VAMatt said: MS puts games on non-MS platforms. MS and Bethesda have already said that the platforms a game launches on will be decided on a case by case basis. So, before we come down on MS.for screwing gamers out of some of the biggest franchises around, shouldn't we wait to see if that actually do it? It seems like a near.certainty that mainline Fallout and Elder Scrolls games will be multi-plat, at least for the foreseeable future. Will MS end up with an exclusive game from Bethesda at some point? Probably so. W Fallout 5 not appear on Playstation? I see little chance. |
Outer Worlds, Wasteland 3, and Psychonauts 2 all had a agreement in place that MS honoured. Ori going to Switch is a side deal, not the same as going to PlayStation, as Nintendo isn’t direct competition.
You want “case by case”? Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online getting next gen treatments. Honouring the Deathloop and Ghostwire deals. Imo PS users are lucky to get even that.
Otherwise I don’t see MS “screwing gamers out”. Unlike Sony which has the walled garden where you have to drop $400-$500 to play their games, Xbox puts their games on Series S/X, Windows Store, Steam, and Android pohones/tablets with Xcloud. Game Pass gets these games day 1 for significantly less then $70 upfront.
Pretty sure that the only people you are referring to are PS only gamers. PC gamers gave their blessing as they will still have access. My impression from the comment is that PS-only gamers disdain for Xbox is the only thing stopping them from playing games they want to play.
Fact is they want to grow Game Pass and you can’t do that if Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5, or Starfield come to PS. You can’t play the “screw gamers” card because fact is Xbox exclusives are much more accessible then PS exclusives.
Last edited by sales2099 - on 28 September 2020
Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.