Ka-pi96 said:
Sounds like Japan. We had a pretty complacent attitude to it too. Shut down schools and cancelled sports events but that was about it. Little to no testing and no tracing. A few months later and... now it's starting to get bad. Plus there are reports coming out about local governments covering up cases of people with the virus as well. People being found to have had died from Covid19 during an autopsy and the governors literally being like "well let's just not tell anybody that part". So all I can say is good luck, and I hope it doesn't bite you in the ass in a couple months time like it did here... |
I'm not familiar with Japan situation, but here in sweden our strategy looks to be to just slow the spread of the virus and not to stop the spread virus as other countries are trying to do. It would be interesting if Japan did the same.
As we already let the virus spread the hard part for us will be this month which is almost over and next month, then it should be easy.
JRPGfan said: 10,3m population + 13,000 confirmed cases + next month, 60-70%+ heard immunity = braindead *Edit: |
Thank u for reading my post.
He was talking about Stockholm not sweden as the whole country. Stockholm will achieve herd immunity in May and rest of sweden at a later date (before a vaccine is out). As for how many are effected I don't know, we did a random sample test with around 700 people in stockholm a while back and we determined 5-10% was infected in Stockholm.
We don't do much testing so we ofc won't have many confirmed cases, but note he said 50% is enough to achieve herd immunity, u can see that in my post.
Last edited by Trumpstyle - on 18 April 20206x master league achiever in starcraft2
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