said:

So far it's looking good, we barely did any testing, only locked down nurshing home (home for old people), universities and high schools, barely anyone is using masks and we did no survellience/tracing. I think countries like germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland will mimic us very soon :)

Sounds like Japan. We had a pretty complacent attitude to it too. Shut down schools and cancelled sports events but that was about it. Little to no testing and no tracing.

A few months later and... now it's starting to get bad. Plus there are reports coming out about local governments covering up cases of people with the virus as well. People being found to have had died from Covid19 during an autopsy and the governors literally being like "well let's just not tell anybody that part".

So all I can say is good luck, and I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass in a couple months time like it did here...

Japan testing is like 700 pr 1million.

The rest of the issue, is delt with by "fixing" the numbers, by lieing about it.
Coronavirus didnt kill this man... it was obviously something else.

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Sweden has a little bit younger population than Germany and even with less tests and tracing it has around a 3x higher death rate (so maybe the real number is worse)

If they will reach herd immunity soon, it may have been still a good decision. If not then I still prefer the model of closing non essential stores and slowly re-opening them

JRPGfan said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Sounds like Japan. We had a pretty complacent attitude to it too. Shut down schools and cancelled sports events but that was about it. Little to no testing and no tracing.

A few months later and... now it's starting to get bad. Plus there are reports coming out about local governments covering up cases of people with the virus as well. People being found to have had died from Covid19 during an autopsy and the governors literally being like "well let's just not tell anybody that part".

So all I can say is good luck, and I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass in a couple months time like it did here...

Japan testing is like 700 pr 1million.

The rest of the issue, is delt with by "fixing" the numbers, by lieing about it.
Coronavirus didnt kill this man... it was obviously something else.

To be fair, only 10% of tests are positive so that's a pretty good ratio and suggests that the country is far from contaminated.

Not trying to excuse it though. They could've tested way more.

Ka-pi96 said:
Trumpstyle said:

So far it's looking good, we barely did any testing, only locked down nurshing home (home for old people), universities and high schools, barely anyone is using masks and we did no survellience/tracing. I think countries like germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland will mimic us very soon :)

Sounds like Japan. We had a pretty complacent attitude to it too. Shut down schools and cancelled sports events but that was about it. Little to no testing and no tracing.

A few months later and... now it's starting to get bad. Plus there are reports coming out about local governments covering up cases of people with the virus as well. People being found to have had died from Covid19 during an autopsy and the governors literally being like "well let's just not tell anybody that part".

So all I can say is good luck, and I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass in a couple months time like it did here...

I'm not familiar with Japan situation, but here in sweden our strategy looks to be to just slow the spread of the virus and not to stop the spread virus as other countries are trying to do. It would be interesting if Japan did the same.

As we already let the virus spread the hard part for us will be this month which is almost over and next month, then it should be easy.

JRPGfan said:

10,3m population


13,000 confirmed cases


next month, 60-70%+ heard immunity

= braindead

I doubt more than 1%-2% of sweden is actually infected by now.
In order to reach 60-70% to get herd immunity, you will see "deaths" jump by 35-60 times its current values.

If you guys keep going down this path, before you reach herd immunity, sweden will likely have 100,000 deaths.

Thank u for reading my post.

He was talking about Stockholm not sweden as the whole country. Stockholm will achieve herd immunity in May and rest of sweden at a later date (before a vaccine is out). As for how many are effected I don't know, we did a random sample test with around 700 people in stockholm a while back and we determined 5-10% was infected in Stockholm.

We don't do much testing so we ofc won't have many confirmed cases, but note he said 50% is enough to achieve herd immunity, u can see that in my post. 

Last edited by Trumpstyle - on 18 April 2020

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

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If Sweden is reaching herd immunity in May with their current numbers, Italy should have reached it 10 times by now...

SvennoJ said:
If Sweden is reaching herd immunity in May with their current numbers, Italy should have reached it 10 times by now...

Dude I said Stockholm, I now have triple checked my post, it clearly says Stockholm will achieve herd immunity in May, Rest of sweden at a later date.

Hiku said:
Trumpstyle said:

So far it's looking good, we barely did any testing, only locked down nurshing home (home for old people), universities and high schools, barely anyone is using masks and we did no survellience/tracing. I think countries like germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland will mimic us very soon :)

Its idiotic.
Nobody knows how long any such immunity lasts (there have been many reports of people who recovered from Covid-19 getting infected again), or enough about how the virus behaves during summer. Especially considering travel from southern hemisphere countries.

Anyone talking about herd immunity should volunteer to work at grocery stores, pharmacies, etc during this time.

I have listen to our virus dude like 7+ times, he just seems far ahead than anybody else. Only one that can rival him is our previous virus dude which criticized him for closing high schools and universities.

It says you are swede, your post looks odd.

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode

Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.

1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!