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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

ironmanDX said:
Ashadelo said:

Actually the up to 24 day incubation period is from a news article on 微信 WeChat put out by the government over here. Not sure how thats clickbait.

From the Chinese government?

Hmm.. Not like them to mislead with information about the coronavirus...

They are literally a dictatorship, a police state. Misleading about a virus is like the smallest among all their state crimes.

ironmanDX said:
Chicho said:

Cases have passed the 69K milestone.

69287 confirmed cases 1670 deaths and 9871 recovered.

Still in that 2.2ish% lethality range.

I'd take it on at those odds.

I wouldn't take it on purpose, what a curious idea you have there but should I catch that virus, with a 98% chance of coming through ok, I wouldn't worry too much.

Around the Network

Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuhan Wuchang hospital, died at 10.30am this morning after resuscitation efforts failed.

Thanks to China's efforts, the coronavirus will soon be brought under control

CrazyGamer2017 said:
ironmanDX said:

Still in that 2.2ish% lethality range.

I'd take it on at those odds.

I wouldn't take it on purpose, what a curious idea you have there but should I catch that virus, with a 98% chance of coming through ok, I wouldn't worry too much.

going by the newest WHO statistics ~81% of cases are mild, ~14% severe and ~5% critical

but the virus is much more of a danger to older ppl, as lethality rates by age are:

9 and under: 0%

up to 39: 0.2%

40s: 0.4%

50s: 1.3%

60s: 3.6%

70s: 8%

80s and over: 14.8%

so if you are under 60 the chance for recovery is even higher

BestTrailer said:
Thanks to China's efforts, the coronavirus will soon be brought under control

Yes lets all hear it for brave pooh bear, he single handedly dealt with the issue

Around the Network

Deaths have surpassed 2k

75218 confirmed cases 2014 deaths and 15083 recovered.

Is everyone dead yet?  You guys know the regular flu has killed 5 times more people in just USA alone.  The young and old will always die.

sethnintendo said:

Is everyone dead yet?  You guys know the regular flu has killed 5 times more people in just USA alone.  The young and old will always die.

Interestingly, the young are pretty resistant to Covid 2019, more so than middle-aged, in fact. The older you are, the more susceptible you are to this coronavirus.

sethnintendo said:

Is everyone dead yet?  You guys know the regular flu has killed 5 times more people in just USA alone.  The young and old will always die.

Extremely naive viewpoint.

The flu is everywhere. The coronavirus is basically contained in a major city thanks to a totalitarian regime. You better pray a vaccine will show up one day before the coronavirus gets as widespread a the flu.

Virus is spreading fast in South Korea:

"On Friday, the country reported 52 new confirmed cases after 53 on Thursday. South Korea now has a total of 156 cases making it the largest cluster outside mainland China and the cruise ship docked off Japan."